Prophecy as a Core Game Mechanic

Awesome news, I've skipped all leagues for two years and played prophecy from scratch SSF and I'm glad I did and that people liked it in general.

Those crazy sealing prices for prophecy's though.... that's the only part I didn't like =P .

[li]We need to assess the power of the rewards. For example, for Reach of the Council we knew went out with risky balance values. We pushed it a little as we wanted it to be used, but knew if it went out too high it would only be temporary. [/li]


have fun
learning is a painful process ... knowledge is the most deadly weapon.
What a bunch of bullshit. Oh we got to nerf reach because its so OP. But all the other obscene legacy shit we ain't touching. Great move GGG, can I have my money from supporter pack back please, just think of it as rebalancing.
I really hope they change the prophecies that drop a specific unique item and make it a random one or at least a selection. Or Drillneck and the like won't be worth anything for ever.... and it's not exciting getting the same item over and over.
All fine and good - thanks for the manifesto.
I am missing the part with the Voidheart nerf though... i really hope this is due to the upcomming double dipping changes made to poison, bleed and burning damage, otherwise it would be pretty hilarious and sad.

I agree that melee needs some tools to compete but i don't agree forging such a tool on a single one overpowerd item and ~2 competetive melee skills - i hope this get's some attention in that regard.

What a lot of people seem to have failed to understand is that while Prophecy may be becoming part of the core game it doesn't mean every single prophecy will be included, there may be no prophecy to make a voidheart etc when it becomes part of the core game. There may be totally different prophecies and fated items.

Seems like now might be a time to gamble on what is and isn't included in prophecy and stock up on coins/prophecies/fated uniques.
Meh. Was specifically farming for the Reach bow in this league so I can use it in standard later. What's the point in playing leagues if not finding their special uniques, for further use? It's called INCENTIVE. You need to learn, that players need this to stay in the game, not to play it at all but keep playing later on.
This goes in Diablo 3 direction, quick leagues for 1-2 weeks to finish MTX stuff then leave and return 3 months later. As there is nothing that is worth spending more time for to carry it over to Std league to make the goons better.
Out for No Man's Sky now, have fun nerfing.
Woooo it's happening! I think Proph is my 2nd favorite league mechanic behind Ambush, glad to see it sticking around. And go easy on Reach, please ;)

Yeah it is indeed a rare and exciting occasion, I have been playing in the league from the start and so far naturally I got access to:

1 From the Void
2 Jewelers' Touch
about 7~8 sets of council maps

I have not gotten fated connections or trash to treasure. There are of course a lot of other useful non-top tier prophecies that I enjoyed and I made profit from ones that are needed for the league. However, once the league ends those will have next to no value.

I have spent thousands of sliver in the league to get such minor returns and they are using some pretty serious language for the kind of scarcity they are intending to create. I am just advocating for moderate means, not as extreme as I am sure they are aiming to impose now.
Those two prophecies you didn't get aren't just rare. They're super rare. Were you expecting to get them in few thousand coins? That'd extremely optimistic to put it lightly. I mean, how many skyforth drops or non-trash 6l drops do people have on an average in a temp league?
sidtherat wrote:
RunPuppet wrote:
In regards of the Reach nerf- who has enough exalts to buy a well crafted Harbinger? Rich ppl in Standard. I paid 40ex for a 6l Reach there, equivalent Harb would be +/- 100-150ex.

I have dreamt of playing with a really kick ass bow since I started playing this game but they were always unattainable for me. There are already many bows existing that are as strong or stronger than Reach- I just can't afford them.

If my bow gets nerfed and I am back to staring at Harbs that I can't afford, I'm seriously throwing my toys out of the pram & re-evaluating my gaming choices. I feel like whatever I want to play has a risk of getting nerfed every 3 months, getting thoroughly tired of it.

if you need the obscenely broken items to enjoy the game.. then there are more serious issues

you stupid, he talk about worthless farm, stop reading between the lines

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