<Malicious Empire> RECRUITING ALL PLAYERS - SC Temp League Guild

IGN: FrookTS
Age: 24
Game experience: Played since 3.1
Reason for wanting to join: Help New players/ looking for people to chat with/help with leveling gems (:
Any additional information/comments: SC Trade only, usually push league hard on first week and try 2-3 extra builds for fun
Age: 22
Game experience: 5k hours, every content cleared on both hc and sc (i am a sc player now tho)
Reason for wanting to join: Because of 3.16 guild changes and this guild sounds cool.
Any additional information/comments: I am a godgamer :)
IGN: I dont have one yet since league hasnt started

Age: 31 years old, portuguese, married guy

Game experience: I am a gamer since I was 8 years old, have played everything under the sun, steam says I have 1k hours on poe, but its been some years so I am basically a noob.

Reason for wanting to join: The older you get the less friends you have that can dedicate the time to game with you, I am tired of playing solo, I basically like to talk to people while playing

Any additional information/comments: I am a historian so I may be able to entretain you with random fun facts from the old assyrian empire XD
I can speak english portuguese and spanish.


Game experience: since 3.2

Reason for wanting to join:i like to have someone to chat with while playing, and ur guild so cool

Any additional information/comments:SC Trade only
Game experience: Played since maybe syndicate league?
Reason for wanting to join: Lonely and just wanna socialize
Any additional information/comments: Beeg

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