Mechanical Questions Thread

Rovvvv wrote:
Would a setup using Cast when damage taken (CWDT), low level spell and cast on critical strike linked with one or 2 curses (assuming I have 100% spell crit chance) work ?

CWDT + Ice Spear + Faster Projectiles Support + Cast on Critical Strike + Projectile Weakness + Assassin's Mark

I would prefer to use Cast on critical strike rather than curse on hit because if i understand correctly, cast on critical strike will apply the curse including the AoE rather than just curse on a single ennemy
Cast on Critical Strike only supports attacks as the triggering skill, and Cast when Damage Taken only triggers spells, so this setup won't work. Assuming you don't want to just use CWDT + curses, I would suggest CWDT + spell + Curse on Hit + curses, where "spell" is something good at hitting multiple monsters, such as Bladefall, Shock Nova, or Arc.
BarakasDemoneye wrote:
mjölner doesnt trigger socket lightning spell when you shield charge and to clearify mjölner doesnt say you hav to hit with your weapon its only Saying Trigger a Socketed Lightning spell on hit i thint there is something wrong here
The wording of the wiki page implies that Mjölner only triggers its spells when you hit with it (and if you dual-wield them, only with the one you hit with). The wording should probably be "Trigger a Socketed Lightning Spell on Hit with this Weapon", to match the current wording of The Poet's Pen.
Last edited by ekaye#4336 on Oct 2, 2019, 8:27:24 PM
THanks for your answer,

another question is for critical strike, according to the wiki :

Critical strikes are rolled on a per-action basis, not per-target. So each time a creature uses a skill, the critical strike roll is made once and only once. If someone rolls a critical strike, critical damage will be dealt to all targets hit by that skill.

But then how does it deal with effect such as Assassin's mark curse that increase chance to critical strike against specific ennemies ? If the chance is rolled on the action and when you launch the skill, it should not know whether the enemy has curse that increases the critical strike chance ? And a single spell who hits target that are cursed and other that are not should sometimes critical hit against some targets and not others ?

Thanks !
Each skill use makes one "roll" for critical strike chance, but that roll can have different results depending on the target. So it's possible for the skill to crit monsters cursed by Assassin's Mark but not other monsters. The same goes for Poacher's Mark and its reduced evasion.
Ok thanks for your answer, then how does a skill such as unstable infusion work ?


Unstable Infusion
20% chance to gain a Power Charge on Non-Critical Strike
10% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike

When you use the skill, it's neither a Critical or Non-Critical strike before it hits an enemy right ? So does it roll against each enemy you hit (and you can possibly gain more than 1 power charge per cast) ?

Same question goes for "Power Charge on Critcal Hit support" for example
Last edited by Rovvvv#4363 on Oct 3, 2019, 10:25:52 AM
Rovvvv wrote:
Ok thanks for your answer, then how does a skill such as unstable infusion work ?


Unstable Infusion
20% chance to gain a Power Charge on Non-Critical Strike
10% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike

When you use the skill, it's neither a Critical or Non-Critical strike before it hits an enemy right ? So does it roll against each enemy you hit (and you can possibly gain more than 1 power charge per cast) ?

Same question goes for "Power Charge on Critcal Hit support" for example
Each skill use can only grant a single charge, but if the skill hits multiple targets with a single use, the chance is rolled for each of them. So for example if you cast Arc and hit five targets with a non-crit, the game would roll a 20% chance on each until one succeeded and you got a charge (and the game would stop checking), or all five failed. If the use crits on some hits but not others, the chances are different for each hit, but the limit of one charge per use still applies. Note that multiple chances for the same thing are additive, so if you had both Unstable Infusion and Power Charge on Crit, you'd have a total of 64% chance to gain a power charge on critical strike; you would not have two separate chances and would not be able to gain two charges on crit.
Hi, I have a question about animated guardian with a couple specific items

Items i am interested in:
The baron - specifically the "half your strength is added to you minions" part
Mask of the Tribunal - Nearby Allies have (4-6)% increased Defenses per 100 Strength you have

if i wore the baron & had 1200 strength it would give my minions 600 strength, next if i made an animated guardian using Mask of the Tribunal would it then give 24-36% increased defenses to me and my other minions?

I am just not sure if strength scales the same way on an animated guardian as it does on a player or if threshold things like this can work from a guardian

pyroclast mine can be supported by chain support but how does it work
arcondark wrote:
Hi, I have a question about animated guardian with a couple specific items

Items i am interested in:
The baron - specifically the "half your strength is added to you minions" part
Mask of the Tribunal - Nearby Allies have (4-6)% increased Defenses per 100 Strength you have

if i wore the baron & had 1200 strength it would give my minions 600 strength, next if i made an animated guardian using Mask of the Tribunal would it then give 24-36% increased defenses to me and my other minions?

I am just not sure if strength scales the same way on an animated guardian as it does on a player or if threshold things like this can work from a guardian

I see no reason why this shouldn't work. Minions have zero attributes by default, but if you give them non-zero attributes, then anything that scales with their attributes should do so provided it's not linked to using a skill. But Mask of the Tribunal's effects aren't from a skill, so they should apply properly. I haven't tested this myself, but nothing in the game's rules should prevent it.

I really like the idea of using an Animated Guardian as a defense booster, rather than just throwing on Leer Cast and Dying Breath like 95% of AGs out there, or risking an expensive item like Kingmaker. Consider equipping it with Meginord's Vise and Alberon's Warpath for 800+ Strength, and maybe an Elder body armor with + Strength and % Increased Strength.
BarakasDemoneye wrote:
pyroclast mine can be supported by chain support but how does it work
Chain Support can support any Projectile skill, but only projectiles that directly impact an enemy can chain, unless they're something with special rules like Magma Orb. Pyroclast Mine's projectiles target the ground, but they don't have Magma Orb's special behavior, so they can't chain. Chain Support will do nothing for the skill except reduce its damage.
pyroclast mine can be supported by chain support but how does it work
I have vaal mask with property : "Socketed gems are supported by level 18 Concentrated effect" and my linked gems are "Purity of fire, "Anger", "Blood and send", "Enlighten", and for some reason mana reservation for "Purity of fire" is remaining 45% and it affect only "Purity of fire", "Anger" and "Blood and send" mana reservation calculating properly.

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