Development Manifesto: 2.3.0 Balance

Great changes, im actually happy with all balance in OP.

Immo_scion - Lv 100 solo - Playing in partys is too easy - solo for life :)
Snapfire wrote:
I was 2nd. What the? My post was deleted.


RIP Infernal Mantle. I mean, keep nerfing Flame Totem builds. Nice GGG! :(

Good thing I was branching out recently.

Also, on that note Consuming Dark just had a nerf not that long ago. Hmm....

Ya, I wasn't using Consuming Dark for a fire totem build, but I think the Devs totally forgot that they ALREADY reduced Consuming Dark down to 60% of what is was (75% down to 50%)...and now they are reducing it AGAIN?....mainly so they can reduce Voltaxic Rift but cover it up as a global change to all chaos conversion items.
Demonbane13 wrote:
"We only have one minor change in the main passive tree, Arcane Vision is now connected to the same attribute node as Pain Attunement."


that's the one i'm most excited about. 2 free passive points woo!
+1 golem to elementalist? not sure if that is a wise move the damage gained already is quite large.
Additionally, fourth tier "chase" unique items (like Shavronne's Wrappings) have been made rarer than they were in 2.2.0.

Seriously??? these items are so rare i usually find 1 every 3 leagues.. Don't understand this change, i usually can never afford these items as its is, making them rarer is just make it harder for people to complete builds.
"Don't Tread on Me"
Pretty much no one will use Infernal Mantle and it was a good unique...

Nerfing Voltaxic and Consumings ... well some players might agree plus they have pretty big chaos conversion % , but Infernal Mantle have only 25% by making it like 10-12% you gonna make no one uses that unique anymore together with so many uniques no one uses nowdays , after such nerfs
Qarl wrote:
The cast time for Ice Nova and Vaal Ice Nova has been changed from 900ms to 800ms.

The exact Ice Nova buff I've wanted for about 3 years.
"Arctic Armour was a mistake." - Chris Wilson
F++k me! Have you seen non ascedant berserker?
Goodbye, Voltaxic. You were a good friend. I will never forget you.
Rather than listing every change here, we have made an updated set of skill tree data available to the community for use in passive skill/build planning tools.

How exactly can i see these changes?

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