GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

xsnowingx wrote:
bipsylalapo wrote:

Hi, I'm kinda stuck right now. I'm aiming to get a good stygian belt with +%chaos damage and +%cold resistance to maximize my perfect form's evasion bonus, which should cost upwards of 100chaos.

But right now, with flasks up, POB says I have approximately 550k DOT with essence drain only, which I feel like isn't that much as I don't even one-shot monolith legions. As for guardians, phoenix wasn't too much trouble as I could safely evade most of his attacks but minotaur just completely crushed me, sometimes by one-shotting me with his burrow attack...
I have 5.3k hp, 920 ES and 11k evasion unbuffed, with Arctic Armour, Flesh and Stone and Malevolence.

I also have 7 skill points to assign but I don't really know where to use them. Speaking of which, should I also unpick Acrobatics and the 3 Acrobatics improvement now that I have perfect form?

By the way, what's the skill combo to use? Bane/Despair + Essence drain and then spam blight? Or straight up spam Bane/Despair and spam Essence drain?
Because with Flesh and Stone + Malevolence, I only have 240 mana to play with so I run out of mana extremely quickly if I spam ED...

I have approximately 7ex to play with for gear improvements.

I'd gladly appreciate any feedback :)

Some of your rare gear really isn't good. That belt must be worth 5c or less, same with the gloves but to a lesser degree. No reason to sit on 7ex, you should be upgrading these. I would also recommend buying a helmet with the 40% Essence Drain damage enchant, and scour it and then throw aberrant fossils on it until you hit -9 chaos res and good life/es. The fossils are around 1c or less, and it shouldn't take more than a few dozen tries to get something pretty good. You should do this yourself, and not buy a pre-crafted one, unless you see one you love for under 2ex.

Side note, is there a reason your flesh and stone is not connected to enlighten? I would not even bother with enlighten and fix your mana issues with the rings and some mana regen on the tree (see my gear for an example)

Thanks for the help! :)

I'll try to craft that helmet, I've still never touched the crafting aspect of the game yet so I'm very wary of it :P

I simply had trouble getting the correct sockets on my gloves. But seeing as I need them replaced, I'll move them to replace Enlighten. Should I get ES based gloves instead of EVA? I have T1 life on them.
Last edited by bipsylalapo on Jul 5, 2019, 4:21:27 AM
chaoval wrote:
SkexisX wrote:
Once I get rid of Phase Acrobatics due to the perfect form, do I keep the regular Acrobatics node, or is it not necessary? Thanks!

You could keep it if you'd like to have some extra dodge, but the point of the perfect form is to save points from not getting acro/phase acro on the tree and to have more ES. If you have a decent amount of evasion (and maybe flesh and stone aura), then just spend all those points elsewhere (on life, jewel sockets, etc.). You can also try to cap block chance with a Lethal Pride Jewel (Kiloava) that doubles block chance: this will require at the very least to have some spell block on shield and using rumi's flask.

xsnowingx wrote:

No, it's not worth the nodes you waste pathing to it

Thank you both! I thought this was the case, but wanted to be sure. This thread has amazing information for those of us still learning!
bipsylalapo wrote:

Thanks for the help! :)

I'll try to craft that helmet, I've still never touched the crafting aspect of the game yet so I'm very wary of it :P

I simply had trouble getting the correct sockets on my gloves. But seeing as I need them replaced, I'll move them to replace Enlighten. Should I get ES based gloves instead of EVA? I have T1 life on them.

If you are having trouble getting socket colours to work, you can add me/msg me in-game and I will craft on the appropriate colours for you. It's shouldn't cost much more than 25c to accomplish even the hardest 4 off-colors on a piece of gear, if you're using a few crafting bench tricks.

And if you're spending big money on end-game gear, you DO NOT want to be restricted by searching for the appropriate socket colours, it is too restrictive on the search results.

As for stuff to look for on gloves, I would browse what the top posters on here are wearing. At a glance, I see chaos dot multi on elder gloves as an option. There is also the obvious upgrade of simply higher resist rolls and a higher dex roll, and potentially an open suffix to craft on situational resists for balancing purposes.
~ ~ everything was beautiful and nothing hurt ~
Last edited by xsnowingx on Jul 5, 2019, 8:39:39 AM

Chaos dot on gloves and amulet gives around 50k dmg or ~25k damage per item. Ring gives another 50k damage.

Brutal Restraint jewel gives random modifiers meaning there is only small chance that you might get Onslaught on Kill on node that you use. Got few of them and best I got was 'Master Sapper' Trap node with Onslaught mod. IMO its not worth bothering unless you have nothing better to look for in gear upgrades.
Last edited by Sidad on Jul 5, 2019, 9:25:15 AM
Hi, awesome build and really helpfull guide. Just one question, how would you arrenge the gems so you can use the Devouring Diadem? Thanks in advance for the answear and have a great day.
YumKimil wrote:
Hi, awesome build and really helpfull guide. Just one question, how would you arrenge the gems so you can use the Devouring Diadem? Thanks in advance for the answear and have a great day.

Set Aura gems in helm for Reduced Mana Reservation cost and +1 to Socketed Gems.
Sidad wrote:

Chaos dot on gloves and amulet gives around 50k dmg or ~25k damage per item. Ring gives another 50k damage.

Brutal Restraint jewel gives random modifiers meaning there is only small chance that you might get Onslaught on Kill on node that you use. Got few of them and best I got was 'Master Sapper' Trap node with Onslaught mod. IMO its not worth bothering unless you have nothing better to look for in gear upgrades.

It is so much worth it in the case showed on the picture, as it both gives the defensive keysotne AND gives onslaught on kill for 8 seconds on a notable that virtually every life-based ed trickster has.
I'm running an 8% chance onslaught for 4 secs on kill abyssal jewel and it's super inconsistent in comparison to guaranteed 8 seconds on kill.
Last edited by chaoval on Jul 5, 2019, 11:41:14 AM
Sidad wrote:

Chaos dot on gloves and amulet gives around 50k dmg or ~25k damage per item. Ring gives another 50k damage.

Brutal Restraint jewel gives random modifiers meaning there is only small chance that you might get Onslaught on Kill on node that you use. Got few of them and best I got was 'Master Sapper' Trap node with Onslaught mod. IMO its not worth bothering unless you have nothing better to look for in gear upgrades.

If you get a bad one, buy another one, try and slot it to see whether you get onslaught node. If you dont, sell it at the price you bought it.
Current chest

Just corrupted this today, 4.8ex jumped to 45ex, any wand users wanna buy?
chaoval wrote:

It is so much worth it in the case showed on the picture, as it both gives the defensive keysotne AND gives onslaught on kill for 8 seconds on a notable that virtually every life-based ed trickster has.
I'm running an 8% chance onslaught for 4 secs on kill abyssal jewel and it's super inconsistent in comparison to guaranteed 8 seconds on kill.

I'm just saying that wasting time looking for right jewel is not worth it especially if you need more important upgrades. With huge AOE nuke cheap jewel with Onslaught mode works just fine.
Hey guys! i want to test this build out, can someone link me any good pob with good gear? And also, whats the difference between shield and wand/ bow? thanks you my dudes.

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