GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

Hzbbaum wrote:
bipsylalapo wrote:

Hi, I'm kinda stuck right now. I'm aiming to get a good stygian belt with +%chaos damage and +%cold resistance to maximize my perfect form's evasion bonus, which should cost upwards of 100chaos.

But right now, with flasks up, POB says I have approximately 550k DOT with essence drain only, which I feel like isn't that much as I don't even one-shot monolith legions. As for guardians, phoenix wasn't too much trouble as I could safely evade most of his attacks but minotaur just completely crushed me, sometimes by one-shotting me with his burrow attack...
I have 5.3k hp, 920 ES and 11k evasion unbuffed, with Arctic Armour, Flesh and Stone and Malevolence.

I also have 7 skill points to assign but I don't really know where to use them. Speaking of which, should I also unpick Acrobatics and the 3 Acrobatics improvement now that I have perfect form?

By the way, what's the skill combo to use? Bane/Despair + Essence drain and then spam blight? Or straight up spam Bane/Despair and spam Essence drain?
Because with Flesh and Stone + Malevolence, I only have 240 mana to play with so I run out of mana extremely quickly if I spam ED...

I have approximately 7ex to play with for gear improvements.

I'd gladly appreciate any feedback :)

So I looked some more at your gear- you realize that your helm has conc effect in it making your bane AoE smaller? also, that helm has no life. Your boots have 16% Ms. that is really a pain, just get anti freeze on a flask. I think you need more life on your neck, not sure damage is what you are lacking. Also, consider upgrading the coral ring, belt and gloves to get more life/ ES.

Finally, this is not a build that can tank the mino slam. You have to move around. But you do not need to be standing and shooting him to kill him- the DoT does the work, so you only need to shoot now and then. It also supplies pretty nice regen if you are hitting enough enemies- but pay attention and not get hit.

TL;DR- upgrade gems (ED, empower), get life on everything, get MS, don't get hit, just kite every now and then.

Thanks for your feedback! :)

I didn't think about getting a good elder base like pierce, I will try to find one. I thought my quiver wasn't too shabby but I guess I'll find one to buy :)

I am currently trying to level the empower but it's taking eons. But slowly and surely, I will hit level 4.

I will try to get a helmet with life and resists on it (and maybe 30% ED damage? One can only hope :D )

And I also didn't think gloves and belt could have much more life than what I already have, but I guess there is room for improvement.

As I mainly use Bane/Despair as a "cherry on top" dps for bosses, I don't feel like the reduced AOE is a big drawback, but I do appreciate the added damage.
Boots are an issue indeed, I have some 30% MS and atziri's steps but the resists are pretty nice to have. I will switch them if I see boots that can cap my res, for sure.
I already have an anti-freeze function on my sulphur flask.

Thanks again for the help, I will try to follow your advice though the lack of funding will probably hamper the speed at which I apply them :P
bipsylalapo wrote:

Hi, I'm kinda stuck right now. I'm aiming to get a good stygian belt with +%chaos damage and +%cold resistance to maximize my perfect form's evasion bonus, which should cost upwards of 100chaos.

But right now, with flasks up, POB says I have approximately 550k DOT with essence drain only, which I feel like isn't that much as I don't even one-shot monolith legions. As for guardians, phoenix wasn't too much trouble as I could safely evade most of his attacks but minotaur just completely crushed me, sometimes by one-shotting me with his burrow attack...
I have 5.3k hp, 920 ES and 11k evasion unbuffed, with Arctic Armour, Flesh and Stone and Malevolence.

I also have 7 skill points to assign but I don't really know where to use them. Speaking of which, should I also unpick Acrobatics and the 3 Acrobatics improvement now that I have perfect form?

By the way, what's the skill combo to use? Bane/Despair + Essence drain and then spam blight? Or straight up spam Bane/Despair and spam Essence drain?
Because with Flesh and Stone + Malevolence, I only have 240 mana to play with so I run out of mana extremely quickly if I spam ED...

I have approximately 7ex to play with for gear improvements.

I'd gladly appreciate any feedback :)

Some of your rare gear really isn't good. That belt must be worth 5c or less, same with the gloves but to a lesser degree. No reason to sit on 7ex, you should be upgrading these. I would also recommend buying a helmet with the 40% Essence Drain damage enchant, and scour it and then throw aberrant fossils on it until you hit -9 chaos res and good life/es. The fossils are around 1c or less, and it shouldn't take more than a few dozen tries to get something pretty good. You should do this yourself, and not buy a pre-crafted one, unless you see one you love for under 2ex.

Side note, is there a reason your flesh and stone is not connected to enlighten? I would not even bother with enlighten and fix your mana issues with the rings and some mana regen on the tree (see my gear for an example)
~ ~ everything was beautiful and nothing hurt ~
Last edited by xsnowingx on Jul 3, 2019, 10:45:17 AM
I'm just wondering how you would adjust skill gems if you wanted to use impresence to use despair with blasphemy?
ChiefShonahh wrote:
I'm just wondering how you would adjust skill gems if you wanted to use impresence to use despair with blasphemy?

I rolled with that for a little while when I was wanding with ED/Contagion. I just had my Flame Dash in a different spot and used Discipline, Malevolence, and Despair + Blasphemy in this

I forget where I had Arctic Armor, maybe my boots? My wand actually had my Contagion setup as I had a shaped 5L multi-modded wand, and my CwDT setup was in my shield. ED in my chest, and Vaal Blight Totems in my gloves. So yeah, I think I had Flame Dash, Arctic Armor, Vaal RF with Portal or something in the boots. It wasn't the most optimal setup - but I didn't keep it for long.
Last edited by wrathchild619 on Jul 3, 2019, 2:03:47 PM

Farming t2 glacier with this but not always breaking all the rares, is there any easy boosts I could utilise? got lucky with drops and have about 3ex to spend.
Psyonix wrote:
ChiefShonahh wrote:
I'm just wondering how you would adjust skill gems if you wanted to use impresence to use despair with blasphemy?

I rolled with that for a little while when I was wanding with ED/Contagion. I just had my Flame Dash in a different spot and used Discipline, Malevolence, and Despair + Blasphemy in this

I forget where I had Arctic Armor, maybe my boots? My wand actually had my Contagion setup as I had a shaped 5L multi-modded wand, and my CwDT setup was in my shield. ED in my chest, and Vaal Blight Totems in my gloves. So yeah, I think I had Flame Dash, Arctic Armor, Vaal RF with Portal or something in the boots. It wasn't the most optimal setup - but I didn't keep it for long.

Hmmm it seems a tad redundant to put the blasphemy/despair in that helmet since impres gives 100% reduced mana use anyways rigt? Might be able to get an entirely extra skill or two in that slot with the 20% reduced mana reserve, but I'm not sure. I'm just curious to see others thoughts
ChiefShonahh wrote:

Hmmm it seems a tad redundant to put the blasphemy/despair in that helmet since impres gives 100% reduced mana use anyways rigt? Might be able to get an entirely extra skill or two in that slot with the 20% reduced mana reserve, but I'm not sure. I'm just curious to see others thoughts

You're not wrong. I hadn't even considered the amulet. Honestly, it seems overrated for its cost, so I wouldn't even use it to begin with. Others may have differing/better thoughts/opinions on it, but it feels like a waste of exalts to me.

Last edited by wrathchild619 on Jul 3, 2019, 4:25:24 PM
His question didn't make any sense to begin with because he doesn't even have his links setup. Have you looked at his character? He's running a tabula and has empty sockets all over the place. The opportunity cost of NOT selling that amulet to get out of his leveling gear is tremendous, and it's not even worth taking his post seriously as a legitimate question imo lol.
~ ~ everything was beautiful and nothing hurt ~
Last edited by xsnowingx on Jul 3, 2019, 4:15:58 PM
xsnowingx wrote:
His question didn't make any sense to begin with because he doesn't even have his links setup. Have you looked at his character? He's running a tabula and has empty sockets all over the place. The opportunity cost of NOT selling that amulet to get out of his leveling gear is tremendous, and it's not even worth taking his post seriously as a legitimate question imo lol.

Wait so are you trying to tell me that you've NEVER pre-planned a build before? o.o lol. I literally just got done leveling it. I asked so I'd have an answer by the time I reached this point. I have the amulet and bow because one of my favorite toons this league was a death's oath occultist. But instead, I took the bow and amulet from it to make this ed/contagion trickster. I wanted to see if anyone with a brain was able to help me figure out how to make it benefit me lol. I have plenty of money, I have an empty Tabula because i'm using a bow worth more than anything you've made this league :P I just beat a10 on this toon by facerolling the keyboard with my bow lol.

I asked a very legitimate question, I'm not here to show off my gear or anything. I just asked a simple one, "How would you setup gem sockets if you're using an impresence with 100% reduced mana reserved on despair"?
Psyonix wrote:
ChiefShonahh wrote:

Hmmm it seems a tad redundant to put the blasphemy/despair in that helmet since impres gives 100% reduced mana use anyways rigt? Might be able to get an entirely extra skill or two in that slot with the 20% reduced mana reserve, but I'm not sure. I'm just curious to see others thoughts

You're not wrong. I hadn't even considered the amulet. Honestly, it seems overrated for its cost, so I wouldn't even use it to begin with. Others may have differing/better thoughts/opinions on it, but it feels like a waste of exalts to me.


I already have the amulet because of a previous toon, I was hoping it would work well with this build as well as I don't like manually casting curses/armors. I appreciate you trying to help me though :)

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