GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

bex_HB wrote:
Amoreternum wrote:
Just a quick question, read myself into the PoB for this one and I'm a bit confused - why is Spreading Rot placed in that perticular spot? I only see 20 Int in radius, would we not want to trigger it with 40?

actually there is 60


by the way, your character tab is private - if you dont have reasons to hide it, its always good to make it public for people to help if there are questions ;)


Ah, good point - the PoB shows a different radius size for me, now it makes sense. Thanks alot!

And thanks for the tip, I was not even aware of that, changed it to public. Thanks for the heads up!
Last edited by Amoreternum on Jun 29, 2019, 2:58:03 PM
singovna wrote:
Hello, guys.

Could you please give me any suggestions how to improve survivability on this build?
Recently I've switched my wand-shield to 6-link Bow, my DPS grown like twice, but I feel myself extremely squishy without a shield.

Is there any option to get a decent defense without dropping a bow?
My character is ED_chepushila, and I dont know how to link gear in forum posts.

If you're playing HC, I'd definitely stick with a wand/shield combo. The protection sacrifice for a 6L bow just isn't worth the risk.
WingsOfDomain wrote:

Pretty much, I'm running 4 Auras/Mana reservations with it.
But I can't spare the gem slot for desecrate sadly. It would be a huge help in Uber Elder, but my CWDT setup is Immortal Call/Vaal Righteous Fire + Increased Duration. Shapers Presence from Solistice Vigil gives you impressive Uptime on Vaal Righteous Fire, extends your Immortal Call by quite a bit and gives you great uptime on flask buffs.

I'd really would like to fit it in though, because the synergy is great.

I run CDWT/IC/Desecrate/Enfeeble. Vaal RF placed in +1 to gems unset ring. I use rare amulet mainly for stats it provides:
What can I do better with my build. I die fast and it feels like, that I need a little bit more DMG. Here my Pastebin
Thx for every advice!!!

You have pretty good gear. Damage should be great too. Bear in mind you deal Damage over Time not crit instant death. Only thing I would suggest is your ED is 20/20 try to corrupt it to 21/20. Also other gems link to ED would benefit from lvl 21 corruption for few percent "More" damage. Also since you have some empty gem spots Vaal RF will boost your damage as well. You can also go for crafted -9% Chaos res helm for even more damage (you lose EB and 20% reduced mana cost for Auras). Survivability wise, I would suggest changing your HP and/or Sulphur flasks to Jade Flask (Freeze/Curse immunity) and/or Quartz/Basalt Flask. Alchemist passive node helps as well. And upgrade your Quicksilver flask.

IF you still have issues surviving think about changing chest piece.
Last edited by Sidad on Jun 29, 2019, 5:19:14 PM
singovna wrote:
Hello, guys.

Could you please give me any suggestions how to improve survivability on this build?
Recently I've switched my wand-shield to 6-link Bow, my DPS grown like twice, but I feel myself extremely squishy without a shield.

Is there any option to get a decent defense without dropping a bow?
My character is ED_chepushila, and I dont know how to link gear in forum posts.

You are using Acrobatics so I doubt shield help you much with 10% to maybe 15% chance to block Attacks. Your Auras should be in helm for 50% mana cost reduction and +1 to socketed gems. Also you need better flasks and definitely dont need mana flask since you run EB/MoM combo. Read 1st page for guide on flasks. As an example this is what I use (Ctrl Alt click on item to link in forum post)

If you like that chest than get one with Evasion/ES or if you want more Survivability definitely go for The Perfect Form. Also make sure to read skill/item description to try to understand what they do.
deviantek wrote:
singovna wrote:
Hello, guys.

Could you please give me any suggestions how to improve survivability on this build?
Recently I've switched my wand-shield to 6-link Bow, my DPS grown like twice, but I feel myself extremely squishy without a shield.

Is there any option to get a decent defense without dropping a bow?
My character is ED_chepushila, and I dont know how to link gear in forum posts.

If you're playing HC, I'd definitely stick with a wand/shield combo. The protection sacrifice for a 6L bow just isn't worth the risk.

He's not playing HC and even if he was 6l Bow is perfectly fine for HC if you know how to gear and use skills/passive tree properly. Shield doesnt help you much if you use Acrobatics plus you lose 30% ES as well. Even if you dont use Acrobatics, shield block chance/recovery is just too low to really matter. Instead, if HC, for survivability you should either invest into Dodge and/or Evasion.
Last edited by Sidad on Jun 29, 2019, 5:48:45 PM
Question for xsnowingx, who i'd deem to be the resident expert here:

My build is basically the way I like it. I've got the deeps. it takes a lot to kill me, UE/SHaper/Guardians are deleted in seconds. However, because I'm using

With MoM, I've gotten to the point where my unreserved mana is 150. My Soulrend casts are 120ish - and I don't exactly need to spam it.

My current auras are Malevolence, Arctic Armor (using the Perfect Form - so that doesn't matter I guess), Flesh and Stone and Discipline. Is there a more optimal setup for me to get the most out of these, considering the reduction along with the +1 the hat gives me, or is the best combination for my current gearing? I can probably If I stay with MoM I don't have the right ratio for optimal EHP, but but at 5K life and 2600ES I'm not sure MoM is even neccessary. What are your thoughts. If you were in MY gear, what would you do?
Psyonix wrote:
Question for xsnowingx, who i'd deem to be the resident expert here:

My build is basically the way I like it. I've got the deeps. it takes a lot to kill me, UE/SHaper/Guardians are deleted in seconds. However, because I'm using

With MoM, I've gotten to the point where my unreserved mana is 150. My Soulrend casts are 120ish - and I don't exactly need to spam it.

My current auras are Malevolence, Arctic Armor (using the Perfect Form - so that doesn't matter I guess), Flesh and Stone and Discipline. Is there a more optimal setup for me to get the most out of these, considering the reduction along with the +1 the hat gives me, or is the best combination for my current gearing? I can probably If I stay with MoM I don't have the right ratio for optimal EHP, but but at 5K life and 2600ES I'm not sure MoM is even neccessary. What are your thoughts. If you were in MY gear, what would you do?

Hey I asked earlier after you replied to my post but I think it got lost.

How is your clear speed in T16 monoliths and the timeless battles? does your soulrend/bane still 1 shot all the monolith mobs in rolled t16 maps? And how fast do you kill the generals? Your build looks pretty fun, and I was curious.
Hello y'all,

Recently I wanted to start upgrade/min-max my build but I'm not sure what I could do to get the most out of it at the moment.
I'm planning to get a chaos damage + %inc damage stygian vise at the moment but waiting till the right one gets on the market.

My current gear is:

PoB Pastebin:
I'm using a Timeless Jewel so yeah... PoB isn't 100% accurate sadly.

Any help would be appreciated!

Last edited by FIy on Jun 29, 2019, 9:45:23 PM
Huntss wrote:

Hey I asked earlier after you replied to my post but I think it got lost.

How is your clear speed in T16 monoliths and the timeless battles? does your soulrend/bane still 1 shot all the monolith mobs in rolled t16 maps? And how fast do you kill the generals? Your build looks pretty fun, and I was curious.

Sorry about that! Unfortunately, the trade off is I can't oneshot entire legions when i proc the monolith. In can get most of them, and steam roll 'em quite well in T16. he main advantage what I'm using has over your ED/Contagion setups is DPS scales a lot higher with investment. There's a cap on ED/Contagion, and you'll start to feel it late game. But other than that, it's definitely a solid build for this league.

EDIT: Generals go down quicker than a girl on prom night.
Last edited by wrathchild619 on Jun 29, 2019, 9:34:12 PM

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