GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

Smallzz wrote:
Honestly I'll throw my .02 out there since I'm relatively new to PoE and I decided to go ED trickster as my starter build for this league.

I have allelopathy gloves, the rathpith globe, and a 6l rare chest with HP and resists. I even have a 26% chaos damage ring I crafted myself with all rez and HP, spell damage dagger, etc etc. I even had a totem setup along with the blight to help with large monsters. All of this is filler.

When your fighting a boss that totem isn't staying alive for more than one splash hit. Getting close enough to use blight is a risky business. But at least your safe, because you can hit it with ED and run around hit boxes for 5 sec, rinse and repeat.

A lot of the complaints in this thread are about boss killing or champ mobs or what have you. I feel your pain. This build will never be a boss killer. It doesn't matter how much chaos you throw into it, it doesn't matter how much time and effort you put into tweaking the tree, this build is designed with one thing in mind. Efficient trash farming.

And this is where you need a total mindset shift from what you see other people doing or how other people are playing.

I labeled my trickster the garbage man. I dropped the allepathy gloves for sadima's touch. Dropped the rare belt for bisco's leash. put on a high rarity amulet, and a thief's torment ring with increased item find. Goldwyrm boots. Then I grab a bunch of T4-T6 maps, alch them all, scan for temp chains or enfeeble, and then shotgun 20 maps, never slowing down, keeping 1000 rampage stacks. After you clear the whole map (preferably linear) of trash you shield charge back to the portal looking for loot filter items.

ID Everything, dump it into a stash tab that says B/O 5 chaos. Cause you're not gonna be getting many gg items farming T5 maps. But you will find a few 5 chaos items. And a few 3 chaos items. And a lot of 1 chaos items. Once the 5 chaos page is full and no buyers, don't even look at it, drop it to b/o 3 and move on to filling the next page. rinse and repeat until you get down to a currency level that isn't worth your time and then VENDOR the whole thing to clear out your page and start again.

Spending 3x your time price checking items and chasing 2 exalt items is why you're broke. I made 300 chaos in the first 5 days of ladder, NOT counting currency picked up, div cards, maps, etc etc.

So to sum it up, you want a boss farmer, build something else. Don't waste chaos making this a boss farmer. Make it the garbage man, with trash gear, farming trash mobs, making bank selling trash.


and once you get the currency to not farm trash anymore build a wander and laugh at the fact that she can farm trash just as fast as you but also kill bosses.

Yeah, I agree with you. This build is geared towards farming maps, not killing bosses. I started this build seeing that it was boss viable but it really isn't. It's a shame :(
Well the good news is that you can just respec your char into a GC miner with minimal investment and have a build that can farm maps and bosses, and is no more clunky than ED. In fact it's easier imo. You don't have to base your whole combo on one slow moving spell that might or might not be linked with pierce (god forbid anyone play this build without pierce, I used it from 4L to 6L. It's more important than any other piece of the combo because without it you can't guarantee a mob pack will die in one combo).

Plus I would say personally, after being a total noob who just came back to PoE after starting an account and playing for a couple of hours in 2012, that this is a totally awful build for noobs. You don't learn a single thing about mob types, how most gear works, etc etc. The build will get you far as a noob yes, but you will get to the end game and find that you haven't learned diddly squat about game mechanics or boss fights, because you just cast one spell and run around for 5s every fight and don't even have to interact.

For anyone just starting this league and PoE in general the choice is pretty obvious if you want to play a shadow and do end game cheap. GC Miner.

Plus, the guides and youtube videos will jokingly say "yeah the worst part about the build is that you have to run back for all your LOOTZ"... well yeah, you're running back because you lack the damage to kill the mob in the time it takes you to shield charge through it, where GC miner can just blow the whole mob up in 3 clicks and doesn't have to backtrack HOPING he didn't miss a chaos or exalted orb on the ground. So while you spend an extra 3m scouring the map looking for missed drops, the GC miner makes up the clear speed difference with trash mobs and is already on his next map. Now if both of you decide to kill the boss at the end, which you want to do for atlas completion if that's your thing, or more obviously for the good loot drop, then the GC miner kills the boss and clears another map before the ED trickster kills the first boss. What's the debate?
gingermanx wrote:
What level Immortal call/Cast when damage taken should be?

Matter of personal taste, I prefer lvl 3 CWDT with lvl 5 IC.

YT_HB wrote:
Thanks for the build guide. It's the first of this type that I've tried and has been really fun to play. Thanks also to all of you who have been so active in answering everyone's questions.

I do what I can :D
@Garyas has been helping me tons over the past few weeks, a few others as well in the 185 pages we're up on now... >.<

theMaurizzio wrote:
i unprivated my profile, help please guys :)


Let's see....

Get a +1 corrupted Tabula Rasa instead of your CoD, it will skyrocket your DPS.
You need a Witchfire Brew Flask, it will also increase your DPS significantly.
Keep in mind that 2 curses will require you to spec in to that extra curse node up top of the witch area!

Lexodus wrote:
@Ghazzy really appreciate the effort you put into answering all those questions, registered for twitch and gave you a follow, that's all my broke ass can do ;)

Thank you, means a lot to hear that my time & work invested is appreciated <3
Hope you enjoy the stream then :D

Jinmutenno wrote:
Lexodus wrote:
I was thinking about Doedre's Damning instead of getting a second curse from the tree, the 6 points spent to get dual course do absolutely nothing for the build (except getting dual curse of course), but I'm not really sure if that's worth it... What do you guys think?
With 6 points i could get 2 additional jewel sockets (and 20 dex and strength).

Another question, is flat chaos dmg on abyss jewels good?

Im at same point atm. Last league I was stuck at lvl93 on guardians because I couldn't find the balance between survival and dps. Thinking in spending points in that area, also chaos dmg cluster would be picked up. I'm close to hit >t10 maps and im not sure if this points would make a real difference or it is better spending on spell dmg, jewel, flask, etc clusters around witch area. Some feedback from anyone that has already tried would be much appreciated.

I can and I will spend some currency upgrading my gear but first I want to be more or less sure that these upgrades will lead me to shaper in a good fit.

Dual curse approach is my personal preference for speeding through maps safer, though for other playstyles the nodes can be invested towards more dmg instead and you simply remove the defensive curse (as an example).

Nogenius wrote:
Has anyone tried out Cane of Unravelling rather than Breath of the Council + Rathpith Globe?

I'm having trouble doing bosses because of low DPS even with Alleopathy goves setup.
For example, I was unable to kill The Elder.
I'm thinking of trying out the staff since BoTC is too expensive right now.

Cane of Unravelling:
Breath of the Council:
Rathpith Globe: Rathpith Globe

As mentioned in the guide, the staff version is the easiest way to kill bosses super easy. CoU is a very cheap +2 option for you, later on you'd want to get a +3 chaos gem lvl staff :)

Garyas wrote:
Ghazzy wrote:
Problem with a FAQ is that I am limited in the ammount of words I'm allowed to use in the guides.. :/
I do appreciate the feedback though and trust me, If there was enough room I would.

Thought about that. How about maintaining a FAQ in a separate thread or an external web page and add the link to the original post? I volunteer for helping you with the FAQ.

dnates2014 wrote:
Can't find any +1 tabulas.

Last time I checked on they were going for 60-80c. There should be plenty. Make sure you search for the implicit +1 to socketed gems, not the explicit stat.

This. ^^

Yeah I thought about the FAQ but honestly, I have, from what I've seen, the most build guides in Path of Exile compared to any other content creator in our community. And more incoming... It's almost impossible for me to keep up with a FAQ that would be changing from patch to patch as well. I'd rather answer questions as it also allows me to stay on top of each build for when it's time to update them. + I like helping out.

Garyas wrote:
Kuhicoptero wrote:
Hello I cannot use Shield Charge with Lifesprig equipped.
What should I do?

See previous page or Gem descriptions: Shield Charge does not work with Wands (as it is a Melee and Attack skill).

You can either use another movement skill like Flame Dash or Lightning Warp, or you have to use a dagger or sceptre (other melee weapons don't really make sense as a caster).

This. :)

Jakubino wrote:
Could anyone take a look at my char and help me what should be done better? I know I am doing something wrong but I am not sure what.

I am having some serious difficulties with some bosses - for example Courthouse one.

Change pierce for Decay if your empower isn't high enough.

If you're still having issues after that, let me know.

gingermanx wrote:
5.4k hp 1.9k mana
33k chaos damage per second (53K buffed)but uber izaro is such a butt clench, already die once
i have to DODGE EVERYTHING or I'm Insta Gibbed

+1 Tabula Rasa will skyrocket that DPS so much it's insane.

marki890 wrote:

hope it worked, maybe someone could check my Gear and Tree for a statement what I should upgrade next.

On my To-Do-List is:
-empowder Lvl. 4 ~7ex
-maybe 2 rings with fire/Light/cold res, Life(70+) and Mana(50+) ~each 1 ex
-maybe at Endgame a +3 staff with spell dmg and cloak of defiance ~6ex

At the momemt I have overcaped all Ressistance at 110+ and my dps are 74k buffed, i can farm quick T10/T11. On higher Tier T13+ the Bosses can get really hard for me, but I also beated the Minotaur with this equipment.
If I would change the rings I would approximately have +500eHP.
With Empowder Lvl. 4 about 8k nore dps

I tried a Cloak of Defiance but the +1000eHP was it not worth to lose 17k dps

sry for my bad english^^

You should really try the alleopathy gloves. The 5 link blight skill will melt bosses. At least for me it feels like it is doing three times more damage than essence drain.

This! :)

Lurel wrote:
I threw a +3 staff into PoB to test the damage difference and it looks like I lose around 14k dot dps, even with spell power on it.

Did you change in the skill section that the gem links for ED is suppose to be socketed in your weapon?

LividOrange1 wrote:
Hi everyone, I used to play this game a couple of years ago and recently decided to come back. Abyss has been my first league since then and this has been my first build.

So currently I'm using the gear in the spoiler below, and was wondering what the first things would be that I'd have to look at to grow stronger. I'm currently clearing up to about T5 maps, with a couple of problems every now and then (I have to blame my pc for some of those though).

Really looking forward to continue playing this character, however at this point I'm kind of without a clue as to what I'd have to do first.

I'm aware the gems/links aren't what they are supposed to be yet, I'm working on that one hehe.
Thanks for helping, and for the guide!


I'd personally start with the shield & a dagger or BotC if you can afford so you can start shield charging and then get a witchfire flask, after that I'd probably try to get that +1 Tabula Rasa going!

Badtwo wrote:
If you hover over the Arcane Surge gem, it should say "Gain Arcane Surge when you spend X Mana with Supported Skills."

The skill you're casting is Contagion so keep the lvl of Arcane surge below or at the mana cost of Contagion.

Good deal thx!

Thank you for the help :)
Glad it got sorted!

zerodjay wrote:
Thanks for this great build.

Question, is the recommended belt still better than abyss belt with a jewel?



Matter of taste really, Bisco's Leash should still be top tier clear speed thanks to Rampage but the abyssal belt is solid AF! Though, not many abyssal jewels that scales the DoT dmg in the game I'm afraid! :/

wingsteryo wrote:
yo have u considered Winds of Change Ancient Gauntlets?

After the ED changes, Winds of Change was removed from the guide as the projectile dmg increasements no longer scales the DoT dmg.

XymphosCraK wrote:
Hey Ghazzy; once again, thanks for your hard work - your advice in the previous reply helped a lot!

I've reached a stage in the game where I can confidently map the main parts of most low-tier maps, but fighting against bosses is slightly tedious; additionally, I can clear Uber, but it takes a really long while against Izaro and comes with a certain risk factor.

What direction should I take this build if I want it to be a comfortable boss-killer? I don't mind throwing in a few dozen Regrets - such a change is inevitable - or is ED/Contagion/Blight never going to be comfortable killing bosses fast?

Additionally, I've got a surprising amount (900+) of energy shield despite the ~300 bonus my items provide, suggesting that if I dedicated my tree properly, ED/Cont could be pretty good with CI - your thoughts? I know this is supposed to be a MoM build, but I want to keep my options open, and there seems to be no other nearly as popular build on the internet right now for ED/Cont, so I'd like to hear your two cents on the matter :D



Well, for boss killing you'd want to get a +2 or a +3 chaos gem lvl staff preferably with spell dmg as well on. And you can always remove the dual curse nodes up top of the witch starter area and remove the defensive blasphemy aura if you wish to invest in to either more dmg or more jewels.

BronzeMike wrote:
Did someone kill shaper and uber atziri using this build?

A lot of people, though I still recommend a staff approach for boss killing as it will be easier on your wallet as well as smoother imo.

CommanderZ wrote:
First, thanks to Ghazzy for putting together the guide, the built is a lot of fun so far! I have played almost exclusively bow characters of various sorts so far since the beta (quite casually, never beat Shaper or Alluring Abyss so far), so this is a welcome change of pace.

I am lvl 87, 5.6k life, 1.4k ES, 1k unreserved mana, 43k tooltip unbuffed ED DPS. Got the essential stuff (Allelopathy, BotC, 6L chest, lvl 3 Empower). Yellow tier maps are easy enough, though focused damage can bring me down quite easily (vast majority of my deaths are from Abysses, heh). However red tier maps are quite a different story, especially on T13s I feel quite outmatched. It feels like yellow mobs basically need help from all the buffs and Blight or they take way too long to bring down. Even some white mobs take a long time to die.

This is my current setup:

Can you see any glaring mistakes or omissions? Got about 140c ready to spend on upgrades. Current plan is to buy Impresence.

I also have several questions regarding the build (as I said, I am very new to caster characters):

1) What is the advantage of Witchfire Brew? Is it dramatically better than self-casting Despair when needed? I currently have Enfeeble Blasphemy'd and self-cast Despair (with Impresence I would Blasphemy both). The flask seems to have little benefit otherwise, considering the opportunity cost.

2) The build mentions Atziri's Step as a high budget option. Why? Aren't good rare boots just better for us, especially considering we are not too concerned about MS? The new Elder/Shaper mods could also potentially save us some links, perhaps a small CWDT setup could be squeezed in even with Allelopathy Blight?

3) Is the 45% skill duration from the Potency of Will cluster really worth the three skill points? Is that just to make the ED cascades reach further? Those 3 SP could buy another jewel slot instead.

4) Is the Grand Spectrum worth it with only three? Three Hypnotic Eye jewels with up to flat 150 mana total, along with three other bonuses per (though admittedly, it is not easy to find one with good rolls and four bonuses relevant to the build).

5) How precisely do instances of Spreading Rot stack? Do the "take 25% increased chaos damage" stack?

6) How much higher can I expect the ED DPS to go, as the build gets more optimized? As I mentioned above, my current DPS feels a bit lacking in red-tier maps.


Cheers! :)

Well, getting a +1 chest (elder/shaper) or +1 corrupted Tabula Rasa is one of the most straight forward logical choices from your current position.

1) You never have to do any other casts, just use the flask and bam you got a Blasphemy Despair going for the duration.

2) It's a matter of taste, I liked the defensive gain of the spell block from them as a high budget option together with the Rathpith Globe.

3) Yes, it really helps sustain the "rotation" you do vs bosses.

4) Grand Specs seems to have skyrocketed in value, sorry about that. A high flat numeric value on a mana roll from abyssal jewels works fine and you can get other decent stats, mainly defensively though as it's hard to find jewels with modifiers that actually increases the DoT dmg in the game on the abyssal jewels.

5) Last I checked I believe they do stack, though it's impossible for me to verify right now because of how bugged out the wiki STILL is :/

6) Well with a +1 chest it will skyrocket significantly.

Nekobibu wrote:
Hey there!
Loving the build so far, currently at level 85 and fooling around in Tier 8-10 maps, hoping to get enough currency to buy myself a nice Breath of the Council... ;)
A little question, though: how did you guys manage to get 3R1B on your Atziri's Step??? I have the item in my stash, but since it's Dex based, it's almost impossible to get the correct colours! Am I missing something??



This might come out as a rude answer but this is the easiest way to show you:

Let me know if you need it elaborated!

foster21 wrote:
Would really love a gear check

+1 Tabula would be the best upgrade right now.

S3N1A wrote:

Thats my gear , am at lvl 91 // 5.4k hp 4.2k mana + 1k es . T13-15 (clearing is still fast everything is ok) . Yesterday went to try uber atziri , as an a result i got rekt there (blue packs+low dmg and kinda low survivability) i have 12k dps on skill in ho . Any one have any tips to upgrade something? Am starting to feel that this build is only high tier map viable . Btw uber lab goes easy.

Looks very solid though the CoD is very defensively focused. If you get yourself a +1 gem lvl chest or Tabula you'd increase your DPS significantly.

Though I feel like I have to repeat myself again regarding the end-game bosses:
The build is designed for fast mapping, not end-game bosses even if it's doable. I'd recommend a +2 or +3 chaos gem lvl staff for end-game boss farming as it's just so much smoother.

Badtwo wrote:
Finally got a Tabula at 57, damn things are hard to buy they sell out in 30 sec. lol Anyway a few questions..cant afford the Grand Spectrum Jewels yet...But I do have a Spreading Rot Cobalt and a Assasin's Haste Cobalt, would it hurt to use those in the mean time? ( again I am new to this stuff)

Also..which is better to use against ST bosses> Pierce or Poison?


Nice gratz!

Using other jewels before is obviously better than not using them!

Pierce is literally only for the people who really prefer to have that vs trash map clearing vs enemies with "nearby allies cannot die" mod and/or Vaal Totems, I never liked Pierce even before the Projectile changes to ED.

Poison or Decay will be TONS stronger in terms of DMG, and as long as you have Allelopathy gloves you really shouldn't ever need to use Pierce.

Kornison wrote:
Hello i need to know how i generate Frenzy charge in this build?

"Swift Killer" Ascendancy!

Smallzz wrote:
Honestly I'll throw my .02 out there since I'm relatively new to PoE and I decided to go ED trickster as my starter build for this league.

I have allelopathy gloves, the rathpith globe, and a 6l rare chest with HP and resists. I even have a 26% chaos damage ring I crafted myself with all rez and HP, spell damage dagger, etc etc. I even had a totem setup along with the blight to help with large monsters. All of this is filler.

When your fighting a boss that totem isn't staying alive for more than one splash hit. Getting close enough to use blight is a risky business. But at least your safe, because you can hit it with ED and run around hit boxes for 5 sec, rinse and repeat.

A lot of the complaints in this thread are about boss killing or champ mobs or what have you. I feel your pain. This build will never be a boss killer. It doesn't matter how much chaos you throw into it, it doesn't matter how much time and effort you put into tweaking the tree, this build is designed with one thing in mind. Efficient trash farming.

And this is where you need a total mindset shift from what you see other people doing or how other people are playing.

I labeled my trickster the garbage man. I dropped the allepathy gloves for sadima's touch. Dropped the rare belt for bisco's leash. put on a high rarity amulet, and a thief's torment ring with increased item find. Goldwyrm boots. Then I grab a bunch of T4-T6 maps, alch them all, scan for temp chains or enfeeble, and then shotgun 20 maps, never slowing down, keeping 1000 rampage stacks. After you clear the whole map (preferably linear) of trash you shield charge back to the portal looking for loot filter items.

ID Everything, dump it into a stash tab that says B/O 5 chaos. Cause you're not gonna be getting many gg items farming T5 maps. But you will find a few 5 chaos items. And a few 3 chaos items. And a lot of 1 chaos items. Once the 5 chaos page is full and no buyers, don't even look at it, drop it to b/o 3 and move on to filling the next page. rinse and repeat until you get down to a currency level that isn't worth your time and then VENDOR the whole thing to clear out your page and start again.

Spending 3x your time price checking items and chasing 2 exalt items is why you're broke. I made 300 chaos in the first 5 days of ladder, NOT counting currency picked up, div cards, maps, etc etc.

So to sum it up, you want a boss farmer, build something else. Don't waste chaos making this a boss farmer. Make it the garbage man, with trash gear, farming trash mobs, making bank selling trash.


and once you get the currency to not farm trash anymore build a wander and laugh at the fact that she can farm trash just as fast as you but also kill bosses.

This is one of the biggest reasons the ED/Contagion build is considered an amazingly strong leaguestarter. However, it is pretty easy to convert it to a boss killer as well.
And it is very possible to make the 1h/shield version kill both Shaper & Uber Atziri, though it will require a lot of precision work & currency.

But I completely agree with you that this is a very fun & strong leaguestarter build to get your currency going to fund other characters. If someone enjoys the build they can invest further to bring it to other means though the design of the guide is targeted towards currency building with next to no currency requirement to get it going for mapping :)

DrHooch415 wrote:
Great build! Had a quick question though. Where are you guys getting the endurance charges to proc immortal call?

Is it from overcharged?

Thanks in advance

You don't need Endurance Charges to proc IC, though the duration will be VERY short. However, that's intended for the build as it is only there to keep you safe from Bone Husks and/or Porcupine explosions which otherwise would pose a risk of instantly killing you.



Yet people, including myself have killed both Shaper & Uber Atziri with this exact build guide. ED / Contagion is a bit more complex to make it function for the end-game means, absolutely doable but requires a fair bit of knowledge. Though, as mentioned earlier the guide is designed for easy map clearing with next to no currency investment. And if you do this properly you should breeze through yellow & most red tier maps as you see a lot of people have commented and included their gear in the comments.

No need to be rude & trash talk the guide, specially as your arguements are to some extent proven wrong on pretty much every second page of comments throughout the guide. Though, I will not argue against the fact that a GC miner build works a bit more effectively with about the same currency investment, but then again, that's not a ED/Contagion build and is played completely differently.
2 things
1) how do I get a +1chaos tabulator a +2/3chaos staff?

2) this build guide says Uber Izaro/shaper in the title except every single person running the build is saying they can’t do endgame is it shaper viable or is it not?
Just like to say thank you for the build, using it on abyss on xbox an managed to get to lvl 83 with some fairly bad gear lol, my highest char so far so fairly happy, cant afford any the recommended gear though, think i had one exalted drop an ppl asking for 5 an up for the items, think i managed to loot over 4 tabs of uniques with none helpful to me but they give me options to try other things.
Managed to get to lvl7 maps so far which i thought no bad for first time an bad gear, will continue to plod along an hopefully get enough currency buy some of the recommended gear, but yeah thnxz again, having fun
Hey guys, i picked this build (not the same exact skill points, did some variations on my own but still ED trickster MoM) for abyss and i wanna share my experience with it.

I'm currently lvl 91 and i've just switched to the Low Life version of the build, but played up until lvl 90 with Life based MoM, killed red tier elder 2 times and did t15 maps with no problems with it.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that i play Softcore, i wouldnt recommend tweaking the tree like i did in HC


1) My MoM skill tree + gear

First of all i wanna share my old setup

as you can see my gear was really no big deal, i think i spent overall about 90 chaos all on the first days of the league, so now you can find better items for way less.

2) Single target/Bosses

To anyone who's struggling with single target DPS you have to keep in mind that this version of the ed/mom trickster is mainly focused on mid tier mapping to get you going with currency farm, not to kill red tier elder or shaper.

If you really want to ramp up your single target you have to invest in 2 spreading rot jewels + allelopathy gloves, socketed with Void manipulation, swift affliction, controlled destruction, efficacy

This setup + wither totem MELTS bosses and gives you some great single target, since ED alone is really bad even with +1 gems tabula. Just be careful since you have to stand still while channeling blight.

To do this you have to remove the CWDT setup and use brine king (unless you have some other form of stun immunity) but it's worth it in my experience.

3) Lightpoacher

Yes it's good even on this build for flash farming maps, try it.

4) Low Life option

At some point you'll have to decide if you wanna spend your hard earned currency on this character or just build another and it's 100% your call.

Just wanna point out that the LowLife version is super powerful and even tankier due to the ES regen being more powerful than life regen.
Sure, every character can become very strong when you invest 20+ exalted in it, but still, i'm loving it even more than the life/mom one.

Just be prepared to spend a shit-ton of currency and regrets to respec if you happen to go this way.

you can check my current character and skill tree on my profile.
(gear is still pretty bad other than the amulet and the chest because i spent everything i had on them :D )

Of course the option to just stick to this guide is there, you have plenty of room for upgrades

5) Final Considerations

One of the best starters i've ever made, i think i might roll one the next league too, because it just feels like the perfect mix of low budget + satisfaction while playing (clear 2 screens with 1 projectile? yeah baby)

Big props to ghazzy for creating this guide, it helped a lot as a starting point to make my own small
changes to better fit my playstyle.

Last edited by Maikk999 on Dec 25, 2017, 4:35:19 PM
Ghazzy wrote:

This might come out as a rude answer but this is the easiest way to show you:

Let me know if you need it elaborated!

Hey! :)

No, that wasn't rude at all, thanks! I managed to do it a few days ago using the same technique (like I said earlier, I didn't think you could "abuse" the system like that), but thanks a lot for your guide and your extraordinary dedication! :)
cwdt and immortal call max level? because you don't wrote anything after them
Guess it entirely depends on your idea of the word "viable". When you put "viable" in the guide that means, to a lot of people, that your build can safely farm said places. Without a huge currency investment you aren't safely farming any boss with a one shot mechanic, because you're sitting there trying to augment the pitiful boss damage of ED with about 4-5 supporting skills.

Meanwhile, for the same currency investment many builds can clear higher level content safer and faster.

I wasn't trashing your guide, I was trashing people's expectations of what they want out of a trickster. If you start one as a league starter who's an experienced PoE player (I wouldn't recommend trickster for noobs cause it teaches you SHIT gear itemization compared to other builds. You'll be ignoring jewelry with accuracy, ignoring elemental damage attack rolls and looking for spell damage, etc etc. Not a good character to start a total noob off with IMO), then you're gonna make bank farming trash mobs. But if you want to clear the Corrupted boss from Terrace for your map completion, you better save 5 of your portals to that map for the boss fight UNLESS you have enough money pumped into the char that you could be doing T15 maps with another char. And that to me is where you falsely advertised your build.

So yeah any noob that comes and buys my old ED gear from me gets the same spiel in my hideout. "Don't buy my gear, make another build". What do they do? Well screw this loser in his hideout, the forums say I can do shaper with a tabula rasa!!! Yeah if you want to watch your xp bar reset after every map boss above T10 go for it.

I'm not posting on your guide to stroke egos or make social points with people I don't know. I'm trying to save some noob the heartbreak of using this as his league starter hoping that he can clear his atlas with the build. Yeah you can, but in the time it takes you to do that with this build I could roll three other builds and get them to 85. SO GLHF spend your currency where you want it, ain't my chaos.
Smallzz wrote:
Well the good news is that you can just respec your char into a GC miner with minimal investment and have a build that can farm maps and bosses, and is no more clunky than ED.

Can you please recommend me a way to convert this build into a GC miner? I've already followed the guide to a point where I would feel like I wasted a stupid amount of time on it to ditch it completely. I only have time to game a few hours a day (8-6 office job yay).

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