[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

Hola, me no know espanol but me need guild. I am in Breach League and im looking for a guild so i can dump all these expensive uniques into the guild stash. Sadly my broke ass cant afford to buy more stash tabs :( but!!!!!!! wait im not using you guys just for the guild stash I swear. I like long walks on the beach and talking to other players on the guild chat. I cant complete my goal in life without joining a guild that looks like fun and players enjoying their time here. Recently took a visit to your discord chat, by the looks of it you are my people. I need you. If you're reading this right now my character name is FlaminBitches, make sure when you're ingame press S and go to the guild section. From there on type my name and send an invite. Thank you for watching my minecraft finding diamonds tutorial lets smash 30million likes.
I'd like to join the Guild (: I'm a semi-experienced Player, I have 2 level 90 Chars in Standart league and I currently have a level 90 in Breach league and a few toons below 80.

IGN currently is TheBurningSpinner, which is at this point of writing level 48.

Looking for an active community, as my current guild is more or less dead and I wanna join an active one again :)

Looking forward on playing with you Guys :)
Last edited by Machiavelli1990#3986 on Jan 12, 2017, 7:21:35 AM
Hey, I've been looking for a guild to join for a while now as my friends stopped playing. Im kind of a poe veteran, i have +2k hours wasted in this game so far, so I know this game inside out pretty much.

I play only temp leagues (BSC), because I don't like the standard economy at all. I might test builds in standard before league releases tho. So far I've leveled a 98 flameblaster, 94 CoC discharger and now working on a vaal sparker (90) in BSC. (had to sell flameblast/coc gear to afford OP vaalspark gear rip)

I can host and run maps very efficiently and fast, as long as there is one aurabot to carry my ass if the party is a big one. Also just want people to talk stuff with, as I mentioned all my friends quit playing for the league already :(

Oh, and I play on EU gateways, as im from Finland. IGN: SneakSpark

tZork wants a inv to guild.
hi guys like to join your Guild i play alt of years my guild is did. a am only one on
live LOL
IGN BuringRabbit in standard league
looking for some bros. thanks
Last edited by CaliforniaPyro#5822 on Jan 22, 2017, 9:30:30 PM
Would love an invite to the guild since I'm usually playing alone.
IGN _Keanu_ Level 90 Cyclone Slayer BSC
Last edited by Kmeleon2#3694 on Jan 23, 2017, 8:09:23 AM
Would Love an Invite

lvl91 zerker ign- DIB_IcyHot
would love an invite ign lw__ currently 87 in bsc :3
Hello, I am relatively happy that my current character (running Lighty's 2H RT cyclone, with gear that makes it mostly no-flask right click) actually meets the join requirements (currently lvl 91).

If possible I'd like to join.

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