[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

Really interested!
IGN: HistoryOfViolence
Been playing on and off since closed beta, mostly HC but switched to SC recently.
Hi guys would like to you join.

My IGN: IceCreamManFromHell

Current main Char is lvl 89 in Breach SC

Hey, i would like to join your guild.

I got a lvl 83 Beserker IGN:Pootisquake and a lvl 90 Slayer IGN:Pootisclone in breach.
Im still kinda new and haven't seen much of the endgame but i am working on it.
IGN: Christmas_Miracle (new rerolled char)

Been meaning to apply for a while now, looking for an active guild with helpful members. I wouldn't consider myself experienced, but I believe that I know enough about the game to help others and contribute. Looking forward to joining!
IGN: TechtonikSupra_Swinger

Previously played HC, but have to swapping to SC so I don't have to invest so much time :)
hey id like to join looking for friendly people to play with im a long time expierenced player and im pretty laid back take a look at my profile on this website thanks.
Hey guys,

I would like to join to the guild. I'm a semi-core player due to work times and I've been on and off like 1 year now. I'm looking for a friendly community to play with, don't have friends playing the game so I need a guild to share the experience.

I'm on bsc 75 lvl and leveling fast right now, also have other 90 lvl chars on standart.

IGN: Renovath

Thanks for reading.
i really look forward to join the this guild
im lvl 90 on breach league
let me know if im eligible to join the guild
thank u.......
IGN: SumoFlorist (SumoDisfavour (i scrapped my lvl 90 berserker SumoFace in Breach in favour of a slayer in hopes of better gameplay)).
I am a gamer that enjoys PoE to the fullest in both standard and temporary leagues with the temporary leagues taking up almost all of my time while they are running.
I use the 820 channel regualarily for sharing stuff i find/have ready but it's "just" a channel and not a real guild.
I tried my hand at HC a couple of times but found that the engine and my "luck" don't fit the hc style yet =/.

I've been playing since alpha but had a like 2 year break and got back into the game with the start of essence leagues and i would really like to join this community to benefit it and from it.

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