[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

Hey guys, been playing for a while solo for a while now and would really like to get into an active community. I play a few hours most days and more on the weekend if I'm not busy. Currently I have an 86 gladiator and a 70ish slayer in bsc. If you guys would have me, I'd love to join. My ign is Unbreakabler.
I am interested in joining the guild. Thank you.
Hi, i wanna join also and give it a try, i play on breach league. Char name Mamy. Tnx!

I'm currently playing on T12 maps on Breach, and I'm seriously bored of solo playing. It would be awesome to be part of your guild, and start doing party runs.

Hey, I'm playing on BreachHC, currently lvl 81 but will be 85 in like no time, really would like to be in a guild with some of you fellas, plus I am a chef IRL I can always help if you want any idea for your gaming food.


My name is T5309; I'm interested in joining. I play everyday for at least 2+ hours
IGN: werkHC
lvl 96 std, 86 bsc, 77bhc, LFG. Seems alot of active players here?
bring back the state of the game in 1.3 vaults of atziri patch
IGN: Big_Dick_Leap_Slam
I Mostly enjoy playing leagues and working on challengs and getting the BIG statue. I also like racing. Thanks bro.
Hi there. Im interested in joinin. Im from Venezuela. Currently lvl 85 SC Breach (I know the minimum is 90 in SC, but I wanted to ask anyways). Im in a random guild atm but I would like to be active talking to other people rather than feeling like I was solo playing.

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