[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

I am trying to find a guild to help me learn the game, but all the guilds that seem to help newer players have disbanded, is there any chance for me to get in?
Hey, ign is Poring_Card.

Interested in joining, would love a highly populated guild and it seems you don't mind casual players who don't exactly rush to endgame.
Interested in Joining

IGN: PyreBluster (BSC)
Hi there,my IGN is Mangofluee.Currently I am playing only HC Breach league and I am also looking for to play HC next incoming league.If I get accepted,I will look towards to be active every day,to finish challenges with active members,and learn new stuff because I am kinda new to this game.
Interested in joining only roll HC toons.

Last edited by N_t_R#0371 on Feb 16, 2017, 10:08:32 AM
Hi, I am interested in joining a guild, I have been playing PoE for a few years in leagues but cannot seem to get over the hump and into end game content. Looking for advice and people to play with. I am in US EST but usually play later in the night. Thanks and GL, HF.
Hey I'm interested in joining your guild. I mostly play Standard and SC leagues

Hey I'm interested in joining your guild. I mostly play HC leagues.

Greetings and Salutations,

I am seeking a guild to annoy and flood their stash with useless trinkets and baubles which I foolishly think are actually useful.

I am an Aries, like long walks off of short piers, constantly changing my builds while leveling and enjoy dying repeatedly due to my own stupidity and then complaining about the game being broken in Global chat.

I think I will be an excellent addition to you guild as I am smart enough to feign actually knowing what I am talking about and I always enjoy going out of my way to help others by getting them accidentally killed during assisted boss fights.

Thank you for your time and hope to Make Lightly Great Again! MLGA!

been playing since warbands temp league! I usually play leagues however recently i want to try and deck out this character name i listed in standard after breach ends. I'm 24 and would love to be a party of a highly social guild on discord.

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