[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players


I'm interested in joining.


Joined earlier today and had to immediately ignore 5 people throwing around the N word and various other slurs. After guild chat descended into arguing about said slurs I just left. I would recommend looking elsewhere for a guild to join.
Hey, Would like to join the guild if it is still open

IGN: TankEveryandAnything

thanks a lot. Keep up with the youtube videos, it's awesome.
Would like to join this guild! Love your YT videos!

IGN: PhD_In_Blunts

Thank you!
Last edited by PoopCityRemix#2630 on Jul 28, 2023, 10:31:31 PM
Would like to join your guild!
IGN : Giapan
Hello would like to join seems like a fun guild

Ingame : EykJustMe

hope to hear from you soon ^^
Hi, i would like to join the guild because it seems active and fun.
I play mostly temp leagues, lil bit standard aswell - been trying to get into HC but im not that good at the game so i just enjoy it.

IGN: OddSNail
Hi, i would like to join the guild because it seems active and fun.
I play mostly temp leagues, lil bit standard aswell - been trying to get into HC but im not that good at the game so i just enjoy it.

IGN: OddSNail

Hello i would like to join your guild.

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