[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

Hey! I'd like to join if there are any spots left.

IGN: LeinadTheMighty
I only play standard, although I may consider to try out a temp league to see what it's like. I'm quite active currently, usually daily. I love to try new builds but my favorite has to be Reave and Cyclone. I've got about 1600 hours played mostly over the last year or two. In game I love to map, try crafting but I never make anything awesome lol.
Hey, I posted on the Discord channel but just in case, my IGN is Strayen and I'd like to join up.
hi there i would like to join your guild, really want to join a community of ppl who i can socialize and enjoy playing poe with.

IGN: CoachChuck
I've been playing PoE since 2.2, and have been in your guild since then. However, I got kicked due to inactivity when I quit the game 3.0, so I was wondering if I can join you again. I like yo guild, Lighty.


Hey, I want to join the guild. It's gonna be my first guild in poe,so idk what's it really gonna be. My current character is a lvl 70 inquisitor Templar with freezing sparks build in the abyss league. IGN: KingTheSim.
Last edited by Edarian on Jan 10, 2018, 7:30:14 PM
i would like to join your guild! :)

IGN: Hyperion_Gr/ Rhea_Gr

Hi, I would like to join your guild.

IGN: BigBugger
IGN: ChipnDaleRescueMe
I play TMP HC only. Currently I'm support, that looking for active DPS for maping. I play Moscow or Frankfurt/EU realm. Can play on Washington/US without too much lags.
IGN: MaunoMakinen

I play SC temps. Just trying to find a guild what feels right to me. Not into memes or things like that, im a old fart (turn 36 this year).

Actually been homeless couple of times. EDITED: Too much personal information i gave a way on public forum. PM me man, i have story to tell ;)

Edit: Oh and im in EU
Last edited by I_K_S on Jan 9, 2018, 8:39:54 AM

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