[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

hi i am a new player..who just downloaded the game from steam...can i join your guild...i can be very active since i am addicted to arpg style games(which was for diablo 3 but now i want to move on)...i could have played alone...but i like to play with people and make friends ...thank you

Last edited by BRONZE_I on Jan 23, 2018, 9:24:27 AM
i'd love to join the homeless shelter and hand out some soup. ign: MH_Fire
hi want to joint your guide, luv your vids on youtube..

ign: ninedeadeyes
Hi Lighty, played your cyclone build and loved it. I've played solo all these years and would like to join your guild please. I play a few hours virtually every day. Thanks.

IGN: SwiftDisfavour
Last edited by Asarkiro on Jan 26, 2018, 8:44:20 PM
hi ive been wandering around for as long as i remembered. please lend me a shelter mastah ! ign: OldManNoCry
IGN: Chespyna
Hi i would like to join into this guild . I'm casual-active player, non-HC. I'm looking to everyday learn more about this awesome game. Im honest and educated.
I do not like to get into trouble. But I like to help as much as possible, just to have little experience in the game. I have another 2 builds. I am currently working in this elementalist.
Im from Brazil.


I would like to join your guild, i seems like a nice active guild.
And a guild where you can play with others, get help or help and so on.

Looking forward to hear from you.
IGN: Cloudformer
Hey. I am an active player looking for an active guild. My current guild chat and discord is cold dead. I like to play with the same ppl. Started playing in Harbinger and currently enjoing abyss league. Plan on keep playing in temp leagues. Hope to be a part of active guild to get that social element of the game.
hei, i would like to join your guild, i am quite active and have been playing since last league and so far i have 1500 hours on record, my IGN: MakeMoneyBeHappy thank you.

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