[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

im definitely interested in joining. im very active and have been looking for a active guild for a while now.
i am cool and good

ign : likelymeadowmeal
do you have guild on legacy softcore?

If so, Please add me sir.

IGN: SithMalgus
Profile here: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/yammyhihi/characters

Thank you and have a nice day!
I'm interested in joining this chill guild IGN: redemptioncyka
I am interested in joining. IGN is nevrakian.

I am interested in leagues and especially with 3.0 coming looking for others to play with.
I'm interested, looking to help others when needed.
I would love to join the guild. Would also help others if needed.
IGN: _MoltenSKULL_


i START play few days ago im juggernaut lvl 60 i have experience with diablo2 diablo3 .. and i play POE in beta and after relase.
Im on Legacy sc im active player i just searching some friends for help farming and teach me better this game . Im rdy and i will full time play new datadisc.

Ty for invite
Would like to join if there are still any room left :)
Seeking for ppl to discuss interesting stuff and to help each other.
IGN - Shnozzlebanger
Thx in advance.
IGN: Vault_Is_In_My_Asz
Playing mostly on temp SC leagues, sometimes joining to standart party. Interested in effective gameplay and friendly community.
я безумно хачю питсы и нюхать попу...

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