[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players


I play standard mostly maybe some temp league from time to time. Just need something to interest me in the game again
IGN: zzZ_TornadoShot_Zzz
Hi, I'm a new player and would love to join with u guys :D
IGN: LilDarkWitch

just got the beta code looking to join guild
IGN : Sbeza
I'd like to join the guild, mostly playing temp leagues.
IGN: WeelMaster

Play in standard mostly and some in temp leagues
Well, im active 4~6 day a week, 5~8 hour per day
Looking to join a fun and competitive guild, then i found you guys XD

My IGN is Karuious
IGN: TotemWitchFTW
I Mostly enjoy playing SC league and standard, I always want to try out new build and refine them to the maximum, online 4-5 nights a week, I would like to join a community where I can socialize, help other and be helped by other.
IGN: Ragnirforpresident
Mostly play the Temp. leagues and decided I want to join a community for socializing and helping/getting help from others.
IGN: BumBumSelfFound

I enjoy watching your videos and stream. ATM i only play SSF Legacy League
Hello, I am interested in joining this guild. I have been guild less for a while and it is not a pleasant feeling of not having a guild. Thanks!

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