[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

IGN keansticks, looking for a good home so i can at least talk to people.

Just recently started playing in Legacy, but plan on being active in both Standard and Temp Leagues (Maybe a little HC as well).
IGN: Lconial

I recently started playing the game and am looking for a good community that will give me a good home :D

hope you'll consider me. i'm an active player on semester break (2 months of break to be specific)
I am looking to join as well, IGN: Kiftak
Hi ,

Noob to the game , started playing last week and really enjoying it

Skill lvl- Veteran (master bow user)
Start play-Bloodlines (over time have 2 acc-this one start in breach league)
Going to spend an time in SD league to finish my first char,after will play HC.
IGN: NotBlackLucian (SC Legacy)
Hi, im an active player (online everyday except for test season) who is looking for a guild to talk and play with. I mostly play on temporary league but if no temp league is good enough then i will chill on the standard one (dunno which temp league is coming for Oriath).
my ingame name is heracliose im back after a break for almost 2-3years so
IGN: shamalad
Mostly play in standard soft core but am looking into playing the next temp league. Been playing for about a year in all.
Activity: Depends on the mood?

I need halp and friends to play with... also I'm weird... ;D
I'm a pretty huge newb to this game so please be patient with me...

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