[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

Hello Lighty,

My main character's IGN is Maazikeen and I've recently started playing PoE. I had played the game four years ago for a couple of hours but never got far. Recently I've given it another chance and I simply cannot stop playing. I'm really enjoying playing on my main, an 8 aura necromancer, and I am hoping to find a group of people to run maps and do other activities with. I'm currently level 88 and I am playing in the legacy league. I also plan to play a lot when Oriath arrives.

I hope to be accepted into this guild,

Last edited by VinMos on Jun 13, 2017, 9:42:44 AM
IGN: BuurnBabyBuurn or _Carboncito_ summoner: Kuykuyen
I Mostly enjoy playing standard and working on perfecting my character i really enjoy starting new builds in time to time and participate in the new leagues or challenges.

iam really looking forward for an active group of ppl to play the oriath exp and have the same love and passion for this game like i have.

PD:Currently Leveling a Duelist/summoner Lord_Darcia testing it out for Oriath :D Scourges OPIEE
Last edited by Minitopo86 on Jun 12, 2017, 3:57:52 PM
I hope invitations are still open :D
IGN: Stuckbio_
I have been playing on and off for about 2 years now but this time I don't plan on going away again. I love this game and I like talking to others about it. I want to join a friendly and active guild and this seems to be a good place! :D
Thank you for your time!
Hey Lighty, I'd be happy to join your guild again. I left 2 weeks ago to take a break to get some fresh air. Just a recap, I am mostly an SC player. My IGN is RyuuFB.
IGN: PoucasTrncas
I mostly play std, I play daily, like to talk to friends in-game, discuss about builds, whatever. Also if you talk in Discord or something I'd like to spend some time there just having fun and getting to know some of the members better.
IGN: gato_un_mis_pantalones

Hi I am interested in joining your guild. I mainly play SSFHC league and off league also.I am active daily and looking to get better at my character and talking with other like minded people.


I want to join ur guild my ING: Alexto
I had misunderstood the meaning of IGN. I thought it was the account name but I just realised it's the character name. I edited my post from yesterday. My IGN is Maazikeen and I am interested in joining this guild :).
Interested in joining for remainder of legacy and next temp sc league IGN: TheScilon
IGN: syync
Back over awhile away in the army, so im looking for active player base to interact and get in sync (pun intended) with the game again :) Friendly and i play League mostly but run races also.

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