[Lighty] 250 Member Homeless Shelter ☼ Recruiting Active Players

IGN:BladeTheExile im kinda noob with shitty pc playing POE few weeks after the release with stop now and then
if its possible i would rly like to join and i am realy enjoying your videos Lighty keep it up ^^ oh yea mostly playing standard league and legacy sometimes
I haven't tried out a guild before, but i'm looking for people to play with IGN: DontThrowShitRonnie
nevrakian. newer player but already 60+ farming maps looking for others to play with
Hello. I'd like to join please.

I'm a filthy casual with a humble shop and a few exiles that inch forward chaos by chaos.

Has been difficult to find a sense of community in POE thus far. Maybe I can get it here.



Relatively new player to POE, though I've been playing ARPG's since Diablo 1, looking for a helpful community to interact with.
IGN: Jamie (beta)
i play all new leagues alot until it becomes too much then go far more casual and just play with random builds :) Back from a fair few months break i took due to work.
hi im new to the game and i would like to join a guild i could play with so i hope you allow me to join your guild sir!!!
thanks in advance

IGN: creamzen_one

Because you LOVE ME <3
Hi boys. IGN BurnYouFast

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