Map Changes in 2.0.4

Map tiers - Bad choice (Should make it similar to item level, push external key to get the TIER"

Map Drop Increase - Good Choice

Reducing exp gain to 15 - Meh, neither good or bad. Just meh.

For high end players you could make an additional check box when making the character (Insane mode) or something, wich reduces the exp gain or makes the game harder but also more rewarding if reached lvl 100. (First to reach lvl 100 with Insane mod) or something, and give them a cookie

Kuruguhn wrote:
Where can I find a ilevel 77?

Before it was:

on a yellow mob from a 75 zone +
on a blue mob from a 76 zone +
any white from 77 +

Wich tier grant what ?

Yeah thank everything is a lot more clear

This will be very confusing. Not sure how this can be a good thing.
Please just fix the totally broken IIQ, IIR and Pack Size bonuses.

You can roll an insane suicide combination of mods and still get mediocre IIQ. Stop only giving flat bonuses for single mods. Give out bonuses for mod COMBINATIONS as well. - max res combined with additional lighting, fire and cold damage should be worth WAY more than just the sum of the mod bonuses.
Nice changes, definitely looking forward to test them in action when i get back from my vacation. :)
11.02.2013 - 11.02.2017: four year PoE anniversary!
I think having 15 tiers of maps makes it even more confusing, and I'd be willing to bet others agree.

Does each tier now have different mods it can roll? If not, then I'm guessing the color changes were just to show that each set of tiers have different difficulties.

The xp differences make sense to me though, people were getting to 100 too quickly. It'll still be easier than leveling to 100 before 2.0 though so it makes sense from a balance standpoint.

Overall the changes seem nice, but the tiers IMO the way they've been put out will be more confusing. Why not just have three tiers based on the mods maps can roll, while keeping the area level information?

I know the level of every map, but newer players will probably struggle when they get to the second set of tiers.

I'm pretty tired so don't mind the rambling/improper grammar.
BoondockSaint wrote:
xD4DDYx wrote:
There's a lot of confused people around here. Chris' statement about high level maps being run through Zana is meant to read; "People running high level maps with Zana mod."

The people here who still complain about map drops - please take this test:

Get any level map (highest level you have) throw 4-chisels on it, alc it and re-roll until you get "pack size" Now, put that into Zana map device with 3 SAC pieces and roll Zana's Ambush map mod. Grab 60+ alts, stack of Aug's and a couple of Transmutes and Scours. Enter map, roll "+3 Magic Monsters" on every box in the map and report back here with how many maps you return.

There is nothing wrong with map drop rates. Map drop rates for the higher tier are balanced around investment - just like everything else in this game. You want the best gear? Grind and invest. You want 8/8 challenges? Huge investment needed. Want to reach level 100? Invest your currency in maps.

Go on, buy a 79 Arsenal or Shipyard map and roll it as above. That will be the last map you will have to buy if you roll your maps as I mentioned above.

The experience nerf of the 82's is not punishing the elite players and everyone else. It's a proven fact that in a ladder situation, enthusiasm for the League is severely dampened the moment someone reaches that milestone. A goal that people need to have in ARPG is instantly devalued at that moment. This has a knoc-on effect for the community. People stop playing, people stop trading and the rest of us with different goals suffer because of a limited player base.

The longer it takes anyone to reach level 100 is best for retention of players on the whole. It makes the league last it's due course, which is great for... everyone? I think so.

Oh snap....the truth is out there now.....damn, now everyone will have thousands of maps lvl 81-82

First of all, even if you do roll map that way, there is 0 guarantee you will get any map in return, but it's ok, you are completly unexperienced so lets forget about that for a second

What people, atleast i, are whining is, that map drops are balanced exactly about what you said, and by balanced i mean you have small chance to keep your lvl 78-80 pool

And to do that you need 1 Ex in currency for lets say 2 maps to play them.....

Now tell me, how fucked up end game is where you need to farm/trade 1 whole day to play 3-4 maps that will give you some experience?

My inexperience has what to do with my statement? If you're referring to the point at which I started playing the game, then I can say I'm vastly inexperienced to others that have played the game longer, obviously. However, what I said has merit - thus making you "whiners" clueless when it comes to the philosophy of the game and the methods required to sample "end game."

You want end game, but you don't want to work for it? That sounds like a Diablo 3 game philosophy. Higher risk = higher reward in Path of Exile. My inexperience tells you that I play Tempest, it tells you that I, last night, ran a 79 Arsenal with my method above at level 89 and from that single map I returned; (1) Arsenal, (1) Shipyard, (1) Springs, (2) Plateau, (1) Volcano and (1) Spider Forest for my maps drops. Also turned in 3 Regal recipes (6c) and looted a Bino's Kitchen Knife with a return of 17% experience gained.

That map cost me 12c for Ambush mod, 30 alts for rolling boxes, 1 Scour for rare Gemcutters box and 3 SAC pieces (which I farmed myself in Docks). I don't sell maps, but if I did, I could sell all maps that dropped below 79 for a total of 67c in trade chat very quickly. Add the 6c from regal recipe, the Bino's and all the other mid-tier tri-res drops, let's just say for my 15c map investment I made a profit 4.5ex.

I'd say you're right about map drops being broken, they drop far too often when you invest properly. I mean, Havoc reached level 100 (for the second time in Tempest) in 98 hrs playtime.

maxor wrote:
So is the exp rate the same for 88-99?

It's a nerf for everyone who runs lvl 79+ maps, whether he's lvl 89 or 99. The reasoning is really hilarious in its absurdity. People complained about lack of high lvl maps so now high lvl maps give less XP so you don't feel quite as bad if you don't find any.
Shop closed until further notice. Check out my Dominus musical tribute instead:
Nice changes overall, but im left wondering what's with the Beyond bosses, Exiles and other unique mobs. One of the great things about PoE are its challenging unique encounters, and after that interesting encounter you hope to get rewarded. For me personally, the best reward is a new map, preferably +1.
Of course i love unique drops too, or divcards, high currency, etc, but that kind of reward is random in such a way you dont hope for a unique to drop from every boss fight.
Maps however, are common enough to hope for, and for instance i feel the +2s & extra chance from bosses was a great change as such. It incentivizes me to tackle the encounter, and many a time i feel rewarded after doing so.
I really feel other unique mob encounters should be the same way, or at least +1. I get this same feeling of hoping for a map drop when i encounter a final pack of blues when i thought i cleared the map, or when i roll a strongbox to spawn with magic monsters. I'd really like this feeling of hoping the kill is worth it back on challenging encounters like beyond, exiles, invaders, warbands, etc.

More map drops is nice, but i would much rather see no increase in drops but have the exiles drop a map every now and again again. I feel it is simply out of order to have blues give +1s and unique mobs not even dropping a -5.

I also would have loved to hear some insight on what GGG feels about Zana mods. I expected such since the reply to Ghuddas reddit post, and alas it was only acknowledged as something that happens in the manifesto post. I'm really curious what GGG thinks about their pricing, solo/multi effects of that, and balance between the different options.

Regarding the other changes:
Tiers: i actually feel this is a nice change. Maps are something very aesthetic, and dropping/playing a map is a reward in its own while being a feat you want to achieve at the same time. 'Tier' is a fitting word for that, one that immediately conveys sense of achievement. Honestly i used the word in my head many a time already, and it is very fitting for what maps are and the goals a player has for them.

Colors: i think this is also a nice aesthetic change. Only thing im in doubt about is that a blue map will feel white or yellow in the first two difficulties of maps.

Difficulty: While some balancing of the different mobs is always welcome, i actually feel you did a great job, and hope not too much is changed. Honestly i approached 2.0 as a whole, and felt the hard new mobs were balanced out by other options to tackle them, like fortify, jewels, moar damage from frenzy charges, golems, etc.

Experience: Doesnt really affect me, as im mostly an alt-o-holic. Seems like a good change for the people that like to build one strong character per league however, as i've heard about people quitting feeling they achieved what was achievable.

Ground effects: My computer could always handle them, but i guess its very nice for those people who dont. I do feel the burning ground mob could use a buff in difficulty, i pretty much ignore it, unlike the other effects. Something around the level of the burning ground the unique tiger in a1 leaves after death wóuld make me interact with the mod.
Last edited by Toverkol on Sep 24, 2015, 1:13:58 PM
too bad u guys found that your map drop rate was utter shit b4 u can fix it now but eveyr 1 quited cuz of how shit ur map drop for this game is
xD4DDYx wrote:
BoondockSaint wrote:
xD4DDYx wrote:
There's a lot of confused people around here. Chris' statement about high level maps being run through Zana is meant to read; "People running high level maps with Zana mod."

The people here who still complain about map drops - please take this test:

Get any level map (highest level you have) throw 4-chisels on it, alc it and re-roll until you get "pack size" Now, put that into Zana map device with 3 SAC pieces and roll Zana's Ambush map mod. Grab 60+ alts, stack of Aug's and a couple of Transmutes and Scours. Enter map, roll "+3 Magic Monsters" on every box in the map and report back here with how many maps you return.

There is nothing wrong with map drop rates. Map drop rates for the higher tier are balanced around investment - just like everything else in this game. You want the best gear? Grind and invest. You want 8/8 challenges? Huge investment needed. Want to reach level 100? Invest your currency in maps.

Go on, buy a 79 Arsenal or Shipyard map and roll it as above. That will be the last map you will have to buy if you roll your maps as I mentioned above.

The experience nerf of the 82's is not punishing the elite players and everyone else. It's a proven fact that in a ladder situation, enthusiasm for the League is severely dampened the moment someone reaches that milestone. A goal that people need to have in ARPG is instantly devalued at that moment. This has a knoc-on effect for the community. People stop playing, people stop trading and the rest of us with different goals suffer because of a limited player base.

The longer it takes anyone to reach level 100 is best for retention of players on the whole. It makes the league last it's due course, which is great for... everyone? I think so.

Oh snap....the truth is out there now.....damn, now everyone will have thousands of maps lvl 81-82

First of all, even if you do roll map that way, there is 0 guarantee you will get any map in return, but it's ok, you are completly unexperienced so lets forget about that for a second

What people, atleast i, are whining is, that map drops are balanced exactly about what you said, and by balanced i mean you have small chance to keep your lvl 78-80 pool

And to do that you need 1 Ex in currency for lets say 2 maps to play them.....

Now tell me, how fucked up end game is where you need to farm/trade 1 whole day to play 3-4 maps that will give you some experience?

My inexperience has what to do with my statement? If you're referring to the point at which I started playing the game, then I can say I'm vastly inexperienced to others that have played the game longer, obviously. However, what I said has merit - thus making you "whiners" clueless when it comes to the philosophy of the game and the methods required to sample "end game."

You want end game, but you don't want to work for it? That sounds like a Diablo 3 game philosophy. Higher risk = higher reward in Path of Exile. My inexperience tells you that I play Tempest, it tells you that I, last night, ran a 79 Arsenal with my method above at level 89 and from that single map I returned; (1) Arsenal, (1) Shipyard, (1) Springs, (2) Plateau, (1) Volcano and (1) Spider Forest for my maps drops. Also turned in 3 Regal recipes (6c) and looted a Bino's Kitchen Knife with a return of 17% experience gained.

That map cost me 12c for Ambush mod, 30 alts for rolling boxes, 1 Scour for rare Gemcutters box and 3 SAC pieces (which I farmed myself in Docks). I don't sell maps, but if I did, I could sell all maps that dropped below 79 for a total of 67c in trade chat very quickly. Add the 6c from regal recipe, the Bino's and all the other mid-tier tri-res drops, let's just say for my 15c map investment I made a profit 4.5ex.

I'd say you're right about map drops being broken, they drop far too often when you invest properly. I mean, Havoc reached level 100 (for the second time in Tempest) in 98 hrs playtime.

I run maps with 179IIQ/463IIR. If you invest 20-30 chaos and countless alts/augs into a map and find no decent maps or can't make back even the initial investment, you're at a pretty huge loss every 79+ maps you run.

4 chisels, 1 alch, anywhere from 1-10 chaos on rolling the map, then another 12c for ambush, then let's say you have a few unlucky maps where you don't find a map above level 75. You've just wasted a ton of currency. This happens to me and countless others all the time, where you spend a ton rolling the map and get nowhere near the cost of the map plus the initial investment back.

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