Map Changes in 2.0.4

Chris wrote:

Map Levels are now Tiers
There are 15 tiers of maps, from level 68 to 82 inclusive. We've struggled for ages with the confusion caused by this. Players expect to play maps of their level (which can be way too hard for them), or make arguments about that they're level 95+ and can't find a level 80 map. Players with backgrounds in contemporary MMORPGs expect to play content equivalent to their level.

In order to resolve this confusion, maps now display a tier rather than a level. The level can easily be calculated. Tier 1 is level 68 (or level 66 if it's an old map graphic).

There's no "confusion" - as long as there's an experience penalty for running maps under your level the game is telling you that you have to run maps your level. I don't think you guys understand how the game works anymore. This change solves nothing and introduces a great deal of confusion about what level exactly the map will be.
Where can I find a ilevel 77?

Before it was:

on a yellow mob from a 75 zone +
on a blue mob from a 76 zone +
any white from 77 +

Wich tier grant what ?

Yeah thank everything is a lot more clear
Have fun! And go buy my stuff...

Shops: 522765 / 1094567 / 1147014
Looks like a decent patch.

I can foresee a lot of QQ about the map tier for a long time. Personally i dont really mind the change, but i dont see it as something necessary. I think the color of the map would be the indication of a tougher map(sort of). People will still think of what map lvl it would equal anyway so i dont think anything about that change will help, except for those who are really new and will see the picture you are trying to paint here.

News and actual changes about ground effects, oh god :)
You just wasted 3 seconds reading this.
Last edited by Tian_Yihao on Sep 24, 2015, 12:41:49 PM
I really can't see why exp needs a nerf. Raise level cap instead to lvl 110
and introduce 5 new maps 83-87. Don't make it harder to lvl up for all players.
Imo you will loose alot of casual players on that account.

I have to work for a living. I never found it easy to reach 100. I've never had a character higher than 94.
GGG becomes another run-of-the-mill company :D
Tier instead of Level? Let me think about it, sound like:

Raider becomes Twix ... nothing else changes.
Have a problem with something I said? PM goetzjam don't derail a thread.
'There's plenty that needs to change. And back in my day we had real game devs.' - TheAnuhart
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on February 30, 2016 0:61 PM

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Sawm wrote:
I understand that ggg tested ON THERE OWN MACHINES the effect of rain/water. T know well enough from having to wait 2-7x longer every time i open an area with it and that my fps is like 10 until i start walking around then it chills out back to 60+fps, yes i own a ssd, yes i have upgraded my pc, and i know i am not alone i read about this shit...all the time.
inb4 Sl4yer telling you to "upgrade ur 10yr old potato" xD
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
Love the changes GGG.

I am 100% behind increasing the exp required to hit 100, but making map drops much more sustainable. Everyone wants to feel natural progression for their characters, and hitting map walls because you can't sustain a certain tier is frustrating for sure. Most players who knew how to invest into high level maps correctly were already able to sustain, but this will help the casual player base significantly if they just drop more often.

I disagree with the damage nerf in low level maps, but not a huge deal. Bosses are still pretty underwhelming in low tiers, it would be nice to revisit map bosses at a later date and maybe adjusting certain easy bosses to put them in line with everyone else, or just tweaking drop rates overall to make them more rewarding and worth doing.

I would like to see another tier added to help the late 90s, with more risk for reward. I understand this is easier said than done, but I feel would help significantly if you are going to nerf by 15%, make the new tier 15% above the current highest tier maps, and continue to tweak the exp required for 100 until you feel the grind is very fluid, yet more increasingly difficult as you progress. The journey to 100 should always be difficult!

Personally I never suffered from crippling performance issues from ground effects, but I'm aware it exists and other users have issues with them, so I'm glad you're looking into it.

Looking forward to the 1month notes today and playing in upcoming leagues.
Map drop sounds good BUT the rest sounds very disappointing ... I think the pro players should have their own league which could be made very difficult an slow too level their you go pleasing them while we all have to suffer Now I know fact I will NEVER see level 100 ... No worries tho I quit the character when it starts taking more then a full day of playing to gain one level ... I LOVE playing POE but it sounds like I will soon need to follow my friends too an easier game they have all quit All this makes me wonder what the majority of your players are
So is the exp rate the same for 88-99?

As one of the biggest glaring problems with progression in POE is that level 88-90 is an effective soft cap on levelling.Id like to see the stats on what players highest level characters are id be willing to bet that its mostly 88-90.The Feeling that once you hit level 90 OR have mid tier items then progressing your character is effectively finished, this is still the biggest barrier to improving the end game. It has been this way for a very long time and stops the game being as good as it could be.

I do think a map tier system has good potential but we will have wait and see.
"Blue warrior shot the food"

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