Split Arrow

I use split arrow + added fire dmg + increased ele dmg + pierce and it works well. Combine it with the projectile weakness curse and I am at around 95% chance to pierce the cursed targets.

I do wish the cone could be tightened up a little bit more when you target at extreme ranges, so it would be more useful in narrow hallways.
What lvl are you?
So, do people level this skill to lvl 9 (+3 arrows) and stop or to lvl 16 (+4 arrows) and stop?

Also how good is this skill for elemental archers?
Everyone is using LS and LS gives projectile damage as it levels which is great for elemental archers while this one gives physical damage :(
But this one does not need LMP and will cost less mana in the end.

Last edited by Torin on Mar 13, 2013, 11:54:14 AM
Has anyone used LMP + GMP on this at high level for 13 arrows???
Add fork or chain...
Huge damage reduction but gotta be a laugh.
Tin foil hats are a lie propagated by the aluminium industry.
Last edited by Rufus82 on Mar 20, 2013, 2:37:20 AM
You don't add multi projectile as it takes more damage away than it adds except maybe with high quality ones.

good quality pierce + arrow piercing passive makes this pretty strong, but it feels a bit like you need double hitting of projectiles on the same target, like with magic skills, to make the skill a bit stronger, as it seems underused, because you can reach the same effect with any arrow skill + Greater multi, and you'll probably get more damage out of that too, especially with things like burning/ ice arrow.

No ele% nodes or equipment. Running 6L Split Arrow and crit/phys% passives.

Even putting on non quality lower leveled LA with the damage decrease from LMP/GMP adds way more damage than split arrow. The only reason I use it is so I don't lag party members.

It doesn't pair well with Chain as it does with other bow skills and in most maps it simply isn't that efficient to use SA over anything else (shooting more projectiles doesn't matter because half of them get stuck in a wall than hitting a mob, especially when shooting through a doorway.)

Adding an option to lower / increase the spread of SA without cursor involvement would be nice. Making the minimum spread smaller would help too.
Yea, that skill was asbolutely destroyed when they removed crit flasks from the game. I made 2 elelemtnal focused bow users using this skill:

1. Shadow going to Templar tree
2. Ranger focusing on crit chance nodes

In both cases the damage was too low to make those characters viable in Merciless and beyond. Hopefuly it will be buffed or reworked because right now it's one of the most useless skilss in the game.
Mana cost is stupidly high for low levels, pretty much unusable.
IGN: ragol
If you crit, will all the arrows crit as well? Or is each separate arrow rolled for a crit?
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As with all Skills, the Crit roll is done per activation, not per hit, not per projectile. :)

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