Split Arrow

Death's Harp Bow:

Is the above a good end game bow for crit split arrow builds?


If not, what should I keep an eye out for?
GGG listens to its fans!!! Thank you!
Death's Harp is a great leveling bow.A great one.
But not endgame for sure.Especially if you want to do a crit build.

With this tree here

and some crit on items the difference between a 5% and a 7,2% crit chance bows is about 12% more
for the second one.

When you're doing a crit build Crit > everything else.
To crit or not to crit ?
GGG please give SA a weapon animation! it's so boring to look at.


I think people don't play it because it looks so boring...


Split arrow really needs a new effect / a P2G cosmetic.
PoE is Pay to Glow, and I want to glow like the next guy! ♥
Last edited by Awenna on Apr 23, 2014, 5:03:53 AM
actually death's harp is great for an split arrow build. the +1 arrow ends up giving more damage than most what other elemental gear can provide on one bow. i didn't take into consideration attack speed though
What support gems (in order of importance as I go form 4L to 5L to 6L) should I be linking to split arrow?

Also, is Pierce a key support gem?

Last edited by AlfaTangOh on Aug 29, 2014, 8:13:03 AM
probably a stupid questin, but is split arrow count as projectile?
if so, how the hell do i get like 90% reflect, when i got ondars+50% evasion?
no, im not using lioneye
according to wiki, my evasion is capped at 95%
that means i should get 20shot, and only 1 reflect.
Last edited by Talkii on Sep 13, 2014, 10:06:05 AM
You have an estimated 50% Chance to Evade... Against monsters of your level. They don't have nearly as much Accuracy as you do.
Do not change the plain look! It's exactly the reason I'm thinking of playing it. There's already a million gems out there with super flashy graphics, you guys can use those... let me have my plain looking attack please :)
Tis a good skill. Played most of Warbands with it. So easy to get up and running and so strong.

One crippling downside to Split Arrow is now whenever I play a new experimental build I tend to start thinking "darn, I could be playing split arrow instead of this right now".
"ran out of high teir maps to leave on the ground - people kept taking the higher teirs" - Da Pagionator
Tis a good skill. Played most of Warbands with it. So easy to get up and running and so strong.

One crippling downside to Split Arrow is now whenever I play a new experimental build I tend to start thinking "darn, I could be playing split arrow instead of this right now".

Well no need to worry about that now its ruined.And nothing to take its place or compensate for its loss.
"Blue warrior shot the food"

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