Shield Charge

In my opinion shieldcharge is the best escape. There is one simple reason for that. Shieldcharge has no cooldown. Many other aspects are powerfull to a silly amount but that is not the worst thing. The worst thing is you can use the "I use shieldcharge and everything dies"-card whenever you want. (and when I cannot permastun the final boss with shieldcharge without taking stun passives you can tell me that it is not strong. high quality stun support has been used but nothing else)

It bothers me that shieldcharge is an absolute nobrainer. Not to the extend that I would be mad at people. But to the extend that I write a short comment in the forum. ;)
Sorry for the long post. In the unlikely event of a short post. There sure is something I should feel sorry about anyway.
Also shield charge dps meter is bugged. I think it calculates in the hit chance, while it should not as it hits 100% of the time.
deathspenalty wrote:
Honestly as already suggested making SC end with a tiny aoe cone, so tiny that you would practically be able to hit only 1 monster, 2 if they stack up might fix the issue with SC missing when the monster moves a pixel into the wrong direction.

The problem atm is that the enemy might move left or right perpendicular to your path and you will miss, while he can run away as much as he wants in a straight line and you will mostly hit him.

Its the inconsistency in hit/miss that bothers me.

I will agree on the mini-aoe cone. Also, releasing the skill key during movement should stop the character, so that when you know you're going to miss, you could avoid getting somewhere you initially didn't want to.

I've had ideas of being able to control the character during high-speed movement, but that would be OP now that I've read through a bit of this thread.

EDIT: Also, when colliding with charging Rhoas it would be nice for both to receive 0 dmg, rather than only me getting hurt.
Last edited by foreigner on Aug 29, 2012, 12:10:42 PM
i was just wondering which passives affect the damage of shield charge other than stuns?
is there any chance of changing the skill so it works with out a weapon?
so it may be used while unarmed and shield.

just wondering if it had crossed anyones mind

selggu wrote:
i was just wondering which passives affect the damage of shield charge other than stuns?

Stun passives don't add damage, just stun duration, as the passive implies?

Shield Charge deals weapon-damage, so it benefits from the same passives as other weapon-damage skills.
How does the hit calculate if you charge an enemy that is also charging you? Does the higher of the two damages just over-power the other and thats how it determines who hits who?
Fun skill.

Slightly bugged in terms of pathing. This causes problems with the whole "X% Bonus damage from Max Charge Distance" as you miss don't make contact with the enemy 50% of the time due to pathing. (Enemies moving a pixel / small debris in charge path)

I feel the run by knockback is weak as it gives enemies a small shove as opposed to an actual knockback. Also the knockback/stun on the strike itself is rather unimpressive.

The damage seems to come a few inches off the shield itself, which causes problems when trying to charge from point blank as it strikes behind the enemy completely missing the hitbox.

Also, like many have listed, I would like to see a small cone AoE come from the shield - This would suit the current animation well. (Perhaps have the AoE be a 2*2*2 triangle starting from just behind the shield instead of infront of it)

IGN Suojata
This thing gonna get fixed soon? It's burning a hole into this game's integrity.
IGN Suojata
I had a build planned around using Shield charge with a wand.

Apparently, it won't work because the skill only works with melee weapons...

Would it really create unbalances to let wand users have fun with shield charge ?

Shadow : Covenant Pulser (504561)
Ranger : 12 charges Frenzy Archer (65154), Dual Claws Elemental ST (709126)
Witch : Self-Cast Arc Tanky Witch (770185), AoF EK/Bear trap (863970)
Templar : Frenzy + AB/Fireball "Cast on Crit" Wander (611200)
Marauder : Death Oath Staff User (498864)
Last edited by Velkor on Oct 24, 2012, 1:44:21 PM

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