Caustic Arrow

rhaye wrote:
I think that Poison Arrow should pierce:

What do you guys think about that?
I'm having super fun with Ice Shot when it pierces and chains.
rhaye wrote:
rhaye wrote:
I think that Poison Arrow should pierce:

What do you guys think about that?
I'm having super fun with Ice Shot when it pierces and chains.

PA does pierce already and also pierce does NOT work with chaining.
ighnaz wrote:
rhaye wrote:
rhaye wrote:
I think that Poison Arrow should pierce:

What do you guys think about that?
I'm having super fun with Ice Shot when it pierces and chains.

PA does pierce already and also pierce does NOT work with chaining.

But only if you shoot behind enemies. My point is that it should pierce when you shoot at the enemies.
then you wouldn't be able to shoot the arrow to the ground to poison a specific area and that is more important
ighnaz wrote:
then you wouldn't be able to shoot the arrow to the ground to poison a specific area

Why? Only because it's implemented that way. Make it this way: if you target the ground, hit the ground; if you target a monster, hit the monster, (have a chance to) pierce and fly straight.

I need to check the mechanics for Ice Shot, but I believe it works exactly like that with that skill (you can shoot the ground with Ice Shot).

ighnaz wrote:
(...) and that is more important

That's your opinion. In my playstyle it's more important to hit rushing enemies and the poison cloud is just an addition (although a great one), especially considering that it does not insta-kill the monsters.

If you're right, then maybe we should have a Poison Cloud skill then. What do you think?
Last edited by rhaye on Feb 28, 2013, 6:13:24 AM
it does sometimes feel that poison arrow should be two different skills. then if we're going to have an added chaos (percentage from this or fixed from support gem), a DoT (viper strike), a DoT AoE (this again), then we'd need a plain AoE to finish the universal set.
Last edited by soul4hdwn on Feb 28, 2013, 11:11:23 AM
rhaye wrote:
I need to check the mechanics for Ice Shot, but I believe it works exactly like that with that skill (you can shoot the ground with Ice Shot).

Ice Shot is not ground-targeted.
Might have been answered already, but do Poison Arrow clouds stack? I'm using a PA/Fork build, going to switch to LMP soon, I think, and I can't tell if monsters are getting poisoned by two clouds at once.
Might have been answered already, but do Poison Arrow clouds stack? I'm using a PA/Fork build, going to switch to LMP soon, I think, and I can't tell if monsters are getting poisoned by two clouds at once.

Is there any reason for Poison Arrow not to work with Ranged Attack Totem? I tried to link them but it won't work, and i don't know if this is a bug or intended.

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