Immortal Call

i might agree with you because i don't think i'm right. lv 14 gem is 5 seconds total with 6 endurance charges while with quality is 14 seconds. doesn't sound right.

then again it only stops physical damage not elemental or chaos. if someone had that many charges, they might me more inclined to keep thier charges.
soul4hdwn wrote:
then again it only stops physical damage not elemental or chaos. if someone had that many charges, they might me more inclined to keep thier charges.

This, basically. It's a whole lot less effort to simply maintain charges and drink a pot or grab some Leech than it is to maintain Immortal Call, and then it also only works against Physical damage; the Charges at least help deal with Elemental damage. IC sounds good on paper, but it's so very situational.
I think the quality is 0,01s per charge per %.
So 20% would be 0,2 s added per charge.

Saw a quality one and these also seem way more reasonable numbers.

Wanted to make a build that would aim to break IC, but it might prove to be impossible.

Edit of edit: so apparently (as i now saw also in this very thread) increased buff duration passives and support gem only increases the base time, not the time from expending chrages.
So my calculations are way off, and my build rendered useless. Luckily i didn´t get far in leveling that build.

Immortal call seems way too situational to actually be worth the skill slot.

This would be a fun skill to break though.
IGN: N_Bohr
Last edited by Ola on Dec 24, 2012, 4:56:20 AM
i am unable to understand pvp, but if quality really was that low of effect, then it would be even more reason to not spend endurance charges and keep elemental AND physical defense.

last mentioning of quality was 0.05 sec per charge per quality. a patch boosted that or whatever the immortal call that exists then by 50% for quality effect.
Ok, so i´ve been incorrect with believing i was incorrect with how increased duration works with immortal call.

Ran into these bits of information from Mark in the inner force keystone thread:
IGN: N_Bohr
Can anyone tell me please how long IC will last if :

5 Endurance Charges expended, +45% skill duration from passives, +45% increased duration of buffs passives, +60% increased duration from support gem on a lvl 14 IC

A lvl 14 IC gives .8 per charge...
10.5 seconds
edit: (0.8 *5) +0.2 = 4.2 then 4.2 *(1 +0.45 +0.45 +0.6) = 10.5
Last edited by soul4hdwn on Dec 28, 2012, 10:57:10 PM
I wonder how this skill reacts to physical reflect. From the source and to the source.

Like if I hit a target with X amount of physical damage would I take damage or would I be invulnerable to it during this time frame of IC?

Also if say I wore Bramblejack (30% damage reflection when hit) do I deal damage back to the source of the full 30%? or will I deal 0% since I'm invulnerable to physical damage?

Mark please clarify :)
Last edited by quicksilver31189 on Jan 8, 2013, 6:38:12 PM
When you are immune to Physical damage, you don't take any Physical damage. Reflected damage is the same type as damage dealt.
If you hit a reflect Physical, IC makes you immune. If you have Bramblejack, IC makes it useless.
I've been using IC with increased duration and 3 enduring cry gems with faster casting supports and it seems pretty powerful.

It can even be more or less maintained vs a single target as I show in this video.

Also notice how there is a slight delay in the physical immunity after casting it. Right after the last time I cast IC in the vid i get hit pretty hard.

I think its either that you still take damage if the enemy attack animation is initiated before the call is active, or it doesn't actually take effect until the big icon goes away and you see the little one over your character's head.

My only issue with IC is that since it is a spell the cast seems to get interrupted sometimes, which I didn't think would be possible with unwavering stance.
Last edited by SirOtis on Feb 16, 2013, 9:48:49 PM

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