Flicker Strike

Found a bug - when using blood rage to get infinite flicker strike (1 shooting mobs) with dual wield duelist I find that they graphically disappear after doing a large chain (10+) of hits. However they are stated in the status top left corner of a screen and the effect is present. But there are no more green orbs rotating around the character. Plain killing with cleave or whateever gets these orbs back.
The tool tip appears to have a text error.

"Cooldown can [by] bypassed by expending a frenzy charge."

Cooldown can (be) bypassed by expending a frenzy charge.

Just posting this to note it for any type of Copy Edit Scrubbing in the future.

*silly me correcting typos with more typos.
Last edited by Specho on Aug 3, 2012, 5:43:19 AM
I know this skill was op before, but I hate that you guys had to resort to cooldowns to solve the problem. Really can't stand cooldowns in general. Just one of those things where if I have specced attack speed or cast speed, I expect my character to attack or cast faster. Now to use flicker effectively, you are really locked into one path.

Also, does Kaitryn not have a cooldown on his flicker strike?
Specho wrote:
The tool tip appears to have a text error.
"Cooldown can by bypassed by expending a frenzy charge."

It is correct; expending means you have to pay a Frenzy charge. Expanding means you need to make a Frenzy charge bigger.
Vipermagi wrote:
Specho wrote:
The tool tip appears to have a text error.
"Cooldown can by bypassed by expending a frenzy charge."

It is correct; expending means you have to pay a Frenzy charge. Expanding means you need to make a Frenzy charge bigger.

he was pointing out the typo...
There is no typo though. The line he quoted from the game (that I also quoted from his post) has the correct word in it, namely expend.

For reference.
I double-checked in game before writing my previous post.
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"by bypassed by" the first word should be BE. that is what he was pointing out.
Wow. I did not see that. I only noticed that he changed "expended" to "expanded". My apologies.
soul4hdwn wrote:
"by bypassed by" the first word should be BE. that is what he was pointing out.
Just gotta say, Flicker Strike interacting with Frenzy Charges like that is just brilliant. I knew the charge system had potential, and I'd love to see more skill interactions like that.
Ancient and unwise, SSF only since 2012

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