Dual Strike

Mark_GGG wrote:
Each weapon hit is calculated separately, then they're combined into single combined damage package. Since stun is part of damage calculation, this is calculated separately for each weapon, and then the combined hit will stun if either of the hits stuns.

tnx for the reply even though its not the reply i wanted :).
Mojoejoejoesz wrote:
this hit will attack the air if not perfectly targeting a mob other then that great skill

This happens will all targeted attack skills that aren't bound to leftclick.

In other words, you have to put this skill (and many others) on leftclick to use it effectively.

It's a problem that I hope GGG takes seriously, since it's something I can't fix myself with creative scripting.
Last edited by Daemonjax on Aug 10, 2012, 3:45:25 PM
i use it as a main attack.

the repeating animation gets boring.

you should recycle other animations you already have and mix them up. it currently feels so robot.
mixing animations of other attacks gives maybe a more organic feeling.

the sound of dual strike isnt a masterpiece also, honestly said. if there were sound datas in my PoE folder i would have already duplicated a ficitve "heavystrike.wav" or "normalattack.wav" and renamed it "dualstrike.wav" ;P
whether there is still a problem in the correct reading of both weapon dps?
Dziki19931 wrote:
whether there is still a problem in the correct reading of both weapon dps?
yes game doesn't read multiple hits for dps, meaning double strike and this will list only one hit and/or mainhand. similar issues with firestorm and sparks and multiple projectile skills.
so... how can we read the correct value?
Double the listed DPS. It currently assumes alternating between the two weapons, so it takes the average of your two weapons. Double the average and you get the total.
Mark_GGG wrote:
Each weapon hit is calculated separately, then they're combined into single combined damage package. Since stun is part of damage calculation, this is calculated separately for each weapon, and then the combined hit will stun if either of the hits stuns.

Does the same logic apply to critical strikes?
That is, each chance to crit is calculated separately and then if either crits then the combined damage crits?
Or is each crit calculated separately and then the damage from each is combined?
Or is the crit chanced averaged and rolled once after the combined damage?

Also, is there an ETA on when (or if) the tooltip and character info will be fixed to properly reflect the combined damage?
Last edited by Aplier on Aug 26, 2012, 9:42:44 AM
Aplier wrote:
Or is each crit calculated separately and then the damage from each is combined?
This one, but like all skills, only one crit roll is made, so unless your weapons have different crit chances, they'll always either both crit nor neither crit.

Aplier wrote:
Also, is there an ETA on when (or if) the tooltip and character info will be fixed to properly reflect the combined damage?
Probably during open beta sometime. It's a minor issue which doesn't affect gameplay. Work before open beta has to focus on things that need to be done before the final wipe, because we can't do those afterwards.
Mark_GGG wrote:
Aplier wrote:
Or is each crit calculated separately and then the damage from each is combined?
This one, but like all skills, only one crit roll is made, so unless your weapons have different crit chances, they'll always either both crit nor neither crit.

Thank you for the quick response!
As it so happens my weapons do have different crit chances, but now I understand the process well enough.

Mark_GGG wrote:
Aplier wrote:
Also, is there an ETA on when (or if) the tooltip and character info will be fixed to properly reflect the combined damage?
Probably during open beta sometime. It's a minor issue which doesn't affect gameplay. Work before open beta has to focus on things that need to be done before the final wipe, because we can't do those afterwards.

No rush, keep working at the important stuff, I just wanted to make sure this is somewhere in the back of your minds. =D

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