Eternal Orbs

Eternal orbs were never the problem. People RMT'ing and getting away with it coupled with POE having that duplication glitch made Eternal Orbs abusable. Crafting even one great item would take dozens of Eternal Exalts.

Simply put, GGG, go research players who have sets of all mirrored gear and look for instances of RMT'ing and this duplication glitch.

If a mentally unstable person drives his car through a crowd of people, it's not the crowds, or cars fault.
Kinne wrote:
Great display of balls! GG GGG!
Ofc softcore will be move fucked up than ever but really I don't understand why anyone would ever want to play non-league anyways.

I remember someone at GGG saying long time ago that standard game for them is the most important and primary. Other, temporary leagues, are experimental, where they try out new stuff.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke
Last edited by Toshis8 on Jul 6, 2015, 9:52:26 AM
next step is mirrors doing 2 mirrored copies and destroying original
So now mirrorable rares that had been created with Eternals are just priceless.
IGN: MegaSplasz
Eternal Orbs should not be removed, Mirrors is the one that should be removed.

Mirrors create a banking system w here richer gets richer for doing nothing but a serivce.

If i want to craft a 6x t1 that nobody cant mirror cause mirrors dont drop, I should be able to invest in it and even if i get it done. I cant create a banking system where i can mill money out of nothing.
Jaari wrote:
So now mirrorable rares that had been created with Eternals are just priceless.

And good but not perfect items are still cheap and useless becouse of unlimited copying
Last edited by kolko_ on Jul 6, 2015, 10:03:09 AM
they're not priceless. with new tiers and eternals still in circulation, the soon to be created 6t1 items will be the priceless ones that everyone will love or rage about.
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"Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct." was quotes. from the forum. lolz!
robmafia wrote:

...ventor has tabs full of eternals.

Even thousands of eternals won't really matter. Maybe he'll be able to create a couple 6 T1 items but it won't be nearly as bad as before.
#1 Hillock farmer NA
Toshis8 wrote:
NeverSink wrote:
I don't care much for standard, however I'd really rather see all current eternals get converted into 3 ex each...

The new T1 mod/Maraketh items will just get ex-eternal'd right away.

You're right, i think the same. People who already have stocked eternals will quickly craft new tier 1 items and mass produce them with mirrors. This change will do little if GGG will keep existing eternal orbs. And with the removal of eternal orb drops newcomers will probably never be able to get top tier 1 items. In my opinion all eternal orbs should be removed, BUT existing ones should be refunded.

Actually maybe you guys are right. The no-lifers that have hoarded thousands of these might be able to create T1 Maraketh items right away and we'll be back to square one. Economy in tatters.

Best thing to do is exchange Eternals for 3 ex or something like the guy above said.
#1 Hillock farmer NA
To everyone that is bitching that "the rich get richer" you need to get your heads out of your ass. GGG doesn't balance around permaleagues, they balance around challenge leagues because that's the majority of the playerbase. Most of the community will have a fresh start with the awakening release, except for the hoarders sitting in standard with their legacy bullshit crying for validation, so does it REALLY matter if the rich get richer in standard? Not that there's anything wrong with standard players, just the ones that feel the need to spam their legacy shit in chat and show off their huge e-peen.

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