Aura Reservation and Reduced Mana Support Gem Change

I think some need to reread and correctly interpret rory's post here. He clearly says "We're trying out a change to aura costs". I can derive from the wording of his post that this change is not set in stone. If it doesn't work out it will change back or to something preferable. Remember this is a beta after all.
Make Things For Smile!
Worst decision so far, it really is by all means , simply retarded sorry. The idea of having reduced mana out of the equation is a wise choice, but ENLIGHTNEN ? really? a rare gem with a stupidly XP requirement and 1/8 to +1 level.

You went full retard
Natrak 94 Witch | Low Life Crit Arc'er - Standard
Jannee 92 Templar | Low Life Wander - Standard
Ntk 74 Ranger | Low Life TS - Standard (idling)
Jaaneee 72 Ranger | LS Tank (idling)
Joramm 73 Templar | Ele cleaver - Hardcore (idling)
phmn wrote:
raics wrote:
phmn wrote:
Now I will have two choices: drop one of these (perhaps herald of ash) or buy a very expensive leveled enlighten gem.

Yeah, that's it, most builds have an aura they can live without. From a developer point of view 'i picked this because I need it the most' is much more preferable to 'because why the hell not'.

Sure but the point is that this is a direct nerf to auras but with an option to support more auras for somone who gets very end game and want the best out of the build.

Again I understand that using reduced mana in almost every build like now is not healthy. But I am just dissappointed in that I have to probably give up on many builds I have made already and focus on the new league.

From the one hand this may be more healthy I guess. Reminds me of the nerf of kite shields. I didn't like the nerf back then because they were so convenient. Eventually though this made the use of other types of shields a good option. Before that using a kite shield was a no brainer.

I dont see how it changes anything for me. Enlighten is now RM. Any end game build with just have a Enlighten instead of RM. You only need lvl 2 with a +1 gems item for 3.
Git R Dun!
AdzPoE wrote:
I think some need to reread and correctly interpret rory's post here. He clearly says "We're trying out a change to aura costs". I can derive from the wording of his post that this change is not set in stone. If it doesn't work out it will change back or to something preferable. Remember this is a beta after all.

Historically GGG is not known for reversing changes they are simply "trying out" despite arguments and proofs of varying degrees of logic, correctness and usefulness provided by the players. In short, they're as stubborn as a cross-eyed mule on a merry-go-round.
f4sak3n wrote:
AdzPoE wrote:
I think some need to reread and correctly interpret rory's post here. He clearly says "We're trying out a change to aura costs". I can derive from the wording of his post that this change is not set in stone. If it doesn't work out it will change back or to something preferable. Remember this is a beta after all.

Historically GGG is not known for reversing changes they are simply "trying out" despite arguments and proofs of varying degrees of logic, correctness and usefulness provided by the players. In short, they're as stubborn as a cross-eyed mule on a merry-go-round.

Sorry to rebut on your point here but GGG already reversed a change many people did not like in beta just a few days ago (overhead hp bars).
Make Things For Smile!
Last edited by AdzPoE on May 8, 2015, 7:12:46 AM
Well if this means without enlighten you can run the same amount of auras as before and with enlighten you can run more auras now then why not.

More is always better... I didnt really like it when they reduced the amount of auras you can run. It just made defensive auras besides the purities pretty much useless as 1-2 dmg auras are simply mandatory. (if you do an ele build than all ele auras were mandatory.

In fact having another rare gem with high demand is really good for economy. Especially now where more and more uniques got nerfed to shit and most new ones are just low lvl stuff nobody really needs...

But in the end this also means that pretty much everybody will use an enlighten. Reduced mana will be pretty much useless in 99% of all builds. You need as many dmg support gems as possible.
Red mana doesnt give dmg and still is worse than blood magic support + reserving all mana.

mana passive buffs are really good and welcome after they fucked up EB so badly...

All in all it isnt by far the worst change they did in beta, but again something nobody cared about.
Everything GGG did the last couple of patches is changing, nerfing and destroying stuff that already worked well instead of solving even one single existing problem.
well maybe besides desync...
Last edited by azraelb on May 8, 2015, 7:17:37 AM
Reduce mana change = good
Enlighten change = BAD VERY VERY BAD
Last edited by tidus1492 on May 8, 2015, 7:16:19 AM
RIP ele prolif heralds.
MegaForce83 wrote:
RIP ele prolif heralds.

Make Things For Smile!
I kind of understand why people do not agree with aura changes and particulary RM. But GGG's idea can be good (with few tweaks - it's a BETA).

I hated those builds which needed lots of RM to be fine. That is why the rewards were modified to include RM for each class. You will always choose RM over other skills. The reason is a problem with auras that made RM mandatory. Where is the choice ?

I am sorry but I never understand the aurastacking. I am not a lot in ARPG/MMO games, so I lack knowledge but in which game(s) except PoE is it possible to stack some much auras on a single character ?
I would prefer choosing 2/3 auras and have them powerful/most suited for my build than just getting the whole set of auras I can get by reward/drop/whatever...

As stated before, it is just a change on RM and many other mechanisms are not in yet. There is still time to test things out and find a solution.

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