Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

I have been dumb ^^ Just ignore this xD
Last edited by Aval0n1979 on Jun 20, 2020, 4:21:00 PM
Enki91 wrote:

Thank you so much, Enki, for all your effort. It's amazing how you prove from league to league, from patch to patch, that arc can still be viable. The damage output is really impressive this time.

I have one problem, though. How do you all manage to sustain your mana?

I am level 90 (standard, of course), 6100 life, 5440 mana, drinking almost like a mana junkie from the corresponding flask, but running out of mana again and again and again.

That's my arc witch.

Clarity is only level 15, but I don't know if the difference to a level 20 gem is so noticeable. Anything else I could improve?

Have a good time, everyone.

Getting the trigger craft on your weapon will mostly fix this by giving you much more consistent Essence Glutton uptime, although that may require a new weapon since yours seems to have three suffixes already.

Next step would be farming the mana regeneration boot enchant, even just merc lab version will be very impactful. Eventually you also want to get a mana% recovery on block shield and mana recovery rate on belt and/or watchers eye, fortunately all of those things are pretty cheap usually.

And as soon as you find some Indigo Oils, anoint Undertaker with some better Essence Glutton uptime.

Thank you very much. That solved all of my mana problems. After just 2 x the labyrinth I was lucky enough to get the enchantment I was looking for:

I replaced my former wand with a random one I just had picked up from a map and used the free prefix slot for the automatization of the spells. Much somoother gameplay, no more mana trouble.

Perfect build, 10/10!
Overwhelmed by Path of Exile? You might want to have a look at Wrecker_of_Days' beginner-friendly guides. One-click-wonders that do not require any specific items to conquer the campaign and the Atlas: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2606288/page/1
I'm I supposed to be taking bone offering or something earlier?
Where am I getting defensive mechanics from in Act 7-8?

I've got capped ele resists, but very minimal block and I guess I haven't been super lucky with gear rolls when it comes to EHP.

3.10 build had like, double stone golem, ES leech, and the damage seems like it was higher because of taking Heart of Thunder early, plus having 2 wands rather than wand+shield?

I'm not sure how to fix this run at this point, I'm just getting randomly mauled by just uniques in story areas, red beastiary mobs, bosses, I'm just getting killed left and right and progression is totally stopped.

Feels really bad, but I think the 10 hours I put in on this might just need to get thrown out and start over with something else - is there anything else I can do??
memonemo wrote:
why pob link not working even i downloaded the community one ?

POB link is updated. Now it's https://pastebin.com/r3EEZjCa
Cos I'm a noob and like things spoon fed to me sometimes, I figured to go through the tl;dr and break down the gem setup by Acts. Gems are acquired in Acts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7. After that, we're set until endgame.

Act 1 Gems

Fireball -> Spark -> Arc
+ Arcane Surge
+ Added Lightning Damage

Orb of Storms

Frostblink -> Flame Dash


Act 2 Gems

+ Arcane Surge
+ Added Lightning Damage

Orb of Storms
+ Elemental Focus

Flame Dash


Arcane Cloak

Herald of Thunder

Act 3 Gems

+ Arcane Surge -> Lightning Penetration
+ Added Lightning Damage -> Archmage

Orb of Storms 4L with Arc or as here
+ Elemental Focus
+ Archmage
+ Lightning Penetration

Flame Dash
+ Second Wind
+ Arcane Surge (Lv6)


Arcane Cloak
+ Arcane Surge

Herald of Thunder until Archmage

Act 4-6 Gems

+ Lightning Penetration
+ Archmage
+ Spell Echo

Orb of Storms
+ Elemental Focus
+ Archmage
+ Lightning Penetration

Flame Dash
+ Second Wind
+ Arcane Surge (Lv6)


Arcane Cloak
+ Arcane Surge

Desecrate (Lv1) after Normal Labyrinth

Cast when Damage taken (Lv1)
+ Tempest Shield (Lv1)
+ Wave of Conviction (Lv1)

Act 7-10 Gems

+ Lightning Penetration
+ Archmage
+ Spell Echo

Orb of Storms
+ Elemental Focus
+ Archmage
+ Lightning Penetration

Flame Dash
+ Second Wind
+ Arcane Surge (Lv6)


Arcane Cloak
+ Arcane Surge

Desecrate (Lv1)
+ Bone Offering after Cruel Labyrinth
+ Arcanist Brand after Cruel Labyrinth

Cast when Damage taken (Lv1)
+ Tempest Shield (Lv1)
+ Wave of Conviction (Lv1)

I found a Vaal Arc. Is it worth using/leveling this? I'm early in Act 3 at level 29. What are the implications for using Vaal Arc vice Arc?
I am getting near the end of Act9 - for me this build shreds through everything like it's nothing. Very smooth leveling. I am going a bit slow because I am interacting a lot with the gardening stuff, but otherwise the content is a joke. This is partly because the new crafting system is OP, but the build is very solid as well.

The only thing I dislike is arcanist brand but at least it is only temporary, hopefully.

UtherSRG wrote:
I found a Vaal Arc. Is it worth using/leveling this? I'm early in Act 3 at level 29. What are the implications for using Vaal Arc vice Arc?

I picked up a Vaal Arc, too. Tried using it a little, but it levels up waaaaaay slower than the normal Arc, so the damage feel behind and I swapped back to normal Arc. Just stick it in a socket in your 2nd weapon set so it'll level while you play. :)
Reithan wrote:
UtherSRG wrote:
I found a Vaal Arc. Is it worth using/leveling this? I'm early in Act 3 at level 29. What are the implications for using Vaal Arc vice Arc?

I picked up a Vaal Arc, too. Tried using it a little, but it levels up waaaaaay slower than the normal Arc, so the damage feel behind and I swapped back to normal Arc. Just stick it in a socket in your 2nd weapon set so it'll level while you play. :)

Good enough of an answer for now. :D
Can someone please explain which skill tree I should follow?

1) His POB linked.


2) His "Passive Tree Goal" under his leveling section

I think I saw his stream last night showing his (#2) Passive Tree guide in his leveling section.

But the two are totally different.


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