Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

What are your thoughts on going Scion instead to grab the necromancer and heirophant ascendencies? Still get the offerings boost and with heirophant you get 8% more damage from mana and you get arcane surge on hit instead of needing to proc it freeing up at least 2 gem slots in the build, and it's 20% inceased damage aswell. And then the 25% increased mana.

Or would it not work for the build? I'm just curious. I ran your build for the past few weeks at the end of delirium. My first character ever. So curious if a scion would work this. In PoB the dmg is similar, the only thing is I don't think PoB accounts for some of the Necro ascendencies like the inc attack/cast speed thing.
This game still confuses me.
NarberalGamma wrote:
Hello, I planned to start hcssf with this, but i'm curious now, can i somehow avoid using essence worm with new setup?

I wouldn't go anywhere near this build for HC, you die WAAAAAAAAY too often. I used the build as league starter for the last three leagues and even with all the changes from one league to the next it is very glass cannon. You will die a lot no matter how tanky you try to make it.
All I would like to say is, thank to your time and effort. It seems like you spent so many time just to organize this guide to help others. Respect mate.
jayhawk92555 wrote:
NarberalGamma wrote:
Hello, I planned to start hcssf with this, but i'm curious now, can i somehow avoid using essence worm with new setup?

I wouldn't go anywhere near this build for HC, you die WAAAAAAAAY too often. I used the build as league starter for the last three leagues and even with all the changes from one league to the next it is very glass cannon. You will die a lot no matter how tanky you try to make it.

With new video Enki posted, it looked very tanky. With 60% block chanche/mind over matter/agnostic etc.
Last edited by MrWonderful99 on Jun 17, 2020, 12:13:42 PM
what happened to the passive tree links, suddenly I can't click on them and no PoB listed?
same here my friend
The guide for 3.11 is in progress so some parts are missing. Basically if you see an *, it is in progress and is not up to date for Friday.
Enki, one thing I noticed when I tried the new build( from watching your twitch), is that at the Library there are several gems that are being purchased. Is it possible for you to prioritize those gems, since for SSF it is very unlikely you will get 6 chance orbs by that point. I got 3 and bought archmage x 2, second wind and got the lightning pen from the quest.

Thanks again!

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