[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block

Sovyn wrote:
Quixote77 wrote:

Sovyn, do you think it's wise if I pursued the sovereignty aura nodes? I was thinking of running tempest shield, determination and anger all at once. TS for the extra block (my shield only blocks 24% but has plenty of resists), determination to make up for my gear's poor armor, and anger for extra bite.

If you use blood magic for your attack, yes, you can. :) You will need to connect all three auras to at least level 11 reduced mana gems along with getting sovereignty. Whether it's worth more to run tempest vs. spending those four passives on other things.... well, I'd do something else, but it's up to you. :)

Cheers for the advice. Chewed on it and probably gonna stick to what's been keeping me well tanking, aka your guide, for the time being.

Really loving the lazy pally! It's such an optimized build, with the passives forming a strong defensive base, and it allows for a variety of attacks and moves even for a budget 4L skill gem set.

I'm currently employing a heavy strike with melee splash and shield charge attack combo, with the latter stunning the enemies while I go on town on them with the big heavy strikes. I switch out melee splash for melee physical damage for boss fights. Using blood magic alongside a good life regen/leech allows me to spam my attacks and stay in fights for extended durations, even in a party.

I solo Merveil easily but have trouble with Vaal cos I don't hit hard enough, need more DPS. Been farming Merv, Fellshine and a surprisingly lucrative spot, the Warehouse District Sewers, for currency and gear before I head for Piety and Dom.

Encountered exiles twice in the Warehouse District Sewers and gotten two big chests. Pretty good spot.
Last edited by Quixote77 on Nov 15, 2013, 3:34:02 AM
Sovyn wrote:
DrewC wrote:
As always, props to Sovyn for this gem of a guide.

Hi DrewC, thanks for the recognition and offer of help! Can't think of anything right now, but I appreciate that. Your gear looks pretty good! I like that you have 20% quality gems on your attack skill. Nice armour and evasion numbers for sure. I assume the armour is before molten shell too. Looks like the route you took to sovereignty is almost as good as the pre-nerf Inner Force was.

Yeah, I normally pop molten shell once in a while. Gets armor to 69% but being true to the lazy pally way, I often times forget lol. But if I do pop it, it lasts 19 secs which is good enough for the extra armor since they rarely break molten due to block/evasion.

Now if only there was a "cast on block" gem <-- drool lol.

at first really thank you for this nice guide. i started to play POE again with 1.0.0 and i didn't known what i should doing for a char without any gear till i found your guide.

And i have to say its soo nice to play and it is playable even with bad gear. (no casts or curses needed, nothing)

actually i played around 3 days on my pally and my gear is all selffound even the weapon was a good trade for 8 chaos.

Just got a problem with manaleech, i dont find any ring or amulett with it and so i have to use the gloves and they give me a lack of defence and life ofc.

Actually i use Heavy strike as you can see and i found a 10% q right now and iam on the way to level and quality him up to use him later, thats should push my dps a bit more.

my stats are buffed with hatred and determination (only for bosses like piety, kole)

lvl 74

8k dps with heavy and for great aoe i use cyclone with bm and loh (nearly undieable)
4,7k armor (37% are still enough, lol) --> granitflask gives me 22k armor (75% dmg reduce then)
761 evasion rating (12%)
67% chance to block
and ~3,5k life.

75% FR
75% CR
68% LR

i find that life is more important as armor or evasion rating to not get one/two hitted by kole, so i followed your passivetree put my focus more on life nodes as on shieldblock nodes or ondur's keystone yet

i dont have cast on dmg taken yet, but i level up a ranger to put the gem to my templar then

here is my gear

would you change something or linked skills? for gloves i still waiting for ml on other item to change then and link it with cast on dmg taken.

The hardest one is to find any good weapon, i dont found an exalted orb till yet, so iam not rich and before the trade on the reaver axt (i know a bit slow) i had ~4.7k dps with hatred and it wasn't funny on farming because needed so long to kill everything.

current gear

passive tree


i will just continue your guide and when i got my cast on dmg take i will asking you how to exactly link the skill and does it matter which order i link?

greetings Lebowksi
schnuggel wrote:

at first really thank you for this nice guide. i started to play POE again with 1.0.0 and i didn't known what i should doing for a char without any gear till i found your guide.

And i have to say its soo nice to play and it is playable even with bad gear. (no casts or curses needed, nothing)

actually i played around 3 days on my pally and my gear is all selffound even the weapon was a good trade for 8 chaos.

Just got a problem with manaleech, i dont find any ring or amulett with it and so i have to use the gloves and they give me a lack of defence and life ofc.

greetings Lebowksi

Hello Lebowksi. :) Thanks for posting your success so far.

You can replace the Sol Spiral with a ring you can make yourself, like mine.

It takes about 100 alts to make, on average. You need to get the 'thirsty' affix at 2%. If you start with a 30 fire resist ring, it will replace the primary stat on the Sol Spiral.

Of course, it would be cheaper to trade for something like that.

Then you can use better gloves.

As far as cast when damage taken links, something like this for your first one (ignore the levels of the gems, they are wrong because I don't have replacements yet, see the guide for recommendations):

The order is not important on the first one.

On the second one, the order is important...

The cast when damage taken would be leveled up on that one a bit, see the guide.
Last edited by Sovyn on Nov 15, 2013, 1:52:39 PM
Whats the reccomended aoe ability for levelling with this build?

Ground slam?
Aquilos wrote:
Whats the reccomended aoe ability for levelling with this build?

Ground slam?

You can use Ground Slam if you have a series of good maces to level up with.

I used Infernal Blow with axes when I was lower level, but it may be a little bit more labor intensive. I had fun!
Sovyn wrote:
Now updated for Path of Exile 1.0.1

Skill Gems

Attack skills -
Popular choices include Heavy Strike, Double Strike, Reave, Spectral Throw, Infernal Blow, Lightning Strike, Cleave, Glacial Hammer, Ground Slam, Cyclone, or Dominating Blow. I will say you will want to choose only one or two different attacks. If two, choose one for area and one for single targets. We will need the rest of our items' sockets for the aura and utility gems. Your main attack skill will be socketed into your chest armor (unless you own Bringer of Rain) as that's the only one that can have 5 or 6 linked sockets.

I'm having a fucking horrible time with Heavy Strike! The knock-back is absolutely horrible. It means that my toon has to me that little bit closer towards whatever it is hitting, losing considerable time that could otherwise be spent hitting mobs. Closing this 'gap' wastes more of that precious time.

It feels like my hits aren't connecting a lot of the time too. It's just a weird sensation. Any other better or equally good skill gems I should consider using? I tried ST but it's - as you know - quite horrible to use with 1handers.
IGN: ShootForTheLoot [Torment]
zythyl wrote:

It feels like my hits aren't connecting a lot of the time too. It's just a weird sensation. Any other better or equally good skill gems I should consider using? I tried ST but it's - as you know - quite horrible to use with 1handers.

HS works a treat for me, but then I'm used to skills that have a knockback component, like charge in Diablo 2. I just keeping running toward my target and never lose a beat.

Edit, decided to add a visual example.... see my second Kole kill in this video, it's a typical example of how to use heavy strike....

Try double strike, it will work just fine, it's only a little bit less effective on leeching and vs. heavily armoured foes.
Last edited by Sovyn on Nov 15, 2013, 9:18:41 PM
I just started back up again (having never gotten past act 2 normal to begin with) and using this build. I hadn't really found a base build to really start playing the game, and after finding this, I've decided to really have a go. I used the build for 2 races today (both solo races) and got 4 points out of it, I thought that was great for someone who hasn't been playing the game for quite some time.

Again, thanks for posting this guide, it's been great getting me back into the game.
Sovyn wrote:
rrrrr5r wrote:
This build is not friendly to new players. You need to buy too many stuffs and these purchases are not optional.

I have to set the facts straight on that, friend. Everything is optional except a high block shield. People are literally giving these away. I am only making recommendations in the guide to help people who want guidance. There is probably no melee build out there with better survivability for a lower cost. Have you seen my gear? I kill everything in act 3 merciless with that gear and never come even close to dying. Please do try that with any other melee build with that same gear. :) The outcome would be entertaining if nothing else.

I need to explain my play style and why I said block templar is not newbie friendly.

I have six characters pushing in cruel right now. Except Scion, I have:
block templar
summoner witch
2h Marauder
Dual-wield Duelist
life leech shadow
Not-sure-what-it-is Ranger

I play these characters one by one and control them in the same progress. With this way every rares I got is used to fullest and except Piety & Dominus, every bosses are farmed at least six times.

I tend to think my chars' equipment are above average at my level and even better fact is I found a multistrike at cruel ledge which boosts DPS for all the melee characters.

With all these, the block Templar gives me the hardest time. I wasn't been very fare when I post my reply that night since my templar meant to assassinate general but even can't managed to see him. Later, with my other melee chars I found all ele resist 75% is weak in the battlefront, all my characters are vulnerable to Arc. But, Duelist has very high attack speed makes him able to hit Arc mage before they did too many dmg to me; Shadow's claws give him so many life leech, nothing is too bad; 2h Marauder has more HP and handles dmg with more ease.

Anyway, the end of the post is I bought an spell block amulet yesterday. With 20%+ spell block, I stick my face to Dominus's ass and only got killed twice in phase 1 (mostly because Tough of the God is hard to dodge with 300 ping). Without it, I got killed by Piety for 4 times plus a lot of low-life emergency.

With all six characters at the same time, I understand at certain time one class might seems a lot more fun/miserable than the other. But I must say life is very hard with block templar's low DPS, at least for now.

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