[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

Casia wrote:
maxwolfie wrote:
NeverSink wrote:
Scion is still weak

So a bad choice then? The guide says "really good" for the Assassin/Raider variant so I am a bit confused?

Neversinks op is a bit outdated here and there.

his pathfinder for example is 6points, with master surgeon and vet bowyer.
Which, while vet bowyer is huge damage. The recommended end game, and possibly even leveling is Master alchemist. The elem DR, and elem status immunity is FAR FAR more powerful, these days, particularly end game maps/bosses.

His screenshots are outdated for Scion-Assassin/raider.
It shows Scion-Raider as, 25% chance to Avoid Elem status, 2% dodge, 10% chance to gain frenzy on kill, and you have phasing and onslaught while on full frenzy charges.
Current in game is, 25% chance to avoid elem status, 4% dodge, 10% chance to gain frenzy on kill, and you have onslaught while on full frenzy.

Scion-Assassin is the same. And still mostly pretty solid. good for farming. meh for bosses.
Scion deadeye. is decent. 30% pierce. 15% chance for attacks to bleed. solid 15%. this will work well with crit, and king of the hill knockback. 30% inc damage farshot.(MUCH weaker then 30% MORE damage from actual deadeye..) +1 projectile. VERY good. esp barrage/TS.
Scion-slayer. culling strike. 30% inc damage vs rare/unique. 10% of overkill damage is leeched as life.. your damaging hits stun enemies on full life.

scion-elementalist or inquisitor both solid if you go elemental heavy.

Scion also requires a whole different passive tree given the starting point.

Thanks for your feedback. Given that I only have a few < 70 characters, and the fact that I really need at least one or two of them to be farmers, would you suggest rolling a new Ranger or run with the Scion in Assassin/Raider form?
ressiv wrote:

Ok thanks man! Would you still suggest me to stay Pathfinder instead of Raider with magic flasks?

Yes, I would stick with Pathfinder if I were you.
onomastikon wrote:
Thank you for posting this fantastic help. Sehr geil!
I'm quite new and don't understand three things, can anyone help please?

1. Why do you link Curse-on-Hit to gems without attacks? What am I not understanding about Herald of Thunder? Is that supposed to trigger the curse?
2. Why do you link almost all of your attacks to Physical-to-Lightning and Added Weapon? What's the synergy with lightning do?
3. Why do you link Slower Projectiles to Frenzy?

Thank you so much!

Good questions, these don't have intuitive answers.

1. Herald of Thunder indeed triggers the curses if you shock enemies. Personally I use Herald of Ice, which triggers curses on shatter.

2. Physical to Lightning (PtL) doesn't just convert phys to lightning. It also gives (at 20% quality) 10% increased phys damage, 10% increased lightning damage and 29% of physical damage as extra lightning damage. That gives a lot extra damage. Comboes nicely with Weapon Elemental Damage. (What's Added Weapon?)

3. Same as PtL. Slower Projectiles gives (at 20% quality) 10% increased projectile damage and 30% more projectile damage.
Last edited by Wermine#1485 on Oct 3, 2016, 8:11:00 PM
this guide is so long that im confused and i dont know at what i should be looking at and i dont know if its hc viable and if it is wich ascendy i should take and what skill tree i should level???
hey guys ! i got my hands on a reach of council ! my question is now : Do i take out the gmp from tornadoshot or do i just keep on shooting with 9 arrows which is also kinda nice :)
Silahsor wrote:
ressiv wrote:

Ok thanks man! Would you still suggest me to stay Pathfinder instead of Raider with magic flasks?

Yes, I would stick with Pathfinder if I were you.

Alrighty :)
Then I have 2 points left, would you take Master herbalist or Natures Boon with my geaer?
Hey Guys,

i play Frenzy + Tornado Shot
I´am not sure how to use the ascendency Points.. Ricochet + Far Shot oder Far shot + Endless Munition?

Whats your opinion?
so can anyone tell wich skill tree i shold use and which ascendy and what gem links for HC viable build? what is focused more on tanky side
Last edited by Deviant#8289 on Oct 3, 2016, 11:20:53 PM
Also there is ascendy from marauder is it most suited one for HC? but wont i have huge problems getting dex? and i dont see any skilltree for marauder class for this build...there is only ranger ones
Thanks to all for this!

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