Explanation of [Dodge-Block-EV] Life Crit Flicker

missuse wrote:
Firebrand76 wrote:
Wait... are you saying this build is potentially the king of HLD based on theory crafting, or in practice is already dominating pvp? Two very different things.

If I had a nickle for every OP theory crafted build out there that was supposed to dominate pvp, I'd be rich. Things hardly ever work out as planned, the way you think they should.

I'm not debating the OP'ness of crit flicker dagger builds, just wondering why this iteration has been proven to be the best?

If this is based on real W:L records, what are the names of these guys?

well, here's my 2c on the matter. Since I play the build.

Vs other flicks that are not acrobatics I felt that I don't need to use any tactic apart clicking in the right time.

Vs trapers I have no idea what to do - to little exp vs them, have several tactic in mind, not sure any works

Vs bow punctures can be hard but victory is achievable

Vs other melee usually is OP, unless the melee is super tanky, than it becomes tricky

Vs chaos dot (poison arrow) can be pretty tricky

Vs EA, usually is ok, but BiS EA builds I have no idea how to beat ever.

Vs casters is pretty good overall, no matter what the spell combo they are using.

So its far from king of HLD just a good flicker build.

More like rock, paper, scissors I'd say but semantics whatever. One rock could win 40% of the matches, a scissor 30%, etc... so rock could be considered better through that criterion I guess?
IGN: _Firebitch
prolly this thread is the only one where we are trying tu actual really discuss it without going mad, so gj bhai.

btw, while answering to missuse's last post, ill show you why bhai made this thread i think.
he is not saying that the build is op, but that is one of the stronger build around, because like missuse wrote, the build has the possibility to win against all kind of build if played correctly with the right items.
i dont understand why all ppl are searching for tips on how to beat trap builds and there is even some1 that says traps are op, without knowing how they die or how my build works.
i will rewrite the last post of missuse from my build point of view, so you can clearly see that my build is far from being able to win against all other builds.

Vs flickers i got an advantage because they are melee, but good flickers like dullah can consistent beat me.

Vs trapers mirror match so its even

Vs bow punctures they can 2 shot me before i can reach them, so unless they go mad there is no way i can kill them.

Vs other melee i got an advantage, but there is a way they can make my life hard, but luckly for me only few knows how.

Vs chaos dot (poison arrow) im CI so i dont take dmg

Vs EA same as pucnture

Vs casters its actually a nice match, the one who relies mostly on skill, cause the caster need to lighting warp around trying to not going on my traps, and i must try to placee traps where i think they will go.

so as you can see actually out of 7 builds, i've 1 easy matchup, 2 even matchup, 1 very hard matchup and 3 matchups that i cant win if my opponent is a normal human being with a brain.

PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
Last edited by tempallo on Jul 31, 2014, 4:05:59 AM
Now slay's build is op ;)
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them
Now slay's build is op ;)

Nope we found his counter that can consistently beat his build :3
IGN: DullahanTheHeadless
Dullahan987 wrote:
Now slay's build is op ;)

Nope we found his counter that can consistently beat his build :3

Pm, also back in 1.5w hypeed to wombocombo
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them

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