Official thread about ideas & fixes for pvp

I think the passive tree should add some nodes to reduce enemy's block chance so that everyone can counter block. For example, -4% enemy's chance to block ,or - 2%, or -1%. That would help. It is just like the same as 4% additional block. Instead of adding block to you, it subtracts block from enemy.

However, because block builders usually spend 20 points or more on block to get 75% max, then counter-block builders should spend the same 20 points to reduce their additional block in passive tree. That is so fair. It means casters must drop their critical multipliers to get enough points to spend on subtract-block nodes. Hauntworld will like this, hehe.

The node "With sword reduce enemy block" is too OP. Block builders spend like 20 to get 75% block, but it just takes 2 nodes to reduce 75%*(20%+20%) = 30% block chance. Only 45% left :( That is so unfair. I would like it to be nerfed down to 8% each. which mean it can only reduce 12% block chance. If sword users want to negate more block, they must spend more points....

@bringyourfriends. Yea you have a incinerate link for the few ppl not using tempest shield and spell block so what? That is a minor thing compared to your block and tank investment. So coming here saying spells are fine as they are vs block and that you think that even as a caster is just crap as you are hardly a caster but much more of a block tank and there is where your bias is.
Last edited by Grildrak on Mar 13, 2014, 10:03:36 PM
Hes just living in his own world thinking spells should not get spell block penetration, 90% of the community would agree that spells need it. Even GGG said it in a podcast that spells were not built around fighting monsters having spell block this leading to being a problem when it comes to pvp.

As far as i want to keep this thread clean i do appreciate that you post your point of view, however i'm gonna stop arguing with you over this subject as i already know this is a lost case and you're free to think whatever you want.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Last edited by hauntworld1 on Mar 13, 2014, 11:03:02 PM
Grildrak wrote:
@bringyourfriends. Yea you have a incinerate link for the few ppl not using tempest shield and spell block so what? That is a minor thing compared to your block and tank investment. So coming here saying spells are fine as they are vs block and that you think that even as a caster is just crap as you are hardly a caster but much more of a block tank and there is where your bias is.

Haha, first it goes from assuming I don't cast, to the current situation of me "hardly" casting. You're argument is getting better by the minute. Next time before you embarrass yourself, should probably ask first before coming to conclusions without any knowledge of anything.

Last edited by BringYourFriends on Mar 14, 2014, 12:27:39 AM
hauntworld1 wrote:
Hes just living in his own world thinking spells should not get spell block penetration, 90% of the community would agree that spells need it. Even GGG said it in a podcast that spells were not built around fighting monsters having spell block this leading to being a problem when it comes to pvp.

As far as i want to keep this thread clean i do appreciate that you post your point of view, however i'm gonna stop arguing with you over this subject as i already know this is a lost case and you're free to think whatever you want.

Keeping this thread clean? Was that before or after you said "shit" and "You're fucked bro"? I'm curious. Personally I don't care if you curse like a sailor, I just find it ironic. Furthermore, I find it flattering that having a opinion different that yours is living in my own world, I'll take that as a compliment. This thread is to collect ideas and get feedback on said ideas. If you don't like it, well.....too bad I guess, perhaps next time you won't make such threads if you're not ready for valid opinions that either agree with yours or vice versa.

As I said before I'm not saying their all bad, but most of them I don't agree with. Personally I find legacy items to be more of a burden then most of the balance you suggested when it comes to PvP. But that being said this game wasn't really designed to be a PvP game. Were lucky enough to even have it the way it is. GGG is a great company in my opinion. But what you're asking for is hopes and dreams, and some of it is illogical.

When you think of changes you have to think of the big picture, not just your narrow closed minded view of pvp. Because in the devs eyes, PvP is just a cute little side project. That's not what keeps the players active. It's the end game content, the complexity, it all leads towards the micro transactions which keep this game chugging along. PvP is sadly not one of those things. Although I wish it was, it has the potential for sure. But what I'm trying to get at is I don't think you really thought about how you're changes impact everyone, but just a narrow minded view "no offense".


i might not be an espert pvper like haunt or many ppl that posted here, but before this patch i played a cycloner 1h max block, and now i play a caster, so i know both sides.
with my max block i met many casters more expert, stronger, and well geared than me, and first time i get 5-0 ed easy with 1-2 shot. then i weared 75 spell block, challenged them and i easy won 5-0 or 5-1. now playing caster is the same: if they wear 75 spell block, i just cant hit them more than they hit me. so i think it need to be slighty changed. still dont know how and how much, but i feel a change is necessary.
sometimes its hard hitting even a 2h with acro, plus that cwdt immortal call + temp chain (y flask can avoid that but w/e) its ridicolous imo. sometimes my molten explode with my burst spell in that 0,25 sec and they just take no dmg without doing nothing. i feel this has to be changed too.
PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
Last edited by tempallo on Mar 14, 2014, 7:42:41 AM
Keeping this thread clean? Was that before or after you said "shit" and "You're fucked bro"? I'm curious. Personally I don't care if you curse like a sailor, I just find it ironic. Furthermore, I find it flattering that having a opinion different that yours is living in my own world, I'll take that as a compliment. This thread is to collect ideas and get feedback on said ideas. If you don't like it, well.....too bad I guess, perhaps next time you won't make such threads if you're not ready for valid opinions that either agree with yours or vice versa.

By keeping this thread clean i mean not posting hateful paragraphs to offend people, comon bro those 2 words i said aren't even close to what we have been seeing in the other threads.

You are free to have you own opinions, but i'm free to comment on yours saying why i think you're wrong. When i said '' you're living in your own world '' i was saying that because most ''good'' casters in pvp think spells need block penetration. This making your opinion being way appart the others, but again it's cool. I did create this thread to post point of views and ideas, dont get me wrong i dont think i offended you in any way beside saying what i was thinking.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Last edited by hauntworld1 on Mar 14, 2014, 12:34:36 PM
@ people who think Legacies and mirrored shouldn't be allowed:
What do you suggest people with these items do? Squeeze a couple hundred ex out of their .... to craft or buy new stuff just to PvP after spending everything they had on Legacies and mirroreds? I tell you what: your idea will just make people with those items turn their back on PvP and you noobs will be left fighting each other. Most higher level players own 1 or more Legacies or Mirroreds or both. As it is right now, PvP is not worth spending hundred of ex just to have the right to participate in it. If you're suggesting PvPers to sell their Legacies and mirroreds to buy new uniques and craft their own rare, you're out of your mind.
Ethically speaking, PvP is a competition. Gear is your preparation. It does not matter what you bring into the arena, gear is your time and dedication manifested into real power. Instead of bitching on people who have played more than you, try to play casually and have fun or play harder to get on their level. Asking people to step down to your level is really the way of the champions now, ain't it?
Stop bitching about how you can't loot Legacies now so its not fair for you blah blah blah. I've owned 4 different 6L legacy Shavs, none of which I've found. I've never found a legacy Kaom or anything fancy. I own more than 1000 exalts worth of gear through spending a lot of time in POE. If you can't put in the same effort then don't ask for the same result. Whats wrong with gamers nowaday? Should we all have a lvl 1 only 1S white gear allowed PvP arena so it'd be "fair" for you?
Gimme a break.
Standard IGN: WTFNamesAllTaken.
Online everyday at 10 AM CST and at several different hours throughout the day. Best way to reach me is via forum PM.
If you're looking for a deal, do your homework and make a decent offer. If I have to set a b/o via request, it will be non-negotiable.
Bumblebutt wrote:
@ people who think Legacies and mirrored shouldn't be allowed:
What do you suggest people with these items do? Squeeze a couple hundred ex out of their .... to craft or buy new stuff just to PvP after spending everything they had on Legacies and mirroreds? I tell you what: your idea will just make people with those items turn their back on PvP and you noobs will be left fighting each other. Most higher level players own 1 or more Legacies or Mirroreds or both. As it is right now, PvP is not worth spending hundred of ex just to have the right to participate in it. If you're suggesting PvPers to sell their Legacies and mirroreds to buy new uniques and craft their own rare, you're out of your mind.
Ethically speaking, PvP is a competition. Gear is your preparation. It does not matter what you bring into the arena, gear is your time and dedication manifested into real power. Instead of bitching on people who have played more than you, try to play casually and have fun or play harder to get on their level. Asking people to step down to your level is really the way of the champions now, ain't it?
Stop bitching about how you can't loot Legacies now so its not fair for you blah blah blah. I've owned 4 different 6L legacy Shavs, none of which I've found. I've never found a legacy Kaom or anything fancy. I own more than 1000 exalts worth of gear through spending a lot of time in POE. If you can't put in the same effort then don't ask for the same result. Whats wrong with gamers nowaday? Should we all have a lvl 1 only 1S white gear allowed PvP arena so it'd be "fair" for you?
Gimme a break.

some things you said are right, but the fact that new player approaching the game will almost never have a legacy kaoms (for example), its not fair. i say almost never because in the server there is a limited amount of kaoms that ppl is selling, and there are new players joining the game. so the number of new players will always grow exponentially to the number of kaoms thate are on sale, and even if all of those new players will farm 3000 exalts, the majority of them will never be able to get their kaoms because simply there arent enaugh for all of them. if this sounds fair for you then you are a retard.
just saying, i pvp and i've already get gear for it so im not crying, i'm just viewing thing objectively from a new player's point of view.
PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
There're always people who are richer than you are, have better toys than you have. Thats what you get for joining the game late. You face the same difficulty in real life. Who do you go to complain about being born in a working class family and unable to finish college before turning 28 when you rich friends done at 21 and chances are you will not make more money than they do during your entire life time? It's neither fair or unfair. That's life. Everyone must start somewhere, some more favorable than others. Accusing life of being unfair is, by default, assuming that life is a conscious being capable of making rational decisions; it's not. What fair is everyone has the right to keep the fruit of their hard works and you're proposing to infringe on that right. And that's BS.
Standard IGN: WTFNamesAllTaken.
Online everyday at 10 AM CST and at several different hours throughout the day. Best way to reach me is via forum PM.
If you're looking for a deal, do your homework and make a decent offer. If I have to set a b/o via request, it will be non-negotiable.
Last edited by Bumblebutt on Mar 16, 2014, 4:43:19 PM

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