2x 1 week races during the race season?

Hassefar60 wrote:

This is ok.. but the event is just so different.

And them being so different is why I don't think they should be part of the regular season. Races, by their very nature, are about who is faster and not who simply has more time to play.

I don't think 1 week races should even be called "races", because people are not actually "racing" in a sense that you have to be very fast (at leveling) to win, you just have to no-life for a week. So a more suitable name would be "1 week no-life contest" or something to that extent. Why 1 week races can't just be post-season events and why GGG feels they have to make them part of the regular season is actually beyond me.

I really enjoy racing in this game, but I hate to see the term "racing" misused in such a way that it makes it almost meaningless. If the people who enoy 1 week "races" want 1 week races then fine, make them post-season events, but don't pollute the regular race schedule with events that aren't actually races.

I had absolutely no problem with the recent Nemesis 1 week race being a post-season event, because it had no impact on the regular race season's schedule or point ladder, but this is just unecessary. You found a good time to hold 1 week races (post-season) but instead of simply improving the reward system for that post-season event you make them regular season events. It honestly blows my mind. "we found a solution" - "fuck that solution!"
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Last edited by SlixSC on Jan 9, 2014, 4:40:05 AM
Agree. And indeed, the 1 week Nemesis/Domination was fine, the reward structure should not interfere with race season, and there should be rewards for more players. I ended at rank 131, lvl 79,5. Pushing from lvl 78 towards lvl 80 yesterday was absolutely meaningless in terms of rewards. Felt kind of stupid.
Hassefar60 wrote:
Agree. And indeed, the 1 week Nemesis/Domination was fine, the reward structure should not interfere with race season, and there should be rewards for more players. I ended at rank 131, lvl 79,5. Pushing from lvl 78 towards lvl 80 yesterday was absolutely meaningless in terms of rewards. Felt kind of stupid.

Yeah, I mean it obviously had a bad reward structure, but that could have easily been improved by adding more reward tiers for the next 1 week race. It seemed like such a perfect solution to the problem. Just make 1 week races post-season events, that way they don't interfere with the regular race season's schedule and ladder and everyone can be happy.

It's such an elegant and simple solution to the problem, I really don't understand GGG's decision here, especially given the fact that the recent 1 week race (which was an off-season event I might add) was probably more popular than any of the previous 1 week races. What this implies to me is that even the people who want to play in 1 week races don't necessarily want them to be part of the regular race season, so who exactly does this change try to satisfy? It just seems so pointless.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Last edited by SlixSC on Jan 9, 2014, 5:21:52 AM
Well if GGG really wanted the 1-2 week events to be competitive, theyd be either:

1-2 week, hardcore, solo, turbo, ancestral, rogue (or similar)- so the players with the most skill* advanced, while the players whos only event-worthy* attributes were tons of spare time or the ability to click the accept party button spent the entire event ripping multiple times per day until they gave up, or:

1-2 week, hardcore, event open 2-3 hours per day in a locked timeslot- so it was an actual race.

So im pretty sure GGG doesnt want the long term events to be competitive*.

*Terms used loosely.

IGN: KoTao
KoTao wrote:

So im pretty sure GGG doesnt want the long term events to be competitive*.

*Terms used loosely.

In which case, they shouldn't give out Demis. I mean I'm being generous here. Demis for a non-competitive events are just a no-go. And I'm sorry but you just can't have it both ways.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
What could be nice: A 1 week solo where you could only log in between 6 PM and midnight (for example), determined by your time zone (you would manually select which 6 hour time span you wanted when creating your character, locking that character to that time slot for the duration of the event). (Could be party, but that would possibly annoy cross-Atlantic parties if there are any of those).

Limiting playtime was a suggestion for a long long time.

But no lifers were against that idea for a long time.

1-2 week, hardcore, event open 2-3 hours per day in a locked timeslot- so it was an actual race.

That suggestion is older than the "Remove Hillock Reward" appeal.

I know !!

I will happily suggest it again to show that I still believe it is a good idea! :)
Enjoy counterarguments like:

"It's like sport, you got no endurance you lose, professional sportlers don't got an ordinary job either"

"It won't feel like a race then"

id just break the week races down and add two weeks worth of 1-2h races to current schedule. 177 events is still too low for season. i havent checked the schedule much yet but i hope the timings arent as bad as last seasons otherwise i might have trouble reaching one k points
What's really annoying is how these 1 week "races" just completely mess up the schedule for shorter races. There's a sunday with 2 races, because everyone is (for some reason) expected to be no-lifing the 1 week race (and the following week has no more than 2 races a day).

But like I said, most competitive racers don't do 1 week races so why would you let it impact the race schedule at all? It's so silly and pointless.

race season -> short races
post-season -> week race(s)

It's such a simple solution and it worked fine in season 5, so why would you change it for season 6... why oh why oh why.. I just don't understand.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.

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