Experiences from Season Five


Why not? Get a sig rank and for the remaining season you prevent other racers to get past you.
Who needs RNG.
Nobody will complain about exiles at Brutus anymore. Other players at brutus will be the problem. Especially witches with cold snap ;D

Well duh. If your group can't kill Dominus in under 2h15m you won't win the race either way, so that's irrelevant.

That's where the groupsize becomes relevant and global HP would be a good solution.

The "time ran out" is kinda the essential part here. Sure you can kill Dominus with any class. But Spectral Throw does it so much faster and is so much safer than everything else it's not even comparable.

2 players no tagging the other player is a witch.
Any questions? ;)

It sounds as if the real problem is Dominus and/or Spectral Throw (which we have discussed before).

Dominus isn't the problem. I faced him twice one time level 33 and one time level 34.
The problem is simply Wagons in Warehouses, Battlefront is too big, Solaris is too big, Barracks is too big etc.
One reason I want Phaserun back is simply that Phaserun gives me control over speed. It's the same in the average as several QS flasks but the difference between 1 and 3 QS flasks is huge.

On the level 34 run we did almost all sidequests but now I see that I deleted the 3h turbo character too early and didn't receive any points for 2 full clears.

Lowering Docks to 31 might help, although not much.

30 would be better....
How about adding low level maps.
Normal got an eternal lab too.

I don't think they have to lower docks, but rather increase the zone levels/mob density/amount of blue packs in other zones. Some progression zones are just absolutely terrible eXP... solaris, the whole sceptre of god (but that has more to do with dmg and health of mobs), sewers, etc.. for various reasons.

Catacombs has a good density sometimes and yet docks is far better.

And nobody will pretend that he clears Warehouses, Marketplace or Battlefront.

Cruel ledge is considerably better xp than normal docks. Unless theres been some massive stealth monster xp changes in the past couple of months?

There is no change but you oneshot mobs at docks.
Docks are fine till level 37 and if you got a lot of time even level 4x is possible

That's something you can't accomplish if you lack time in act1 cruel.

or ground slam if you go back a bit further.

You mean GS/Lightning Arrow and the luckiest shadow? Remember that the shadow was the worst class by far.
Only good for phaserun and Hillockreward?

Regarding the scheduling:

I would like to point out that it was even terrible for U.S. timezones as well. Every season the timings have gotten worse and worse. I think GGG should take a step back and look at what their previous times were and revert to those. Season 2 in my opinion had the best time zone, granted they also had the most races during that season.

Also I'm hoping the signature race is another vanilla normal race type because those are the best races you can actually practice and improve at.
Hilbert wrote:

Cruel ledge is considerably better xp than normal docks. Unless theres been some massive stealth monster xp changes in the past couple of months?

There is no change but you oneshot mobs at docks.
Docks are fine till level 37 and if you got a lot of time even level 4x is possible

That's something you can't accomplish if you lack time in act1 cruel.

I just meant xp/hour, wasnt considering time needed to get there. If travel time was being included then obviously docks is going to beat ledge outside of a wanderlust from hillock, perfect weapons at every level break etc maphack run as far as soloing goes. Dont group race enough anymore to comment there.

Hilbert wrote:

or ground slam if you go back a bit further.

You mean GS/Lightning Arrow and the luckiest shadow? Remember that the shadow was the worst class by far.
Only good for phaserun and Hillockreward?

Forgot about LA. 105% catalyze line really paid for itself.

Shadow was great for easy demis back then, since almost nobody seemed able to use him well until the later tree/gem changes that allowed that easymode DS/cleave build.

Rithz wrote:
Also I'm hoping the signature race is another vanilla normal race type because those are the best races you can actually practice and improve at.

Im hoping its not, and that something like a balanced version of descent is the signature instead. Another season of half the classes playing identical builds and winners being determined by who can spam enough races to get the perfect storm of move boot / quicksilver rng isnt appealing at all.

Not holding my breath as far as constructive change goes, though. If the next seasons signature does end up being another generic race type, i hope it includes enough difficulty enhancing modifiers to put some measure of an actual player skill check in place while driving the rip rate through the roof.
IGN: KoTao
CT would be a good modifier because some Top5 of class characters will attempt to kill racers at brutus ;D
Hilbert wrote:
As long there is no White Item sigrace. I would vote for for a 2h Turbo CT signature event.

so basically get 1 good rng run where you dont have to fight anyone then rest of season just keep on hunting ppl who have chance of beating your record. definitely good way to remove rng. not to mention its turbo
Last edited by janimauk on Jan 7, 2014, 10:20:59 PM
Docks is better XP than Ledge, except obviously when in the penalty in docks.

I don't remember ever seeing even a 1.5mil split in a party, whereas 1.3 mil splits happen semi often at level 34+ in docks. The point is that at best Ledge is slightly better, and at worst even.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
I am talking about longer solo CTs.

The solo CTs were quiet balanced because it isn't ganging up on 1 player.

The Solocts never had something like everybody getting killed by a bad mannered party because those party players get killed quiet early.

If some players want it to play CT they can fight.
If your race turns out bad you can start playing PVP.

If players want to set up sig records they must farm as little as possible.
I played CT races as PVP but I could play them as Race with PVP too.


Despite a low participation you see several players who play CT as regular race greyed out.
This race had no low level butchering from a bad mannered party.

Sadly this is the only longer solo CT I can find. The other longer ones always were party.
1h CTs are too short.

I only mentioned Turbo because an invader makes the bossfight much harder and on Turbo races bosses consume TPs/Flasks and to prevent Quicksilvermuling from friends because Turbo is a mode using more than 2 Quicksilvers is quiet dangerous.

It doesn't have to be Turbo but it has to be a mod that prevents running away with Quicksilvers.
KoTao wrote:

Im hoping its not, and that something like a balanced version of descent is the signature instead. Another season of half the classes playing identical builds and winners being determined by who can spam enough races to get the perfect storm of move boot / quicksilver rng isnt appealing at all.

Not holding my breath as far as constructive change goes, though. If the next seasons signature does end up being another generic race type, i hope it includes enough difficulty enhancing modifiers to put some measure of an actual player skill check in place while driving the rip rate through the roof.

There's still so much wrong with descent races that it will never be balanced unless they bring in

1.) Vendors and recipes
2.) Reset-able instances OR fixed mob density
3.) Balance to the gem's from chests and disable gem drops from mobs.

-- None of these define descent.

You do realize that descent was the worst and most laughable signature race right? Hell last time I played shadow in descent I started 15 minutes late and won shadow because I found spectral throw. Its just a terrible unbalanced format that is determined more by RNG.

I've addressed plenty of concern about shadow in general in descent and GGG has never even bothered acknowledging it. If it just randomly became the signature it wouldn't identify any skill at all but just whomever has the best RNG/mob density and Gem drops at the appropriate levels.

Also CT is a terrible signature race because the people who will win the race will be playing the race like a normal race rather than trying to pvp. Gateways are broken so basically if you're on the korean gateway you have a clear advantage over someone in Europe or U.S.

Last edited by Rithz on Jan 7, 2014, 11:18:48 PM
The new signature is fixed seed at last, something desired by several players sadly no fixed mob seed.

Also CT is a terrible signature race because the people who will win the race will be playing the race like a normal race rather than trying to pvp. Gateways are broken so basically if you're on the korean gateway you have a clear advantage over someone in Europe or U.S.

Ever taken into account that you might be ambushed during certain quests in act2 or act3 exping.

Spectral throw is horrible for PVP. Any Icespear shadow will kill a spectral throw shadow.
Traps are also nasty.

Flicker Strike is better than leapslam etc.
I mentioned "balanced version" of descent for a reason. The last thing id want is a repeat of the original descent signature.

Seems were getting another docks grinding signature anyway- and with no meaningful balance changes either, though at least the advantage of maphack will be mostly mitigated. I suppose ill still drop by to throw 2h melee weapons from time to time.
IGN: KoTao

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