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Okay, so i have a problem. I recently started to play POE and for the first hour it was okay. After that i logged off and now i cant load the game, it says client has stopped working. So i re-installed the game into different drives still cant open the game. And then i read somewhere in this forum that defragmenting helps so i did that too. Still cant open the game.

Help please.

Edit. It works now, i deleted all my saves. lol.
Last edited by xXXxNAGAxXXx on Mar 3, 2013, 3:01:15 AM
I`m having problems with my laptop performance after exiting the game.
CPU loaded @100% by various processes, and it won`t stop by itself. Have to reboot to fix it.
Starts only after playing PoE for a while and exiting the game.
Hey devs. I keep my f1 latency statistics function on all the time whenever I play. I've found that when I start having certain interactions with items, especially moving them in any way(selling, putting on/off, dropping,stash, etc) in triggers lags. My ping gets stuck on the number its at for a good 5 seconds to even potentially disconnecting. Needless to say the game world freezes around my character when it happens.

This doesn't happen everytime I interact with items but it does trigger the lag a lot of the time. I don't know if it has any significance so I'm just posting this here. Thanks.
Would take too long for you guys to
present the mac version of Path of Exile?

im having tons of trouble as a mac user to run the game with
my macbook

please consider it :)
Bil S'abab the crimson king
fuiseh wrote:
Hey devs. I keep my f1 latency statistics function on all the time whenever I play. I've found that when I start having certain interactions with items, especially moving them in any way(selling, putting on/off, dropping,stash, etc) in triggers lags. My ping gets stuck on the number its at for a good 5 seconds to even potentially disconnecting. Needless to say the game world freezes around my character when it happens.

This doesn't happen everytime I interact with items but it does trigger the lag a lot of the time. I don't know if it has any significance so I'm just posting this here. Thanks.

I'm having the exact same trouble, also while farming a large wave or repeatedly using skills but this seems to be happening to me since the latest patch tho.
ive tried downloading the game multiple times and get the same error at 0.16% of the download that makes me force shut and cancel the download. The error is
Error: Timeout was reached while downloading
i would like to try this Beta and would like even more to download it to be able to do so. PLZ help
Hi together,

I download the Game today start it and it will load a lot of time.
Ok when it is finisht, I creat a char und start the geme.

After I wait a few minutes, I got a black screen. I hear the background Sound and can use my char, but I see nothing only a black screen.

What I have to do to play the game regulary?

Sorry, but I got no help and no answer. So I solved the problem by myself. I delete the game and wait the Beta will be finished.
Last edited by Drachenherz01 on Mar 6, 2013, 6:41:22 AM
I died because of desync shit ! Running arround trough a monster free area..seems strange...relog .. im in softcore ...Im pretty sad..
Playing for the first time, this game looks pretty neat. Good concepts on the skill gems, leveling system, and economy.

It's hard for me to say for sure, since I (like many others) keep randomly getting booted to the main menu with "An unexpected disconnection occurred."

This occurs on the America gateway more often than the Europe one, even though I'm in the US. Also occurs on the Singapore gateway. I do not have significant latency, packet loss, or disconnect issues with other online games.

I'm happy to provide system specs, tracert results, etc if they'd be useful.
An unexpected disconnection occurred.
i don't know if this is with the game or my GC, but i randomly get a black screen followed by an error saying something about my display driver kernel not working (or something along those lines since the message goes away faster then i can catch it). my frame rate then drops to a really low number (around 15 or so) but everything else runs fine. if i close the game and open it again, everything's fine but the problem usually comes back.

the problem is inconsistent and has only happened with exile and the marvel heroes mmo closed beta, so my assumption is that my GC doesn't like top down perspective games, since i can run witcher 2 on high settings with no problem.

any help would be greatly appreciated since i just got my new pc (mainly using it for 3D modelling etc but i game when i have time) and don't really want to start using the warranty etc.

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