<<*Separation of PvP Player Base*>> Please read this GGG

In the hundreds of PvP matches I have played, I have never needed to be in the same town as anyone.

This sounds like a bug, either recently introduced or bizarrely specific to your account (or connection maybe).
Last edited by aimlessgun on Jul 9, 2013, 10:07:45 PM

OK guyz! now back to the main thread. There are more intresting points than this gateway queue thing (altough it should be resolved ASAP).

LePvPMaster wrote:
I usually don't make those rant threads, but I feel like I should make this post in order to inform GGG or remind them about the current PvP situation.

I am clearly aware that PoE is not entirely based on PvP and has a great PvE/PvM aspect to it.

I respect those who prefer PvE/PvM over PvP, but I feel like that PvP has been neglected a little bit.

I understand that GGG has posted that they are coming up with updates in order to further improve to PvP, but I feel like that the updates are getting postponed or slightly forgotten.

No doubt GGG has done an amazing job coming up with regular updates/patches in order to add in new Uniques, skills, solve bugs, and even introduce a whole new League. They deserve a standing ovation for coming this far.

Nonetheless, the addition of a new League may have been a great change for many of the players, but the by doing so, you have separated the PvP player base even more, one that was never that big to begin with.

Before the addition of Anarchy and Onslaught, it was possible to have regular 3v3 matches without too much of a wait time.

However, after the new leagues, it is almost impossible. No, it IS impossible to get a 3v3 going, and I'm pretty certain the PvP community on all Standard, Anarchy, Onslaught and HC leagues and agree with me on that.

This may be very hard to do, and I may come off as ignorant due to my limited knowledge on programming and whatnot, but here are my suggestions.

1. Please make it possible for the players in different Gateway queues to be queued up against each other. As of right now, you can only be matched up against those who are in the same Gateway as you. The PvP would greatly appreciate if you could somehow make it possible for all the Gateways to be queued up against each other, much like how a person in the American Gateway can trade/party with someone from another Gateway.

2. This has been much requested. Please add a separate PvP Chat Channel so it is much easier to sell items that are clearly made for PvP characters, and also to set-up matches.

3. Adding in a legitimate ladder would strongly promote PvP and motivate players to further improve their characters/builds.

4. Please allow all the different Leagues to be queued up against each other.

I would like to go in depth with #4.

I'm certain that GGG has received countless positive feedback on the introduction of the Anarchy and Onslaught league. No doubt it is a whole new experience, but I feel like that by having so many separate leagues, you are dividing the community unintentionally.

I have thought deeply about this and I have thought of a viable solution.

After the season/x months of Anarchy, all the Anarchy players and items are transferred over to Standard. Onslaught players into Hardcore if they have not died, and Standard if they do. You guys (GGG) have made it so you can only farm/obtain certain uniques in certain leagues, but in the end, all those items are still going to be merged.

With that thought in mind, I think it would be a lot more beneficial to both GGG and the community if you had just made it so you can choose which league type you would like to be in when you create a new instance.

Standards will have the option of opening up a Standard/Anarchy type instance, whereas Hardcore League will have the option opening up a Hardcore/Onslaught type instance.

With this, players can decide which instance they would like to farm in, depending on which item it is they are trying to obtain. Also, by doing this, the player base will once against be returned back to the original Standard/Hardcore divisions.

I would greatly appreciate it if a GGG executive could give feedback on this thread.

Thank you : )
aimlessgun wrote:
In the hundreds of PvP matches I have played, I have never needed to be in the same town as anyone.

This sounds like a bug, either recently introduced or bizarrely specific to your account (or connection maybe).

only hundreds? I am up to 2k+ wins on one char ; )
I Stream PvP Twitch.tv/GrindcoreTHRALL
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldz09uBZ-ug
aimlessgun wrote:
In the hundreds of PvP matches I have played, I have never needed to be in the same town as anyone.

This sounds like a bug, either recently introduced or bizarrely specific to your account (or connection maybe).

only hundreds? I am up to 2k+ wins on one char ; )

Sounds like you should duel him and get 1 shotted =). I can que across towns also. So it must have just been a bug for a few users.
IGN: lVlage (96 Witch)
Last edited by lVlage on Jul 10, 2013, 3:51:26 PM
h3rp3s wrote:
aimlessgun wrote:
In the hundreds of PvP matches I have played, I have never needed to be in the same town as anyone.

This sounds like a bug, either recently introduced or bizarrely specific to your account (or connection maybe).

only hundreds? I am up to 2k+ wins on one char ; )

Sounds like you should duel him and get 1 shotted =). I can que across towns also. So it must have just been a bug for a few users.

thanks for reiterating it once more after we had already established that. very useful.
I Stream PvP Twitch.tv/GrindcoreTHRALL
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldz09uBZ-ug
I just want D2 style FFA pvp games. People WILL join these games if they pop up in the public game list.

They are a great place to make friends and bullsh* around, and used to inspire me to make more charachters/interesting builds. In fact they were really the main thing that inspired me to reroll interesting builds in D2...

Also they are a GREAT break from monotonous mapping, the arena system is too competitive feeling and often vacant, D2 FFA PVP games were the ultimate social hang out spot.
Chris wrote:
These are completely valid points. I'm trying to schedule time in the coming months to really improve PvP and add decent support for tournaments and such!

In the meantime, I'll discuss these points with the team.

Really looking forward to this. :)
Chris wrote:
These are completely valid points. I'm trying to schedule time in the coming months to really improve PvP and add decent support for tournaments and such!

In the meantime, I'll discuss these points with the team.

Almost a year and none of these have been implemented...
Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
Chris wrote:
These are completely valid points. I'm trying to schedule time in the coming months to really improve PvP and add decent support for tournaments and such!

In the meantime, I'll discuss these points with the team.

agreed. At this point its kind of baffling. I do appreciate some of the things added but seriously if u dont have the man power to develop pvp HIRE MORE WORKERS. Dont sit around and act like "o we dont know what to do, we are poor, we are a indie team, and we dont have enough manpower." Individuals are donating thousands out of there own pockets and players amongst the community are willing to do what ever it takes to help you guys. THERE IS NO EXCUSE. I dont want to hear this BS about PoE is a pve game its not meant for PVP. Thats straight ignorant, we have been fed from a hand and entity talking about how important pvp is to them since the beginning. None of this is the community's fault.

You have the resources and money to develop pvp, you are just taking your sweet time and setting other priorities. If you dont have the resources, get a New project Coordinator and chief of development because there is no excuse. Your team is losing money because many players have left since lack of pvp events, balance, communication, and etc. I know so many people who have spent money decking out there twinks, some people hundreds on just the cosmetics for ONE twink lvl 28. YOU ARE LOSING MONEY NOT DEVELOPING THIS ASPECT OF THE GAME, PvE players arent the only ones spending cash. SPEND MONEY TO MAKE MONEY. PAY PEOPLE TO PUT THE WORK INTO DEVELOPING THE PvP. People will play longer and continue to buy swag and deck their pvpers out. Its common sense seriously.

spending hundreds of dollars decking out a twink btw is insane. Thats like Buying multiple games brand new off the shelf, and just released for 60 each. These people are doing it because they love the game and want to show it in their avatar in a game thats free...how can u disrespect us so much?

Crowd funding is becoming such an phenomenon. They just try to sell u what u want to hear and tell u its comming eventually and then when it doesnt come because the game eventually dies they say, "if we had more money and time we would develop it" Well ofc you would. I am sure as long as ALL devs had a nicely paying job they would gladly work on their indie team at their own pace with no publisher telling them how to. Its so hard to filter whats real and whats not with all these crowdfunded projects claiming "we are making the ultimate game for x player"

BTW I try to condition you guys, I dont think its working. Whenever something comes out that I like especially pvp related material, I put money into your game. I wish others would do it this way to so the devs could see what aspects people really wanna pay for developing costs. I know as a individual its not going to do much but still gotta create that reinforcing pattern. I love GGG and I want to see u succeed but lately I am stewing over how slow its been and lack of any communication or leaks about whats going on. For a month before atziri patch you guys leaked tons of cool stuff. Wish something like that would happen for pvp. Maybe show us a new arena u are working on? Show us a new skill without leaking too much info? Show us some reward you supposedly "already have created". Non of this post is hate, this is constructive.
I Stream PvP Twitch.tv/GrindcoreTHRALL
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldz09uBZ-ug
Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL on Apr 9, 2014, 3:49:39 AM
Chris wrote:
These are completely valid points. I'm trying to schedule time in the coming months to really improve PvP and add decent support for tournaments and such!

In the meantime, I'll discuss these points with the team.

agreed. At this point its kind of baffling. I do appreciate some of the things added but seriously if u dont have the man power to develop pvp HIRE MORE WORKERS. Dont sit around and act like "o we dont know what to do, we are poor, we are a indie team, and we dont have enough manpower." Individuals are donating thousands out of there own pockets and players amongst the community are willing to do what ever it takes to help you guys. THERE IS NO EXCUSE. I dont want to hear this BS about PoE is a pve game its not meant for PVP. Thats straight ignorant, we have been fed from a hand and entity talking about how important pvp is to them since the beginning. None of this is the community's fault.

You have the resources and money to develop pvp, you are just taking your sweet time and setting other priorities. If you dont have the resources, get a New project Coordinator and chief of development because there is no excuse. Your team is losing money because many players have left since lack of pvp events, balance, communication, and etc. I know so many people who have spent money decking out there twinks, some people hundreds on just the cosmetics for ONE twink lvl 28. YOU ARE LOSING MONEY NOT DEVELOPING THIS ASPECT OF THE GAME, PvE players arent the only ones spending cash.

spending hundreds of dollars decking out a twink btw is insane. Thats like Buying multiple games brand new off the shelf, and just released for 60 each. These people are doing it because they love the game and want to show it in their avatar in a game thats free...how can u disrespect us so much?

PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]

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