FS: BIS EK gear

Vizzini wrote:
Just got back from my trip

Im not going to respond to moronic offers like "6 exalts for 12 73s + rings and amu" from GuessWhoIsThat.

Good luck with your crap wand EK build. My gear is one of a kind and im 100% sure it's the best EK set on server, nothing will be sold for less then I paid.

Rings and Amulet are worth over 25 exalts alone moron, and my staff is worth around 50 exalts. I already have multiple offers for each in that ballpark from friends, and that is why I cleary stated in my original post I would sell those LAST.

If all i get is lowball offers from illiterate noobs, im just going to wait untill the end of the 4 month league. I don't play video games anymore and only will be checking my pms a couple times a week.

Last edited by EricRoachTS on Jun 14, 2013, 3:43:00 AM
[Post removed by Administrator]
Last edited by Henry_GGG on Jul 12, 2013, 9:40:29 AM
Hi there,

Please keep this thread on topic and reduce hostilities or it may be locked.

Kind regards,
Luca_GGG wrote:
Hi there,

Please keep this thread on topic and reduce hostilities or it may be locked.

Kind regards,

please lock, invited will be heartbroken.
Luca_GGG wrote:
Hi there,

Please keep this thread on topic and reduce hostilities or it may be locked.

Kind regards,

Just pissed of people that don't like their offer getting rejected. I don't understand why wouldn't delete their off topic personal attacks instead of threatening to lock my post....

Eric didn't get his boots for 2 exalts and guesswho didn't get his "6 exalts for 12 73s + rings and amu" so they just decided to cry their little eyes out in my post.

If you going to be an admin and post something in my thread, why can't you delete the spam vice threatening me to close it?
Last edited by Vizzini on Jun 14, 2013, 12:57:59 PM



you paid 25 exalts on amu and rings or you value it 25 exalt you dump?

so mine has less spell but 16 resis

wich that 16 resis should equal the spell

or if i exalt spell that mean my amu is worth 8 - 12 exaltS?

biggest joke i ever hear dude

oh hearbreak cause your m8s left you

That ammy doesn't even compare to mine. I'm not going to take the time to explain it to you.

Thanks for the bumps everyone.

Oh and lol, "fucking gear" that's cute.

well dude i got 60 exalts to spend

and "Fucking Gear" like you

setting a bo will help instead of playing games

Lmao sounds legit.
Last edited by Vizzini on Jun 14, 2013, 4:37:32 AM
I'm always intrigued at why someone quitting a game would sell everything they own, and liquidate it into the in-game currency which is as useless as the items are, outside the game.

Unless of course there are other ideas for that currency which don't exactly respect the ToU.

Was funny to see a well known D2jsper from the top 10 default ladder quit (after public outing) and raise a thread such as this, I wondered then whether GGG would be watching and acting or if his FG would swell by even more 10,000s.

No accusations here, btw, just quite intrigued in more ways than one.
Casually casual.

Last edited by EricRoachTS on Apr 23, 2015, 5:10:57 PM
free bump
studying for GGG's C++ technical exam...
TheEnforcer wrote:
free bump

Thanks Man,

I'm really not here to piss anyone off. I understand trading in this game can be frustrating for both the buyer and the seller.

Eric brought up a good point when he said most people are playing the new leagues and its going to be tough getting what some of these items are worth, and what they are worth is completely subjective because most of my gear is one of a kind BIS for EK.

Since EKs DPS was drastically nerfed in this last patch, you need full DPS rolls on EVERY GEAR SLOT YOU CAN GET IT ON if you want to make the build effective and actually contribute some DPS to the group. I still have over 10k dps with added fire and haste, most don't have half that now. Image how that adds up over time? That mean with my gear I grind solo nearly 100% faster then the average EK.

I also know for a fact I am the only one offering a map pool like this, and even though nobody is playing Hardcore right now, the hardcore ladder is still not over and someone is going to want to finish. I'm not willing to sell short because it would be completely retarded from my perspective. I would just be trading gear and maps I'm not going to use for less valuable orbs I'm not going to use and that doesn't make any sense at all.

Right now in hardcore orbs IMO are relatively useless besides rolling maps. Even if you use your obs to roll some incredible super rare item, nobody is going to give you what it's worth because so few people are playing and their is such little demand. I'm sure this will change in the future once the league ends, the game is released along with PVP, and people want to play out their characters in the Main leagues.

I also refuse to go through the standard PM string with everyone on the forums. It pretty much always goes like this.

Potential Buyer: Hey Bro, i would like to buy XXXXXX for (Insert horrendous low-ball offer here) Hit me up I really need the item asap

Me: Thanks, but sorry that offer is way to low, I'm only taking offers atm, but wouldn't even consider double that.

Potential Buyer: Well f@ck you then noob, Nobody is ever going to pay that much. Look at this POS item that is just like yours selling right now for 2 scroll fragments. If you don't want currency then fine Moron. Ill just start trash talking in your thread.

The thing people don't understand I guess is that I'm not here to accommodate them. I'm here to make plus EV trades with the gear that I will not be using anytime in the near future. I fully expect certain things like Koams Heart to rise drastically in value at the end of the new leagues. I hear GGG was thinking about giving the health roll on koams a range, hence making it divineable, and mine for valuable.

With so much uncertainty, I have no interest in "liquidating" my items and have no problem holding on to them.

I want TOP DOLLAR from whoever VALUES THEM THE MOST and I am willing to wait.

I'm only accepting offers right now, and if yours is appealing I will respond. Remember, this EK set has alot of synergy, i hate to break it up. I have max DPS on every piece available, and my resistances are also still capped on Ele Weakness maps, not to mention ~20k Armor. IMO this is worth more as a set if anyone can afford that, but ill let the market decide.

If you don't like making offers or have some other problem with my post move along.


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