Kalguur is a home run.

Unpopular opinion - the town itself is just a complicated slot machine. Pull these 10 levels to get these 10 resources, send them on a ship, get absolutely random rewards. I don't feel there is any useful decision making like with expedition or even ritual to choose/risk/haggle, etc.

Im not hating on it, just... I don't see what another slot machine adds to the base game.

Its only function is gold conversion to random loot, you could do the same thing with zero town.
trixxar wrote:
Unpopular opinion - the town itself is just a complicated slot machine. Pull these 10 levels to get these 10 resources, send them on a ship, get absolutely random rewards. I don't feel there is any useful decision making like with expedition or even ritual to choose/risk/haggle, etc.

Im not hating on it, just... I don't see what another slot machine adds to the base game.

Its only function is gold conversion to random loot, you could do the same thing with zero town.

At a very basic level, this is PoE in a nutshell. Everything is RNG on RNG on RNG. It's like a Skinner's Tesseract--not just a box.
Tired of trolls? Ignore them.
Not everything is RNG. You can target farm. And some strategies yield more on average. If you say everything is RNG you are denying the existence of game knowledge.
Everything has an element of RNG but they often reward smart usage (expedition, ultimatum) or skill (Sanctum, delve).

That is the essence of the gameplay. Gamble, but wisely, or play without getting hit.

The town doesnt really do much of either. Pure slot machine.
The town does have some room for game knowledge:

-how to optimize upgrades fastest
-how to optimize shipping yields
-how to balance your expected gold income/storage against the rate at which your have the town convert it into other resources
-when to let the town run full steam vs low-power in accordance with your other goals in game

There isn't as much involved as some other mechanics, sure, but it fundamentally is just "put in time/effort, get rewards"--just like everything else in the game. And to Johnny's point, I'm not meaning to imply that everything is equally valid/useful. That's simply not the case. It's just that the game behaves as it (almost) always has.
Tired of trolls? Ignore them.
TLDR: Keep Faustus, rest can go.
Exchange HAS to stay else players would go Reddit mad.
What I would be delighted to also stay is Isla with her map device (just one), paid for with gold (and honestly I wouldn’t mind rog being able to dust crappy gear and also dust being a part of the device upgrade process as mappers would have to be included without rest of kingsmarch)
Personally love this league, first league I've ever done 40/40.
Kingsmarch is a blast. Exchange has to be kept.
I also would like bosses to remain in one way or another, and for them to drop league-specific Uniques: Svalinn etc.
Sibasss on twitch
Favorite league ever I'm pretty sure, I just wish I had more free time to play.

I've said this before and I'll say it again: if this goes core it needs to be less "mandatory" it needs to be a fun thing you CAN DO IF YOU LIKE IT much like Delve and Heist.

If it goes core tuned so that "Div per hour" sweats and streamers feel obligated to level it up every league its going to be a new source of reddit essays about how it should be deleted from the game.

But if they put it in as a side thing you can do even though its not optimal Div per hour it'll be fine.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
alhazred70 wrote:
Favorite league ever I'm pretty sure, I just wish I had more free time to play.

I've said this before and I'll say it again: if this goes core it needs to be less "mandatory" it needs to be a fun thing you CAN DO IF YOU LIKE IT much like Delve and Heist.

If it goes core tuned so that "Div per hour" sweats and streamers feel obligated to level it up every league its going to be a new source of reddit essays about how it should be deleted from the game.

But if they put it in as a side thing you can do even though its not optimal Div per hour it'll be fine.

But you can do it as side content just like delve or heist or skip it all over.
You can visit your town ever so often and interact with it like you would with delve or heist or you don't.
You can run your heist contracts or delve away your Sulphite for a few extra currency or just skip it same as making use of your gold or not.

All the league mechanics are not mandatory and I'm not sure where all the "streamer got this amount of currency" fomo is coming from lately.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho

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