Settler's is definitely NOT for casuals

exsea wrote:
was tired last night, did around 2-4 t16s normal (no mods).

dumped all the gold into my town.

estimated 20-30 minutes rent.


all i have in kingsmarch running are disenchanters/miners/smelters/farmers.

i m not even doing mapping/shipping.

I wanted to ask why u would do white T16 maps, but after looking at ur characters I knew. U really like ur uniques, don't u?^^
Sadaukar wrote:
exsea wrote:
was tired last night, did around 2-4 t16s normal (no mods).

dumped all the gold into my town.

estimated 20-30 minutes rent.


all i have in kingsmarch running are disenchanters/miners/smelters/farmers.

i m not even doing mapping/shipping.

I wanted to ask why u would do white T16 maps, but after looking at ur characters I knew. U really like ur uniques, don't u?^^

i technically can do maps with tons of mods and dying once in a while does happen when i meet a bad combination of mods on rares. just that i didnt feel like wasting my time with death last night. but yeah, doing all uniques is something i like to do.

usually i delete everything until i dont lol
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jsuslak313 wrote:

From the Oxford English dictionary:
Casual, noun.
a person who does something irregularly.
"a number of casuals became regular customers"

If you are spending more than an hour of your life every single day on the same activity, you do not have a casual engagement with it.

From the SAME dictionary:
without care, not worried about, unimportant to you, not permanent

It is very easy to choose only 1 part of a definition to "prove" some kind of point. In this particular instance, the REST of the definitions go against the point you are trying to make about the term. Using the SAME source.

I usually agree with your points, but this was a very poor showing.

Casual is not defined in the context it is being used here, and a dictionary is not going to provide you with ALL contexts. For example: you could indeed be considered a "casual" player, or have a "casual" engagement with the game while playing an hour every single day........because the non-casual player might be spending 4+ hours every single day. By comparison, the person spending an hour is absolutely "casual".

Now suppose you compare the 1hr/day player with a 1hr/week player. The latter might consider the former to be non-casual. The outside 4hr/day player might consider both of them varying degrees of casual. They would ALL be correct. It depends on the context.

A definition is not the same thing as a "fact": language is used and created with meaning AND context, and you can't just willingly ignore context when talking about a word's meaning. This is a pretty central point to basic reading classes, SAT questions, etc. It's called "reading comprehension". How is this word being used here? What is the meaning in the context of the entire passage?

Its also the reason why, when you look at something like the Oxford English Dictionary, there is never a singular definition. There are always multiple uses and multiple meanings because context can shift what the "definition" is.

Let's try a totally different example: what is a newbie? Oxford English definition is "a person who is new to a particular environment or activity and has little experience, especially in using computers". But what does that mean for PoE? How about compared to checkers? Is a person still a newbie with 100 hours of playtime, 1000? What constitutes "new"? If you spent 10000 hours playing acts 1 - 10, never progressing into maps, would you still be a "newbie" at the game? What if you spent all that time going from lvl 1 - 20 with 10k different toons?

Definitions don't ever give you the whole story, and are wildly unreliable to look at outside of context. They give you the foundation, but don't supply the meaning. I don't see anything in your quoted definition, or the rest of the definitions that say a "casual" MUST spend less than x amount of hours per day/week/time period at an activity.

A casual is not the same thing as an apple: one is a concept defined by its context, one is a very specific unique "thing".

You're mixing up your definitions, though.

This thread is about the NOUN definition of a Casual. The title literally is "Settlers [corrected for improper apostrophe use] is not for casuals." Casual is the object of the preposition in that sentence, so we use the noun definition.

And a casual, as a noun, is mutually exclusive with a regular, as a noun. A person who does something regularly - as in, playing a particular game for several hours every single day - is NOT a casual. They're not a casual by literal dictionary definition, they're not a casual by common language parlance, they're not a casual by any reasonable interpretation of common sense. They are regular if not habitual players crying about their drop luck because they're using denial as a crutch to desperately avoid bettering themselves.

There are people in this thread who have, by their easily checkable post history, spent several hours every single day since the league launched on this forum whining about their lack of success. That is some POWERFUL denial.
Last edited by ARealLifeCaribbeanPirate on Sep 4, 2024, 4:42:32 AM
exsea wrote:
Sadaukar wrote:
exsea wrote:
was tired last night, did around 2-4 t16s normal (no mods).

dumped all the gold into my town.

estimated 20-30 minutes rent.


all i have in kingsmarch running are disenchanters/miners/smelters/farmers.

i m not even doing mapping/shipping.

I wanted to ask why u would do white T16 maps, but after looking at ur characters I knew. U really like ur uniques, don't u?^^

i technically can do maps with tons of mods and dying once in a while does happen when i meet a bad combination of mods on rares. just that i didnt feel like wasting my time with death last night. but yeah, doing all uniques is something i like to do.

usually i delete everything until i dont lol

No problem with that :D

Just that if u run higher difficulty T16 with Scarabs u get ALOT more gold out of them. I for example run T16 only for the purpose of getting more maps, preferably T17s and I get around 30-40k gold per map without much effort. Just slap in a Gold Flask and Increased Rarity Gem and It will run my town the whole day. Also my upkeep is pretty low, with all lvl10s except farming where 70% is lvl10 I have an upkeep of around 20k without mining/smelting and mapping ofc.

With mining and smelting it goes to 30k, but they are so fast that it almost doesn't matter unless I chain run maps, but then I get even more gold aswell.

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