Settler's is definitely NOT for casuals

They implied gold woudln't be a big deal FOR THE CURRENCY EXCHANGE. They did NOT imply gold wouldn't limit the town.
If I had only an hour a day to play, I wouldn't use the town. I'd just save my gold and use it for Currency Exchange. That's all you truly need it fore. The rest of it is just convoluted mechanics to convert gold into usable currency.


Edit: I want to elaborate on this point a bit.

Using gold for your town basically means you're paying workers to do various things.

Farmers convert gold into shipping goods. Miners/Smelters effectively do the same. Disenchanting is effectively the same. Other than shipping, you only need these resources to upgrade your town, which is only so they can do these things faster (more gold converted per hour).

This is purely a gold sink mechanic.

The only other uses for the town are recombination, which a casual player is unlikely to understand--let alone use--and runecrafting, which is the only resource your town generates that you can't get from most other sources... except one: The Currency Exchange.

Imagine you only use the town enough to upgrade your Runecrafting bench, then pull all workers off of labor permanently:

-You could take all the items you would have disenchanted and just vendored them (or saved the time of not picking them up in the first place--yielding more game time), and gained a small bit of currency.

- You could take all the time you're not wasting in Kingsmarch (the physical zone) and spend more in maps.

- You could take the extra currency you get from mapping and engage in a farming strategy to generate more currency. You can use this currency to buy runes on the CE. Therefore, if you need to use Runecrafting, you can.

You can otherwise just save all your gold for the CE and farm juiced maps to buy your gear upgrades so your build can get to a place of comfortably farming t16/t17 where gold is much easier to come by. Maybe then you consider shipping/mapping for additional currency income, or maybe ignoring the town is a perfectly fine strategy for "casuals" (like me).
Tired of trolls? Ignore them.
Last edited by Albinosaurus on Sep 3, 2024, 12:52:17 AM
Yeah the gold income is fine for currency exchange though i'm not really using it a lot, is anyone really pushing it? how's the gold/cost for currency deals working out?
Innocence forgives you
Playing in a couple GSF and the town is such a burden. I really hope if towns in PoE2 have this sort of upgrade system to help progression that it's much simpler/task-based and account not character.
Eat your vegetables.
boldfacelies wrote:
Playing in a couple GSF and the town is such a burden. I really hope if towns in PoE2 have this sort of upgrade system to help progression that it's much simpler/task-based and account not character.

Kingsmarch is account-wide, not character specific. It's just not cross-league (SC/SSF/HC etc).
Tired of trolls? Ignore them.
Albinosaurus wrote:
boldfacelies wrote:
Playing in a couple GSF and the town is such a burden. I really hope if towns in PoE2 have this sort of upgrade system to help progression that it's much simpler/task-based and account not character.

Kingsmarch is account-wide, not character specific. It's just not cross-league (SC/SSF/HC etc).

I'm commenting on a future hope for PoE2. I hope it stays how they have it set up currently.
Eat your vegetables.
Ah, fair enough. Character-specific would be dumb and people would riot, lol.
Tired of trolls? Ignore them.
One need to adapt his progress to his time in game. If one overdoo then it will suffer.

You just didnt get what to do in time.

Im casual player. I enjoy Kingsmarch. I dont sent milions worth shipments abd i dont have all workers on lvl 10. I didnt have fully built Kingsmarch in firt week but now i do.

Slow progress is still progress.
"settlers is not for casuals" since when is ANY league for casuals? ha

id say settlers is better for casuals then most other league because you just send out your ships/mappers and eventually you will get something good back. casuals just have less time to keep rolling the dice, but even we can get lucky sometimes

Lmao what is this thread? It do be a festival of denial up in here.

Real quick, everyone, before you post anything else: go into the game and type /played in chat. If you've played more than one character this league, do it for all of them and add the results together.

If the result is more than 40 hours, you are not a casual player.

And don't bother replying to me with "I'm 120 hours but a lot of that is idle HO time" or whatever because I don't care. This isn't for me, it's for YOU. If you put in hundreds of hours into a league in the first month, and you can't find success, It's time to be honest with yourself and take a long hard look at what it is that's holding you back.

Casual players don't log in every single day for multiple hours, and they certainly don't spend all of the time they are not playing the game on the forums and reddit talking about the game.

I'm at 150 combined across multiple characters, which I'd bet good money is a lot less than some of the self- described casuals in this thread. 150 hours in a month isn't casual. 150 hours in a month is a part time job.

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