Settler's is definitely NOT for casuals

jsuslak313 wrote:
considering you get gold by doing ANY other content (with few exceptions), the attitude should never be "Farm Gold". You do whatever you find fun, and you happen to GET gold. Plenty of it.

I agree, the attitude should never be "farm gold" however, if you do alch&go you do not get enough gold to pay village upkeep.
If you decide to have an abyss atlas and dedicate hours to farm exp, you do not get enough gold to pay village upkeep.
If you are a casual and play for only a few hours, which is literally what this thread is discussing, you do not get enough gold to pay village upkeep.

ONLY if you do juiced content, with specific atlas, 8mod corrupted t16s or t17s do you get enough gold to pay upkeep with only minimal hours of play.
By the way, this is with a town upkeep wages of 40k gold per hour.
So I'd need 960k per day to have the town run for 24hours.
Which if you're getting ~20k gold per map, is about 48 maps, which you could do in about 2hrs gameplay.
Now, if you do not have a specific atlas setup, you might be only getting 6-10k gold per map which means you'd need to run maps for 4 hours.
Do you see the penalty for not running optimal setup? it's punishing.

I have literally been on this forum posting about why my gold income was inferior, the answer i was provided was a specific atlas tree plus scarabs.
Which has, no doubt fixed my gold income in comparison. But with my limited time, it's all I have time to do now.
So I'd need 960k per day to have the town run for 24hours.
Which if you're getting ~20k gold per map, is about 48 maps, which you could do in about 2hrs gamepla

Yes if you keep the map runners going for 24 hours that might be true. But that’s not the case for most people, because of school, work, sleep and other stuff. Map runners are idle most of the time. You need around 200-300k per 24 hours
People mismanage the town though and thats their fault.

Wages shouldnt get skyrocketing to unreasonable sustain unless you are round the clock full send everyone is working. In which case you should be farming enough in maps to sustain that cost.

I think POE has been pretty clear about concepts like this, you shouldn't just GET everything all the time. There needs to be, as Johnathan would put it;

"some friction in decision making..."

If you want your town full send, then you better be farming for that full send. And spec appropriately.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
I agree, the attitude should never be "farm gold" however, if you do alch&go you do not get enough gold to pay village upkeep.

That's lie. This is exactly what I do and I have 0 issues with upkeep
Jixa87 wrote:

Now, if you do not have a specific atlas setup, you might be only getting 6-10k gold per map which means you'd need to run maps for 4 hours.
Do you see the penalty for not running optimal setup? it's punishing.

I have literally been on this forum posting about why my gold income was inferior, the answer i was provided was a specific atlas tree plus scarabs.
Which has, no doubt fixed my gold income in comparison. But with my limited time, it's all I have time to do now.

took me a lot of time before i got to your conclusion. i acknowledge everyone elses post on "you put ur time in it you get rewarded more" comments. thats true for everything.

the main difference is the "feelsbad" feeling that i get when i cant really afford to play the league content anymore. i've put the effort to upgrade everything but i cant afford the upkeep. its like a gacha game where in the beginning you get to run lower quality stuff and everythings fine. you get rewarded. you feel rewarded. but as you progress, everything starts becoming expensive but i have to choose between upkeep and improvement.

Johny_Snow wrote:
I agree, the attitude should never be "farm gold" however, if you do alch&go you do not get enough gold to pay village upkeep.

That's lie. This is exactly what I do and I have 0 issues with upkeep

i need to point out, that this is your experience. different people have different experiences. you might be running a lot of maps frequently. your upkeep could be lower. who knows.

different players simply have different time and effort put into the game.

a big problem i have with settlers is that its a really good league mechanic. but its like a hill. if you're at the top. its super great. you get a nice view enjoy the breeze and theres treasure for you to pickup everywhere.

but if you're at that level, you just roll back down the hill. it becomes a struggle.

its to the point we might as well not play this league mechanic.
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Ok, so you guys are actually workaholics because u don´t play the game to enjoy it you play it to have a 2nd job?

1-3 hours a day IMHO enough time to cover gold cost for the day. If you for some weird reason have your town running 24/7 with everything then you need more than 1-3 hours obviously. All these complains about gold when the solution is simple. You manage what you are able to and thats it. If you are a "casual" running the town 24/7 will not make you rich or would it change a lot for you. Its a game, if you can´t enjoy it because u feel like its your 2nd job move on to something else.

But GOLD is dropping enough. Just stop being unhealthily greedy with the game. You create the problem yourself. Its just a personal problem.
exsea wrote:
Jixa87 wrote:

Now, if you do not have a specific atlas setup, you might be only getting 6-10k gold per map which means you'd need to run maps for 4 hours.
Do you see the penalty for not running optimal setup? it's punishing.

I have literally been on this forum posting about why my gold income was inferior, the answer i was provided was a specific atlas tree plus scarabs.
Which has, no doubt fixed my gold income in comparison. But with my limited time, it's all I have time to do now.

took me a lot of time before i got to your conclusion. i acknowledge everyone elses post on "you put ur time in it you get rewarded more" comments. thats true for everything.

the main difference is the "feelsbad" feeling that i get when i cant really afford to play the league content anymore. i've put the effort to upgrade everything but i cant afford the upkeep. its like a gacha game where in the beginning you get to run lower quality stuff and everythings fine. you get rewarded. you feel rewarded. but as you progress, everything starts becoming expensive but i have to choose between upkeep and improvement.

Johny_Snow wrote:
I agree, the attitude should never be "farm gold" however, if you do alch&go you do not get enough gold to pay village upkeep.

That's lie. This is exactly what I do and I have 0 issues with upkeep

i need to point out, that this is your experience. different people have different experiences. you might be running a lot of maps frequently. your upkeep could be lower. who knows.

different players simply have different time and effort put into the game.

a big problem i have with settlers is that its a really good league mechanic. but its like a hill. if you're at the top. its super great. you get a nice view enjoy the breeze and theres treasure for you to pickup everywhere.

but if you're at that level, you just roll back down the hill. it becomes a struggle.

its to the point we might as well not play this league mechanic.

He made that sweeping generalization though. And what a surprise - the game plays differently for different people
Just skip the darrrn map runners and you are good to go. Well, unless you play less than 10 maps each day in which case you can't rally complain, big whoop.

It's a mechanic you have to manage to suit your circumstance. It's fine to just play 1 to 3 hours a day or run content with less gold rewards but then you have to adjust your town accordingly. You can't have a full line up t10 workers at mapping at farming and expect that to work. I am also not playing much and what's more, i don't want to feel forced to play to keep my town going. So i keep my upkeep cost at ~5k and have no issues sustaining it. Got a few t8 and t9 workers but most of it is 6-7. Works just fine. I don't send out 50 mio shipments, only 500k+ but i still get divines from it regularly.

So yeah it's very much for casuals. But not for casuals who expect the same returns as the no lifers.
The fundamental problem is that ggg implied gold wasn't gong to be a big deal in their reveal. I don't know what the drop rates were in testing but a full town, lmao why wouldn't you use max workers, easily can get into 30-50k an hour range.

So stupid. Not to Mention spending gold for rerolls, black market, or whatever.

The gold strain is too much past like tier 5 of a worker. Sure you can minmax good gain, but for what? This mechanic is meh for rewards and sure people will post mirrors or whatever, but reddit doesthat for barrels or labyrinth. Didn't mean it is profitable or worthwhile to do.

(Also a lot of people rmt to brag anyway)

A decent idea but compete garbage as a league mechanic. If we didn't have the exchange I think this would be a complete and utter disaster. Unless you really micromanage your boats, you get maybe i or two pull at the lottery an hour session, ain't nothing coming from that.
Last edited by roundishcap on Sep 2, 2024, 10:41:42 PM

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