Settler's is definitely NOT for casuals

i have a lot of praise for settlers, i still do.

however i really feel that GGG went overboard with the goldsink.

for starters i understand that goldsinks are important. they give value to gold and prevent people from stockpiling gold (which causes gold to lose value).

i play randomly 1-3 hours a day and BARELY have enough to cover "rent" for the next day.

for sure some people will say "oh well just run juiced maps/t17s etc and you ll be like me having 500k gold extra".

i would point out not everyone has that same level of experience.

if GGG has any inclination to reduce the gap between casuals and "dedicated" players. reducing the upkeep costs is a start.

i do understand that i m paying for the "better staff". but now i m at the point where i m barely making enough to keep the lights running.

i havent rerolled for new hires in a week and have had so much downtime its really a sad state. i dont even think i ll be gambling using gold at this rate.

i always knew the upkeep costs would increase, but as is, its a lot of feelsbad. some of my guildies have already quit the league as its too time consuming.

for sure i really like this league and in fact i even said this is the best league ever. but i said that early in the league.

its weird. i know i will get rewarded when i do stuff like shipping. but at the same time its suffocating. i want to get new and better hires but i can afford to reroll without downtime. if i dont get better hires i cant farm/ship more efficiently. if i do get better hires, i would have a higher upkeep and would experience even more difficulty keeping the lights on.
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Last bumped on Sep 4, 2024, 7:10:36 AM
You don’t need to cover “rent” for the next day if you’re only playing one hour. People who play less should be rewarded less. It’s the same with every league mechanic. Play less -> get less
Jaikai wrote:
You don’t need to cover “rent” for the next day if you’re only playing one hour. People who play less should be rewarded less. It’s the same with every league mechanic. Play less -> get less

"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
If you're not playing then you're not going to get rewarded sorry you wanna afk til tomm having your people work?

Okay play work for it in my case I do 100 grand per map cuz I'm overgeared and do the dumbest shit possible and play 100000 hours see?

You don't play for anything you're a casual why should you be rewarded for doing nothing? Simple as that. Play less get less loot not a hard concept there in every single aspect of this game lmao
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Sep 1, 2024, 10:37:40 PM
Even for a "casual" it shouldn't be much of a deal to maintain the town up and running 24/7 to gain easy currency out of it even with low time investment.
Theoretically everyone who's working full time is a casual player and still gets shockingly enough everything done fine lol.

Theres a simple rule that works in every game and even irl, work smart not hard
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Sep 1, 2024, 10:52:54 PM
If you've upgraded your hiring hall too far, you're already screwed. I'm actually re-rolling for lower tier workers now. Farmers, miners, disenchanters, and smelters can all run overnight at tier 1, and only sailors interest me at higher tiers (by which I mean topping out at about tier VI). That way, a coupla maps keeps things humming for a day, and I can knock out some suitably-scaled shipments every day.

From the Wiki:
However, wages increase faster than job speed so it's best to hire and keep five mining, smelting and farming and four disenchanting rank 1's and only use higher ranks if you play enough that you don't run out of gold.

Higher-tier Kingsmarch play is not for casuals.
Jaikai wrote:
You don’t need to cover “rent” for the next day if you’re only playing one hour. People who play less should be rewarded less. It’s the same with every league mechanic. Play less -> get less

I think that's something alot of people don't seem to understand. Most people think u're supposed to keep the town running 24/7, regardless of effort.
That's not the case and it never was in any league mechanic ever.

U wanted to craft OP gear in Necropolis, well u had to log in and grind those corpses. U wanted good Crucible nodes on ur weapons, guess what... u gotta keep grinding maps.

Settlers is no different, other than it delays the reward for doing so. It's not "free for everybody". It rewards the people that grind for it.

Also the rewards for having farmers online 24/7 is pretty low compared to what u actually get while playing, so missing out on that isn't a big deal whatsoever.
Last edited by Sadaukar on Sep 1, 2024, 10:57:51 PM
Whilst I agree, if you play less, your town shouldn't reward you more.
The issue I find is i'll log on, what are my plans?
Towns out of gold, better farm gold.
Not farm this content, or that content.
Farm Gold.
Town is out of gold, gotta run some juiced maps on my pro toon to get gold.
Oh times up, what have i done, farm gold. great same as yesterday and the day before.
Wanna do delve? well that's not gold rewarding and you get no ore, so don't do that.
Choices feel extremely limited this league, if you want to engage with kingsmarch.
Jixa87 wrote:
Whilst I agree, if you play less, your town shouldn't reward you more.
The issue I find is i'll log on, what are my plans?
Towns out of gold, better farm gold.
Not farm this content, or that content.
Farm Gold.
Town is out of gold, gotta run some juiced maps on my pro toon to get gold.
Oh times up, what have i done, farm gold. great same as yesterday and the day before.
Wanna do delve? well that's not gold rewarding and you get no ore, so don't do that.
Choices feel extremely limited this league, if you want to engage with kingsmarch.

Well this is just a very strange take lol....considering you get gold by doing ANY other content (with few exceptions), the attitude should never be "Farm Gold". You do whatever you find fun, and you happen to GET gold. Plenty of it.

What do you do when you play in any other league? What do you do when you don't feel like playing the league mechanic one day? All of these things still exist and they all reward gold. You aren't CHOOSING between farming gold and doing what you normally would be doing in the game day after day.

If anything, this is the one league ever that you DON'T have to make choices about: gold is rewarded by everything so no matter what choice you make to have a good time, you can ALSO interact with the league mechanic regularly.

You name a SINGLE example of limiting content lol. I guess if you only play delve then yea, this league is "limiting". But.....delve is like that for basically all content. I can name probably 80% of all leagues ever that Delving "limits" your interaction with. Even moreso now with atlas skill trees.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Sep 2, 2024, 12:24:08 AM
Some of the concept ratios are off which I believe leads to that upkeep feeling.

Shipping for instance should take longer instead of increasing the risk so much.

If I want to have 3 ships out with 1mil value in each but have them take 2 days. That should be an option. Same with maps. If I as a player take 40 min to clear one map. It's unlikely I'll die.

Ore/Bars are just entirely out of whack for their numbers and the shipping bonus doesn't really matter. These are key elements of the league they couldn't be bothered to tweak.

I've half ignore the league mechanic personally. I don't like playing on someone else's clock. Never have. Hate Weeklies, hate dailies, hate time window content.
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