Kalguur going core - suggested changes

Pizzarugi wrote:
Felix44 wrote:
Yeah but this is different because, like I said, it doesn't actually feel like a league mechanic. Yeah you have ore every map but it takes ~30sec to clear and gives no reward by itself. So I wouldn't really count "ore in map" as "league mechanic" like Legion or Ritual etc. Kingsmarch is a very passive thing, just an extra little bonus you get from running normal content. Without getting ore every map there's hardly anything left from the actual mechanic itself.

Lake of Kalandra also didn't feel like a league mechanic, going by that logic. In maps, the only thing you did was prepare a lake instance until it was ready to run.

Just because there's no direct mechanic or substantial interaction doesn't mean it's fit to stay in core.

You can't compare it to LOK or other league mechanics because there you'd just get "fragments" of content you'd later run for rewards. SoK doesn't give you any content for that ore, and if you make a math of how much reward you get per ore in map, it's an extremely low number.

Maybe you could find less ore per map when it goes core, but as it is right now, say you get 1000 verisium in a map which then becomes 5000 verisium through smelting. Considering a port quota is around 100k and you have 5 different metals that can show up (with verisium being the rarest), plus the fact that shipments actually take real time meaning you can't spam for rewards, I find it already balanced enough to be a core thing.

Idk what you get if you send 5000 verisium to a port, but I'd imagine it's like 5 cheap scarabs or so. Which is less than what you find in a normal map without any extra effort tbh.

I do want to mention, however, that I don't spam shipments (I only send full quotas and only 1 or 2 a day bc grinding for dust is a pain) so maybe someone who engages more with the mech considers it too rewarding for it to go core as it is.
Honestly, I have never felt that content was more properly balanced in league as is, than this.

I think that this should go core Exactly as is.

I love this league. I love this content. And, I think that this is one of the finest examples of GGG not making something Over, or Under whelming.

Perfectly whelmed.
Deliverme wrote:
Honestly, I have never felt that content was more properly balanced in league as is, than this.

I think that this should go core Exactly as is.

I love this league. I love this content. And, I think that this is one of the finest examples of GGG not making something Over, or Under whelming.

Perfectly whelmed.

Thanks for your feedback and opinions :)
Jaikai wrote:
Um, no?

Please, let's not make it necessary to do overtuned boss content to get gold. ='[.]'=

These bosses in their current state are so easy you can kill them easily with any character fresh out of act10. Based on your achievements you probably haven’t encountered one yet

And how often do they appear? I've read plenty of complaints about their scarcity, too seldom to be a reliable major source of gold. I'd rather just continue to get gold as drops now. ='[.]'=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
The shipment guy I fight like once per hour, same for star fall. Also did you even read my suggestions?
Send them to me. I like those encounters.
There is just 1 thing that makes me wanna quit this league, the reroll cost, its stupid if you have to pay a few hundred thousand gold to replace a lvl 9 worker/mapper, its already expensive to keep your town running but whatever
Felix44 wrote:
Why shouldn't it go core exactly as it is? Feels more like an expansion than a league mechanic to me. It's not any more rewarding than any other game mechanic. Seems fairly balanced in all aspects. I really wouldn't change a thing about it - fits very well into the core game as it is now.

"Not more rewarding than any other game mechanic" - mechanic that prints so much mirror shards that tanked the mirror price.

It should absolutly not go core, it was an amazing league and the mechanic was awesome, but every single league having to upgrade your town, manage the gold pressure at endgame (prices start getting absurd if you are not purpusefully farming for gold), getting all crews, it would be awful.

And you say "just dont interact with it", sure just dont interact with a mechanic that passively prints your divines/mirror shards. You would be called dumb if you didnt interact with the town, making it absolutly mandatory.

Just keep currency trade (obviously), the gold gamba for excess gold, and probably recombinators would be cool to go core too.
Last edited by Satan on Feb 10, 1692, 10:00:00 PM
FearZGamer wrote:

It should absolutly not go core, it was an amazing league and the mechanic was awesome, but every single league having to upgrade your town, manage the gold pressure at endgame (prices start getting absurd if you are not purpusefully farming for gold), getting all crews, it would be awful.

And you say "just dont interact with it", sure just dont interact with a mechanic that passively prints your divines/mirror shards. You would be called dumb if you didnt interact with the town, making it absolutly mandatory.

So, because you don't want to reset Kingsmarch every league (even though you already replay the campaign and reset your Atlas), you don't want it to come back because FOMO? I'm perfectly happy to do all of that, because it's playing the game. =0[.]o=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie

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