Kalguur going core - suggested changes

Overall I think the current league got pretty good feedback and many people wish for it to become core. But I think the league mechanic should be optional and something you have to spec into in the atlas tree. Here are some thoughts:

- Reduce the overall gold drop from monsters in maps. Also reduce the gold amount needed for currency exchange (considering it’s going core). This will detach the currency exchange from the league mechanic while simultaneously blocking out potential bots.
- Keep the amount of gold needed for Kingsmarch and wage/h at the current level.But include league mechanics (through atlas passives) that will drop significantly more gold.
- One of these mechanics could be the current starfall boss encounter (not sure about the right naming), change the boss arena slightly and make it possible to have all three bosses to show up in the map encounter (one at at time). Randomize the ore which can be obtained through these encounters.
- Possible atlas nodes could influence the type and amount of ore that is found, increase the gold amount for the league mechanic, influence the items received through map runners.
- Black market prices should be adjusted to be main part of the league mechanic and shouldn’t be accessible too frequently with just the gold drops from monsters. Would be especially a good league mechanic for league starters.

What do you guys think. Let me know your thoughts.
Last edited by Jaikai on Aug 28, 2024, 12:52:25 AM
Last bumped on Aug 30, 2024, 7:23:10 PM
Um, no?

Please, let's not make it necessary to do overtuned boss content to get gold. ='[.]'=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Scrap this league, don't bring it back, wtf
Um, no?

Please, let's not make it necessary to do overtuned boss content to get gold. ='[.]'=

These bosses in their current state are so easy you can kill them easily with any character fresh out of act10. Based on your achievements you probably haven’t encountered one yet
Why shouldn't it go core exactly as it is? Feels more like an expansion than a league mechanic to me. It's not any more rewarding than any other game mechanic. Seems fairly balanced in all aspects. I really wouldn't change a thing about it - fits very well into the core game as it is now.
Because it's an awful time sink which also affects the base game in a negative way?
It can't go core exactly as is obv, because of the system they have for current league mechanics being in every map. So no Ore when it goes core for sure or only from the black knight encounter or sth like that.

Just leaving the farms would also be kind of silly, i mean i like it and keep and eye on my farms running 24/7, but common it's kind of silly and shouldn't go core.

Rune enchant is obv league related borrowed power just liek cruicible.

So, just leave the gold in for the currency exchange, because the currency exchange is obv not silly and without the gold pressure from the town people will have enough gold to use it as a fuly functional trading system.
Last edited by Strickl3r on Aug 28, 2024, 9:36:43 AM
Which means that you'll afk your farmers until you collect millions of wheat then send it and afk again. So engaging.
Strickl3r wrote:
It can't go core exactly as is obv, because of the system they have for current league mechanics being in every map. So no Ore when it goes core for sure or only from the black knight encounter or sth like that.

Just leaving the farms would also be kind of silly, i mean i like it and keep and eye on my farms running 24/7, but common it's kind of silly and shouldn't go core.

Rune enchant is obv league related borrowed power just liek cruicible.

So, just leave the gold in for the currency exchange, because the currency exchange is obv not silly and without the gold pressure from the town people will have enough gold to use it as a fuly functional trading system.

Yeah but this is different because, like I said, it doesn't actually feel like a league mechanic. Yeah you have ore every map but it takes ~30sec to clear and gives no reward by itself. So I wouldn't really count "ore in map" as "league mechanic" like Legion or Ritual etc. Kingsmarch is a very passive thing, just an extra little bonus you get from running normal content. Without getting ore every map there's hardly anything left from the actual mechanic itself.

I don't find it awfully rewarding either, such that would justify its removal - you send 1-2 shipments a day for 1 div each or so which isn't much.

Runecrafting is different and yeah maybe should or shouldn't be removed - haven't engaged with it enough to judge. The tormented spirit enchant is probably broken.

The currency exchange is obviously staying. I'd just keep everything as it is tbh. It doesn't feel like other leagues where you heavily engage with the league content for super juicy rewards. It feels more like old leagues that went core, where you occasionally get some nice stuff but otherwise there isn't specific focus on it. Feels like the way you get sulphite in maps for delve (could maybe have its own scarabs or smth). Maybe that's just my impression.

I send 1-2 ships a day, throw some maps for my runners, but I don't feel like my gameplay is mostly centered around Kingsmarch in any way. This is one of the reasons I like this league a lot - it's very chill and feels like some extra little on top of normal gameplay.
Last edited by Felix44 on Aug 28, 2024, 12:02:03 PM
Felix44 wrote:
Yeah but this is different because, like I said, it doesn't actually feel like a league mechanic. Yeah you have ore every map but it takes ~30sec to clear and gives no reward by itself. So I wouldn't really count "ore in map" as "league mechanic" like Legion or Ritual etc. Kingsmarch is a very passive thing, just an extra little bonus you get from running normal content. Without getting ore every map there's hardly anything left from the actual mechanic itself.

Lake of Kalandra also didn't feel like a league mechanic, going by that logic. In maps, the only thing you did was prepare a lake instance until it was ready to run.

Just because there's no direct mechanic or substantial interaction doesn't mean it's fit to stay in core.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.

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