Just came here to say how much I hate t17s

You guys with your div per hour. The 60-90k gold per map is whats counts ;P Imagine being able to log off for the weekend cause you did 10* t17s on friday afternoon and still get all your grain and run all mappers at least one more time when you log off and fill up the disenchanter with unqiues one more time before you log off and you don't have to worry about gold because you just earned ~700k from mapping in 90 minutes xd
I for once would like for GGG to start being transparent with their development, and actually see devs running these mechanics.

If there's one thing that makes me not only love and enjoy, but mostly respect studio products is their transparency, the only company that I still root for is DE (Digital Extremes, studio behind Warframe) as they are transparent with their development, at least we as players see them running the BS mechanics that they introduce and realize "yeah, this is actually BS, we'll remove or rework this".

As for GGG, the moment they introduced Foiled maps, it was just a matter of time before they started throwing mud at the wall with the mapping system and see what sticks. Despite them removing or reworking map mods, it takes took long for them to act.

The game is already bloated with too many mechanics, too many degens, too many ground damaging effects, it's just a bloated mess.

Adding to this the obnoxious visual clutter and you have yourself a very bad spaghetti meatballs recipe.

As someone that had the hobby of alpha/beta testing software, I know that it is impossible for Devs to test everything, but some sh*t is more than obvious to the naked eye, doesn't take a genius to realize somethings will give bad results.

I know It's easy for us to yell "buff this, nerf that" when there are hundreds of possible combinations, but this was more than obvious...

As for the profits, as much as I don't care about div/hour (to a certain degree), reality is that scarab prices are high as a result of the overall scarab loot nerf and T17 "more scarabs" modifiers.

T17's were introduced as an entry level to Uber bosses, the problem with this is that maps have too much clutter (hence shoot first ask questions later), while boss fights (while also having a lot of clutter) can be done with proper timing and micro, as long as you have the damage and learn the mechanics you can do it fairly easily, but T17 maps are just a mess...

Idk... Just throwing out my thoughts.
Pff, who even plays Standard?
I agree with OP, even though I'm "able" to run them with my current build I still need to use scarab of stability and even then I tried to run a Ziggurat map once without using scarab of bisection because you know, I wanted more loot. And the boss had extra attack speed so the moment I flamedashed back into the arena(because the degens outside means I can't stay there with my 177 life regen per second) she just does some mechanic in 0.01 seconds and instantly oneshots me. Again and again and again and eventually I ran out of portals WITH a scarab of stability lol

First of all these bosses become insanely cringe with map mods, I never run extra life as es or any extra hp, even though I have over 200 mil dps I still don't want them to take a second longer than they should.

And second, why are there still these random valdo mods on them? Maven interferes with player etc. etc. they should all be deleted ain't nobody gonna intentionally run those they simply exist to force you to delete more chaos orbs to roll these garbage maps. And btw there are still build-disabling mods like "player takes % of damage taken by their minions/totems" so thats fun. And stuff like "deal no damage every 10 seconds for 3 seconds" "reduced action speed per skill used recently" in a game where you constantly hold right click on every build and have an insane cast speed/attack speed?? Like what are these mods. Ofc people will reroll them. Either let us use all currency on these maps so people can scour them or run them magic 2-mod if they so desire, or put the bosses in a loading zone seperate from the map so they have no mods affecting them(this would also give you infinite tries on softcore since your checkpoint would be inside the map).

Like sure, I can technically run them using a scarab of stability and scarab of bisection to nullify prefixes/suffixes but then I get like no loot and the only worth thing is the 1-2 random fragments the boss drops.

T17s are still in a bad state, they're still more cringe for my build to run even though I've done 6/7 ubers on this build in 2 different leagues now. The uber boss keystones were better.

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